Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are.

Monday, March 22, 2010

A Healing Practice

"Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured." ~B.K.S. Iyengar

I wanted to share this quote with all of you.  When I read it, it was as though much of what I feel towards yoga was summed up in this one sentence and wrapped with a shiny bow on top.

Since practicing yoga regularly, a sheet was lifted from over my eyes and I have been given the oppurtunity to breathe in life all over again.  Things look different, taste different, feel different and smell different.  Everything becomes a new oppurtunity to smile.  My practice has become my home away from home.  I become completely embodied by it.  For those days where my mind is clouded, the one thing I really want to do is yoga.  Almost instantly, while I lie there in Restorative Child's Pose at the end of practice, my day's little worries and stresses vanish- yoga cures what I do not need to endure.  And for those other days, where perhaps something else is going on or happening and it unfortunately cannot be changed, yoga still manages to lift me up.  It enables me to welcome these challenges, without having them control my every thought- it helps me endure what I cannot cure.  When I went to yoga class after finding out someone I loved dearly passed away, I didn't expect it to make everything feel better, but it did help me cope with the loss on a stronger level.

Yoga can be such a serene and fascinating form of healing therapy, as long as you let it in.  Come to think of it, this is part of what I set out to fulfill with my bloga.  Yes, I want to share all my stories, ideas and opinions with everyone, but my initial hope is to inspire the uninspired.  For those who have dabbled in yoga, and for those who are still sitting on the fence, I do hope that you give yourself the chance to become emersed with all the wonderful things yoga has to offer.  What this quote states is only part of what you can discover.  Check out the rest of this iceberg.

Lady Lotus


  1. Thank you for a lovely and inspirational post. I totally agree, and you have summed it up very nicely. Everyone has their own iceberg to discover, yoga is such a personal thing, and so amazing.
    Love the quote - I am currently reading 'Light on yoga', it's just wonderful.

  2. Thank you so much for your kind comment, KB :) I'm going to check out "Light on Yoga", I'm intrigued!
