Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Position of the Week: Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)

Benefits: A great pose to go into if you're stressed, sad and need some energy.  It stretches a whole lot: your arms, calves, hamstrings and hands.  It will strengthen your arms and legs.  Your digestion will improve if practiced regularly.  If you have a headache, insomnia or back pain this pose will do wonders.

It's time to honour the pose that this blog is partially named after: Downward Facing Dog, it's your time to shine!  It used to be a challenge- always remembering to keep my back straight, spreading my weight evenly in my hands, keeping my legs strong, externally rotating my shoulders...once I learned how to go into it with ease, it became that much needed burst of fabuloussness I needed in my day.  Now I could almost fall asleep in this pose- that is how calming and peaceful I find it to be. What's wonderful though is that I find this feeling of serenity resonates into my personal life as well.  If I'm having a difficult day, I will randomly go into thise pose.  I'm 100% serious.  If I'm at home in my living room and feeling bummed, I will get off the couch and hang out in Down Dog for a little while.  If I'm stressed at work, I'll go into a seperate room and find my way into this pose.  It is such an incredible way of letting your mind zone out and simply be present.   

Also, a few months ago I was diagnosed with asthma.  I recently found out that this pose has therapeutic effects in aiding asthma sufferers.  I'm hoping that one day I can throw out my inhaler and rely on good ol' Downward Facing Dog to keep me healthy!

Lady Lotus

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