Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Position of the Week: Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Benefits: This pose will stretch out your spine, as well as help relieve stress and fatigue.  It has particularly good effects for those who suffer from asthma, as it opens and stretches your lungs, as well as your heart and chest.

I could not think of a better POTW for today because guess what?  I'm siiiiick, blerg!  I somehow managed to catch an extremely unflattering bronchial plague.  My throat was itchy on Friday, so I bought some Green Tea Ricolas (yum!)  Unfortunately, it was not quite enough.  So here I am, lounging on my couch, snuggling with Roxanne and blogging away.  Cobra Pose has always been an asana that I love.  Since I have asthma, Cobra allows me to clear my inner passage way with slowm, deep breaths into strong, expanded lungs.  I have noticed that it has helped me today, too.  I was in the middle of my living room earlier, stretched out on my mat and going into Cobra pose over a few minutes.  Yes, it was a little bit painful since I wanted to cough out my lungs every time I went down, but it slowly started getting better and better.  I did it because I knew it would be particularly therapeutic today.  So whether you're sick or not, give Cobra a try.  Lie down on your stomach with your legs stretched behind you and the backs of your feet to the ground.  Place your spread hands on the floor, directly underneath your shoulders.  As you inhale, slowly start to lift your arms and your chest- breathe in life!  After a few breaths, find your way back down to your mat and let the breath echoe inside of you.  If you're sick like me then this is the point where you will cough, cough, cough...but trust me, it gets better!

Lady Lotus