Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hump Day Happies: Downward Facing Bunny

Well, Easter is right around the corner- only a few days left.  What does Easter mean?  For those of you who went to Sunday School as a child, we learned that it is a Christian celebration of the Ressurection of Jesus.  But honestly, what did it really mean when we were kids?  Chocooooolllllaaaaattttteeeeee!

I remember writing letters to the Easter Bunny, and attaching it with a drawing.  I would ask him to leave me my favorite chocolates and, if he was feeling generous, a little something extra  Me and E-Buns always got a long great-one year he even brought me a bike!  But my favourite memory of this sugar-rushed holiday is The Hunt.  Now, I grew up with two older brothers, so you can just imagine how Easter meant serious business.  Our parents practically had to injury-proof the entire house because the Bros and I would very gladly push each other down a flight of stairs if it meant finding more decadent chocolate.  Ok, maybe not so extreme, but we did rush around and fight for the best sugary treat!  My brothers are 6 and 7 years older than me- quite an age difference when you're a 6-year old.  For the first 20 years of my life, I was allergic to eggs, and my two conniving brothers knew exactlyt how to use this unfortunate allergy to their advantage when The Hunt began and ended.  They convinced me that Cadbury Cream Eggs were filled with real eggs, so I couldn't have any.  I was too young and naive to question how that creamy, sweet smelling delicious white and yellow filling could actually be real eggs, so any Cream Egg I found, I gave to them.  Only at the age of 11 did I smarten up and say to myself "Wait...why the heck would it be real egg inside?  It can't be!?"  That, ladies and gentlemen, is when I had my very first Cadbury Cream Egg experience, and let me tell you- I could not believe that I had been deprived of such an unbelivable chocolate.

So on this Hump Day, lets keep something in mind- whether you celebrate Easter or not, enjoy a tasty Cadbury Cream Egg at least once this week.  Think of all the poor, gullible little blonde girls with egg allergies who were led to falsely believe they could not eat any.  Do it for them :)  Oh, and if you get the chance, do some yoga.  Get off your keaster for Easter!

Lady Lotus

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