Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Position of the Week: Garudasana (Eagle Pose)

Benefits: This asana will strengthen and stretch your calves and ankles, as well as stretch out your thighs, hips, shoulders and upper back.  You will find that both your balance and your concentration will improve.

I love this pose.  It used to make me giggle because it made everyone look like as though they really have to pee- their legs clasped so tightly together and wound up!  But then, as I learned to enjoy it, I got passed the immatureness of a pipi joke and discovered that it is so wonderful.  In the beginning it might be slightly difficult to keep your footing, but it gets easier.  My fabulous teacher always tells us to concentrate on a
specific point in front of us, and melt our mind towards it.  I find it extremely helpful when trying to stay focussed and balanced.  You know what else she says, and I just love?  She says let your eyes smile.  Now you may wonder how on earth do you make your eyes smile, and the truth is, I have no idea.  But I do something that makes me feel like my eyes are smiling.  I soften my face, my jaw, and I let my lips smile.  I soften my gaze, which make me eyes feel like they are smiling.  It just feels wonderful when performing this asana.

If you recall, in a previous post I mentioned how I have tight shoulders.  Now this is usually when my arms are working behind my body.  The gentle stretch I give my shoudlers with Eagle Pose is so nice, that my arms feel like they have grown when I come out of it.  Everything on the top of your body feels freshly squeezed, just like a lemon.  And the lower body?  Squeeeezed yet again, but not in a way that feels like you are cramping up (or having to pee, hehe)  It does just the opposite.  Once you unravel from this pose, your entire being is so present, focussed and full of life.  It is just devine.

Lady Lotus

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