Well, Easter is right around the corner- only a few days left. What does Easter mean? For those of you who went to Sunday School as a child, we learned that it is a Christian celebration of the Ressurection of Jesus. But honestly, what did it really mean when we were kids? Chocooooolllllaaaaattttteeeeee!
I remember writing letters to the Easter Bunny, and attaching it with a drawing. I would ask him to leave me my favorite chocolates and, if he was feeling generous, a little something extra Me and E-Buns always got a long great-one year he even brought me a bike! But my favourite memory of this sugar-rushed holiday is The Hunt. Now, I grew up with two older brothers, so you can just imagine how Easter meant serious business. Our parents practically had to injury-proof the entire house because the Bros and I would very gladly push each other down a flight of stairs if it meant finding more decadent chocolate. Ok, maybe not so extreme, but we did rush around and fight for the best sugary treat! My brothers are 6 and 7 years older than me- quite an age difference when you're a 6-year old. For the first 20 years of my life, I was allergic to eggs, and my two conniving brothers knew exactlyt how to use this unfortunate allergy to their advantage when The Hunt began and ended. They convinced me that Cadbury Cream Eggs were filled with real eggs, so I couldn't have any. I was too young and naive to question how that creamy, sweet smelling delicious white and yellow filling could actually be real eggs, so any Cream Egg I found, I gave to them. Only at the age of 11 did I smarten up and say to myself "Wait...why the heck would it be real egg inside? It can't be!?" That, ladies and gentlemen, is when I had my very first Cadbury Cream Egg experience, and let me tell you- I could not believe that I had been deprived of such an unbelivable chocolate.
So on this Hump Day, lets keep something in mind- whether you celebrate Easter or not, enjoy a tasty Cadbury Cream Egg at least once this week. Think of all the poor, gullible little blonde girls with egg allergies who were led to falsely believe they could not eat any. Do it for them :) Oh, and if you get the chance, do some yoga. Get off your keaster for Easter!
Lady Lotus
Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Ok, before you start criticizing this and thinking how ridiculous it appears to be, don't be so quick to judge. When I did couples yoga with Vinny, it felt so wonderful to be close to someone I love, especially when in Savasana (Corpse Pose). There is something so amazing about sharing the heartfelt emotions that run through your body when practicing yoga with another human being- or animal. Animals have feelings as much as we do. Wouldn't this be such a terrific way of re-connecting with your favourite four-legged friend? Roxanne sometimes snuggles up against me when I'm going yoga at home, and you know what? She makes the experience that much more purrrfect.
I read a quote once that stated "Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms”. It's time we let them bask in the glory of yoga with us- have them uncover their own Pawna...err, I mean Prana.
Lady Lotus
Monday, March 29, 2010
Position of the Week: Garudasana (Eagle Pose)
Benefits: This asana will strengthen and stretch your calves and ankles, as well as stretch out your thighs, hips, shoulders and upper back. You will find that both your balance and your concentration will improve.
I love this pose. It used to make me giggle because it made everyone look like as though they really have to pee- their legs clasped so tightly together and wound up! But then, as I learned to enjoy it, I got passed the immatureness of a pipi joke and discovered that it is so wonderful. In the beginning it might be slightly difficult to keep your footing, but it gets easier. My fabulous teacher always tells us to concentrate on a
specific point in front of us, and melt our mind towards it. I find it extremely helpful when trying to stay focussed and balanced. You know what else she says, and I just love? She says let your eyes smile. Now you may wonder how on earth do you make your eyes smile, and the truth is, I have no idea. But I do something that makes me feel like my eyes are smiling. I soften my face, my jaw, and I let my lips smile. I soften my gaze, which make me eyes feel like they are smiling. It just feels wonderful when performing this asana.
If you recall, in a previous post I mentioned how I have tight shoulders. Now this is usually when my arms are working behind my body. The gentle stretch I give my shoudlers with Eagle Pose is so nice, that my arms feel like they have grown when I come out of it. Everything on the top of your body feels freshly squeezed, just like a lemon. And the lower body? Squeeeezed yet again, but not in a way that feels like you are cramping up (or having to pee, hehe) It does just the opposite. Once you unravel from this pose, your entire being is so present, focussed and full of life. It is just devine.
Lady Lotus
I love this pose. It used to make me giggle because it made everyone look like as though they really have to pee- their legs clasped so tightly together and wound up! But then, as I learned to enjoy it, I got passed the immatureness of a pipi joke and discovered that it is so wonderful. In the beginning it might be slightly difficult to keep your footing, but it gets easier. My fabulous teacher always tells us to concentrate on a
specific point in front of us, and melt our mind towards it. I find it extremely helpful when trying to stay focussed and balanced. You know what else she says, and I just love? She says let your eyes smile. Now you may wonder how on earth do you make your eyes smile, and the truth is, I have no idea. But I do something that makes me feel like my eyes are smiling. I soften my face, my jaw, and I let my lips smile. I soften my gaze, which make me eyes feel like they are smiling. It just feels wonderful when performing this asana.
If you recall, in a previous post I mentioned how I have tight shoulders. Now this is usually when my arms are working behind my body. The gentle stretch I give my shoudlers with Eagle Pose is so nice, that my arms feel like they have grown when I come out of it. Everything on the top of your body feels freshly squeezed, just like a lemon. And the lower body? Squeeeezed yet again, but not in a way that feels like you are cramping up (or having to pee, hehe) It does just the opposite. Once you unravel from this pose, your entire being is so present, focussed and full of life. It is just devine.
Lady Lotus
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Hump Day Happies: NamasTea
I have been a tea drinker for quite some time- coffee never really tickled my fancy. And by now, most of you know that I am completely and utterly smitten by David's Tea (is this already the 3rd time I mention them in my bloga?) Well, it's true- though I have always loved tea, this place has helped me rediscover it in a whole new way. It puts most of the other teas I have bought at the grocery store to shame.
I'll drink tea at most any time during the day, whether it's David's or not. I like to enjoy a cup in the morning, and especially in the afternoon. I'll drink a cup before going to bed (decaf, naturally). I'll have a spot of tea at home, at the office, or while I'm out and about. However, I especially love to drink tea right after my yoga practice. When I step out of class, my body and my mind are at such ease. It is one of the most rejuvenating feelings. The last thing I want is to have that sensation evaporate from inside of me. Once I step out of class, I am absorbed in the hustle and bustle of a busy downtown afternoon. What do I do in order to segue myself from zen to zoo? I enjoy a cup of tea, which is so graciously offered to me at the end of every practice. It makes me feel as though I am able to drink in everything I am feeling at that moment. The warm soothing taste and aroma encompasses me, and allows me to greet my day anew. Often is is an extremely tasty Bengal tea that is served- slightly spicy with a hint of cinnamon, ginger and cloves- the perfect combo after a perfect practice.

Now let me be honest: I keep coming back to David's Tea, but I assure you that they are not paying me to do so, ha! I just really, really...really...love their tea. Plus, it was started here in Montreal! But you know what else is so great about this place? The people who work there- not once have I met someone bitter. They are always smiling and extremely helpful. I always end up having a little chat with the person behind the counter, and it is such a nice addition to my day. I walk out of there with a similar feeling to when I walk out of my yoga class- happy!
So on this sunny Hump Day, make yourself a nice cup of tea (or go to David's tea and buy one) and bask in the glow it brings to you.
Lady Lotus
Check out the David's Tea website!
Monday, March 22, 2010
A Healing Practice
"Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured." ~B.K.S. Iyengar
I wanted to share this quote with all of you. When I read it, it was as though much of what I feel towards yoga was summed up in this one sentence and wrapped with a shiny bow on top.
Since practicing yoga regularly, a sheet was lifted from over my eyes and I have been given the oppurtunity to breathe in life all over again. Things look different, taste different, feel different and smell different. Everything becomes a new oppurtunity to smile. My practice has become my home away from home. I become completely embodied by it. For those days where my mind is clouded, the one thing I really want to do is yoga. Almost instantly, while I lie there in Restorative Child's Pose at the end of practice, my day's little worries and stresses vanish- yoga cures what I do not need to endure. And for those other days, where perhaps something else is going on or happening and it unfortunately cannot be changed, yoga still manages to lift me up. It enables me to welcome these challenges, without having them control my every thought- it helps me endure what I cannot cure. When I went to yoga class after finding out someone I loved dearly passed away, I didn't expect it to make everything feel better, but it did help me cope with the loss on a stronger level.
Yoga can be such a serene and fascinating form of healing therapy, as long as you let it in. Come to think of it, this is part of what I set out to fulfill with my bloga. Yes, I want to share all my stories, ideas and opinions with everyone, but my initial hope is to inspire the uninspired. For those who have dabbled in yoga, and for those who are still sitting on the fence, I do hope that you give yourself the chance to become emersed with all the wonderful things yoga has to offer. What this quote states is only part of what you can discover. Check out the rest of this iceberg.
Lady Lotus
I wanted to share this quote with all of you. When I read it, it was as though much of what I feel towards yoga was summed up in this one sentence and wrapped with a shiny bow on top.
Since practicing yoga regularly, a sheet was lifted from over my eyes and I have been given the oppurtunity to breathe in life all over again. Things look different, taste different, feel different and smell different. Everything becomes a new oppurtunity to smile. My practice has become my home away from home. I become completely embodied by it. For those days where my mind is clouded, the one thing I really want to do is yoga. Almost instantly, while I lie there in Restorative Child's Pose at the end of practice, my day's little worries and stresses vanish- yoga cures what I do not need to endure. And for those other days, where perhaps something else is going on or happening and it unfortunately cannot be changed, yoga still manages to lift me up. It enables me to welcome these challenges, without having them control my every thought- it helps me endure what I cannot cure. When I went to yoga class after finding out someone I loved dearly passed away, I didn't expect it to make everything feel better, but it did help me cope with the loss on a stronger level.
Yoga can be such a serene and fascinating form of healing therapy, as long as you let it in. Come to think of it, this is part of what I set out to fulfill with my bloga. Yes, I want to share all my stories, ideas and opinions with everyone, but my initial hope is to inspire the uninspired. For those who have dabbled in yoga, and for those who are still sitting on the fence, I do hope that you give yourself the chance to become emersed with all the wonderful things yoga has to offer. What this quote states is only part of what you can discover. Check out the rest of this iceberg.
Lady Lotus
Position of the Week: Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
Benefits: This pose will stretch out your spine, as well as help relieve stress and fatigue. It has particularly good effects for those who suffer from asthma, as it opens and stretches your lungs, as well as your heart and chest.
I could not think of a better POTW for today because guess what? I'm siiiiick, blerg! I somehow managed to catch an extremely unflattering bronchial plague. My throat was itchy on Friday, so I bought some Green Tea Ricolas (yum!) Unfortunately, it was not quite enough. So here I am, lounging on my couch, snuggling with Roxanne and blogging away. Cobra Pose has always been an asana that I love. Since I have asthma, Cobra allows me to clear my inner passage way with slowm, deep breaths into strong, expanded lungs. I have noticed that it has helped me today, too. I was in the middle of my living room earlier, stretched out on my mat and going into Cobra pose over a few minutes. Yes, it was a little bit painful since I wanted to cough out my lungs every time I went down, but it slowly started getting better and better. I did it because I knew it would be particularly therapeutic today. So whether you're sick or not, give Cobra a try. Lie down on your stomach with your legs stretched behind you and the backs of your feet to the ground. Place your spread hands on the floor, directly underneath your shoulders. As you inhale, slowly start to lift your arms and your chest- breathe in life! After a few breaths, find your way back down to your mat and let the breath echoe inside of you. If you're sick like me then this is the point where you will cough, cough, cough...but trust me, it gets better!
Lady Lotus
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Bloga Re-Vamped!
My precious bloga has gotten a makeover! I hope you all like it- I find it more serene. I loved the yellow because it resembled the walls of the first yoga studio I practiced at, but thought that a change would be nice. So welcome to the all new and improved Downward Facing Blog! I'm slowly starting to learn more about the technical side of blogging, so stay tuned for perhaps a few more tweeks. Like on the right--> a poll! I'll update it every week or so.
On an unrelated note- I went back to David's Tea today. This love affair is getting steamy! I enjoyed a Chocolate Mint Maté, and it was absolutely delicious! I contemplated buying a bag of it so I could make it at home, but figured I would wait and make sure that I liked it. Now, listen to this...on my way to work today, my wonderful co-worker and friend Ari (whom inspired me to create my Yoga Board of Inspiration which I previously blogged about) sent me a text message, announcing that she had a gift waiting on my desk. Well you can imagine my surprise when I walked in and saw a bag of Chocolate Mint Maté Tea just sitting there for me! Seriously, what are the chances? This made my day even better. Gotta love those happy coincidences.
Lady Lotus
On an unrelated note- I went back to David's Tea today. This love affair is getting steamy! I enjoyed a Chocolate Mint Maté, and it was absolutely delicious! I contemplated buying a bag of it so I could make it at home, but figured I would wait and make sure that I liked it. Now, listen to this...on my way to work today, my wonderful co-worker and friend Ari (whom inspired me to create my Yoga Board of Inspiration which I previously blogged about) sent me a text message, announcing that she had a gift waiting on my desk. Well you can imagine my surprise when I walked in and saw a bag of Chocolate Mint Maté Tea just sitting there for me! Seriously, what are the chances? This made my day even better. Gotta love those happy coincidences.
Lady Lotus
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Hump Day Happies: Walking on Sunshine
"Me thinks that the moment my legs begin to move, my thoughts begin to flow." ~Henry David Thoreau
After being shacked up in our homes while Jack Frost did his worse, it's so refreshing to finally feel the warm sun plunging down on our faces. Not to mention being able to walk without worrying about slipping, slushy snow, and big boots. Take a look out the window- what do you see? Spring jackets, sunglasses and flat bellerina style shoes. The first sign that Spring is in the air! Let me tell you about the wonderful morning I had yesterday.
I woke up bright and early (ok 9:30am, not really early, but bright nonetheless!) I walked out the door with music in my ears and made my way up to Mount-Royal Avenue. I think that's the one thing I love most about where I live: I can get to the Avenue within 6 minutes. Everything is so close-by. It felt absolutely wonderful to not worry about mittens, earmuffs, and the sniffles! For those of you who don't know me that well, I love walking. I can walk for hours and hours, especially on beautiful days. I will walk anywhere if I can. My first stop yesterday was David's Tea. For those of you who are unfamiliar with it, it's my discovery of the century. I have begun a torrid love affair with this place. You walk in and have hundreds of teas ligned up, just begging to be sipped. The people who work there are so friendly and extremely helpful. You can literally walk in and say "I'm in the mood for something sweet, slightly spicy, with no caffeine" or "I have a headache, what should I drink?" and they will suggest loads of teas for you to try. You can even start off by smelling them to see how your nose feels about them. Yesterday I indulged in a caramel pear tea- delicious! So I continued my journey on Mount-Royal Avenue, with a tea and a smile on my face. Now, at this point, I no longer had my Ipod plugged into my ears. I love listening to music when walking. I have a playlist that I quite appropriately named AWESOME- a true hommage to the great music found in it. It's mostly a mix of classic DooWop tunes. However, when walking out of David's Tea, I realized something incredible. Silence. I didn't hear the sound of cars honking or people yelling. The Avenue was so peaceful. It was as though I was walking in my own little bubble, and no one could burst it. This made my walk even more enjoyable. It allowed me to really reflect inside- I have a tendancy to daydream, especially when walking alone. It's like the creative juices flow stronger than ever. After a few moments, I plugged my oldies back in and continued to walk along St-Denis street where people were enjoying coffees and conversations on terasses. I continued right up until I got to my yoga studio downtown. Now, Sainte-Catherine street was not as peaceful, but the serene feeling lingered with me nonetheless. Oh, and my yoga practice was a wonderful way of tieing a bow on the top of my morning. It was a recipe for wonder: sunshine, walking, David's Tea, music, silence, yoga.
So on this Hump Day, which is equally as beautiful as yesterday, I do hope that you take the time to stretch out your legs and take a stroll. Let yourself bathe in the sunny feeling. And if you're ever on Mount-Royal Avenue and happen to pass by a blonde girl with sunglasses, a kick in her step, a David's Tea in hand and a smile stretched from one ear to the next, please, say hello :)
Lady Lotus
After being shacked up in our homes while Jack Frost did his worse, it's so refreshing to finally feel the warm sun plunging down on our faces. Not to mention being able to walk without worrying about slipping, slushy snow, and big boots. Take a look out the window- what do you see? Spring jackets, sunglasses and flat bellerina style shoes. The first sign that Spring is in the air! Let me tell you about the wonderful morning I had yesterday.
I woke up bright and early (ok 9:30am, not really early, but bright nonetheless!) I walked out the door with music in my ears and made my way up to Mount-Royal Avenue. I think that's the one thing I love most about where I live: I can get to the Avenue within 6 minutes. Everything is so close-by. It felt absolutely wonderful to not worry about mittens, earmuffs, and the sniffles! For those of you who don't know me that well, I love walking. I can walk for hours and hours, especially on beautiful days. I will walk anywhere if I can. My first stop yesterday was David's Tea. For those of you who are unfamiliar with it, it's my discovery of the century. I have begun a torrid love affair with this place. You walk in and have hundreds of teas ligned up, just begging to be sipped. The people who work there are so friendly and extremely helpful. You can literally walk in and say "I'm in the mood for something sweet, slightly spicy, with no caffeine" or "I have a headache, what should I drink?" and they will suggest loads of teas for you to try. You can even start off by smelling them to see how your nose feels about them. Yesterday I indulged in a caramel pear tea- delicious! So I continued my journey on Mount-Royal Avenue, with a tea and a smile on my face. Now, at this point, I no longer had my Ipod plugged into my ears. I love listening to music when walking. I have a playlist that I quite appropriately named AWESOME- a true hommage to the great music found in it. It's mostly a mix of classic DooWop tunes. However, when walking out of David's Tea, I realized something incredible. Silence. I didn't hear the sound of cars honking or people yelling. The Avenue was so peaceful. It was as though I was walking in my own little bubble, and no one could burst it. This made my walk even more enjoyable. It allowed me to really reflect inside- I have a tendancy to daydream, especially when walking alone. It's like the creative juices flow stronger than ever. After a few moments, I plugged my oldies back in and continued to walk along St-Denis street where people were enjoying coffees and conversations on terasses. I continued right up until I got to my yoga studio downtown. Now, Sainte-Catherine street was not as peaceful, but the serene feeling lingered with me nonetheless. Oh, and my yoga practice was a wonderful way of tieing a bow on the top of my morning. It was a recipe for wonder: sunshine, walking, David's Tea, music, silence, yoga.
So on this Hump Day, which is equally as beautiful as yesterday, I do hope that you take the time to stretch out your legs and take a stroll. Let yourself bathe in the sunny feeling. And if you're ever on Mount-Royal Avenue and happen to pass by a blonde girl with sunglasses, a kick in her step, a David's Tea in hand and a smile stretched from one ear to the next, please, say hello :)
Lady Lotus
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Position of the Week: Salamba Sirsasana (Supported Headstand)
Benefits: This is a great pose to practice if you are stressed or depressed. It will strengthen you lungs, arms, legs and spine. It will tone the abdominal organs and improve digestion. It is therapeutic for menopause, asthma, infertility and insomnia.
Okay, I know that this week's POTW is a day late- my apologies! But as a result, I have an even more exciting position to share with you. Today, for the very first time in my yoga practice, I went into a Supported Headstand. Acutally, it was more of a Supported Supported Headstand, because we practiced it in between two chairs against a wall. But what a rush! I never had the oppurtunity to go into this asana. I had tried doing it at home during my own private practice, but was too worried to topple over and fall into Vinny's big screen TV- he would not be pleased. I really need a bigger space to practice at home.
So today, my fabulous teacher taught us how to use chairs to practice going into this pose, and let me tell you- the feeling you get when you are actually doing it is unbelievable. It really comes down to mind over matter. You know there is a wall behind you, and you know there are chairs supporting you. The trickiest part is actually telling yourself that you are going to be fine. Remember when you were a kid and you would flip upside down from the swing, do 10 cartwheels in a row, and kick up your legs and try to walk on your hands? We did it then, why are we so afraid to kick our legs up now? You just need to put that unecessary fear on the backburner and put yourself to the test. Once your legs are up in the air, you can overcome any negative emotion. You are stable and supported, you are strong and powerful, you are in a headstand! When you come out of it and rest in child's pose for a few breaths, you literally feel the blood rushing through your veins. Your entire body and mind is emersed in the surging feeling of positive heat, and you are booming with energy. The mix of the beneficial effects of the pose as well as the realization that you can conquer a simple fear unite together to allow this asana to rejuvinate your spirit.
Lady Lotus
Okay, I know that this week's POTW is a day late- my apologies! But as a result, I have an even more exciting position to share with you. Today, for the very first time in my yoga practice, I went into a Supported Headstand. Acutally, it was more of a Supported Supported Headstand, because we practiced it in between two chairs against a wall. But what a rush! I never had the oppurtunity to go into this asana. I had tried doing it at home during my own private practice, but was too worried to topple over and fall into Vinny's big screen TV- he would not be pleased. I really need a bigger space to practice at home.
So today, my fabulous teacher taught us how to use chairs to practice going into this pose, and let me tell you- the feeling you get when you are actually doing it is unbelievable. It really comes down to mind over matter. You know there is a wall behind you, and you know there are chairs supporting you. The trickiest part is actually telling yourself that you are going to be fine. Remember when you were a kid and you would flip upside down from the swing, do 10 cartwheels in a row, and kick up your legs and try to walk on your hands? We did it then, why are we so afraid to kick our legs up now? You just need to put that unecessary fear on the backburner and put yourself to the test. Once your legs are up in the air, you can overcome any negative emotion. You are stable and supported, you are strong and powerful, you are in a headstand! When you come out of it and rest in child's pose for a few breaths, you literally feel the blood rushing through your veins. Your entire body and mind is emersed in the surging feeling of positive heat, and you are booming with energy. The mix of the beneficial effects of the pose as well as the realization that you can conquer a simple fear unite together to allow this asana to rejuvinate your spirit.
Lady Lotus
Monday, March 15, 2010
I'm Still Here!
My dearest friends...I am so sorry for the lack of posting this week. I have even neglected to update my latest POTW. My tardiness is a result of an unexpected weekend full of unfortunate have to's that I wish I did not have to. I will explore this further in another post, but for now, my promise to you- this week will have a Position (better late than never), and definitely will have a Hump Day Happy. And I am a girl of her word. To be continued very shortly!
Lady Lotus
Lady Lotus
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Hump Day Happies: Supercalafragalisticexpialadoshus
Don't you just love the sensation that blankets over you when you hear a song, watch a movie, or read a book from your childhood? If I could, I would take a trip through time at least once a day. I swear, every time I see or hear some reference to The Little Prince, my heart seems to grow five times larger and my mind is engulfed with nothing but an intoxicating feeling of bliss. I love that book- it's basically my philosophy of everyday life.
Well, this past weekend I was able to dive yet again into a more tender age. My best blonde friend and I put on our PJs, prepared a snack, melted into her couch and watched Mary Poppins. Watching this movie brought me back to such a wonderful place and time in my life. Yes, I am very happy with my life today, but there is something incomparable about life when you were a child. There is a great quote that states “There is a garden in every childhood, an enchanted place where colors are brighter, the air softer, and the morning more fragrant than ever again.” It seems that everything we saw, felt, smelt and heard appeared so grandiose and radiant. Tapping back into the innerchild in all of us allows us to reacquaint ourselves with these experiences. Snuggling with my memories and watching Mary Poppins on that couch felt amazing. I found myself remembering the lyrics to the songs, recalling my favourite scenes, and reminiscing on how beautiful I thought Julie Andrews was (and still is!) when I was a little girl. I wished I would look like her when I grew up. I even wanted to be her: on windy days I would stand in my driveway with an open umbrella, hoping that I would be whisked into the skies just like Mary. I also had a crush on Bert, Dick Van Dyke's character. He was funny, charming, and loved kids. What more could a little girl ask for? Once the movie was done, my best blonde friend and I were immerged in nothing but warmth. We couldn't stop smiling during and after.
It's incredible how something so simple can conjure up such pleasant feelings. Please allow that garden inside of you to continually blossom. Find something that takes you back to your childhood. It can be more than a movie, television show, song or book. It can be a scent. It can be something you taste. Whatever that thing is, let it back into your life and let the sincerity of that emotion envelope you. May you all find your inner garden on this beautiful and sunny Hump day.
Lady Lotus
Well, this past weekend I was able to dive yet again into a more tender age. My best blonde friend and I put on our PJs, prepared a snack, melted into her couch and watched Mary Poppins. Watching this movie brought me back to such a wonderful place and time in my life. Yes, I am very happy with my life today, but there is something incomparable about life when you were a child. There is a great quote that states “There is a garden in every childhood, an enchanted place where colors are brighter, the air softer, and the morning more fragrant than ever again.” It seems that everything we saw, felt, smelt and heard appeared so grandiose and radiant. Tapping back into the innerchild in all of us allows us to reacquaint ourselves with these experiences. Snuggling with my memories and watching Mary Poppins on that couch felt amazing. I found myself remembering the lyrics to the songs, recalling my favourite scenes, and reminiscing on how beautiful I thought Julie Andrews was (and still is!) when I was a little girl. I wished I would look like her when I grew up. I even wanted to be her: on windy days I would stand in my driveway with an open umbrella, hoping that I would be whisked into the skies just like Mary. I also had a crush on Bert, Dick Van Dyke's character. He was funny, charming, and loved kids. What more could a little girl ask for? Once the movie was done, my best blonde friend and I were immerged in nothing but warmth. We couldn't stop smiling during and after.
It's incredible how something so simple can conjure up such pleasant feelings. Please allow that garden inside of you to continually blossom. Find something that takes you back to your childhood. It can be more than a movie, television show, song or book. It can be a scent. It can be something you taste. Whatever that thing is, let it back into your life and let the sincerity of that emotion envelope you. May you all find your inner garden on this beautiful and sunny Hump day.
Lady Lotus
Monday, March 8, 2010
Position of the Week: Vrksasana (Tree Pose)
Benefits: This pose strengthens your calves, thighs, ankles and spine. It will stretch out your inner thighs, groin, chest and shoulders. It helps improve your sense of balance, and also helps reduce flat feet and relieve sciatica.
So forget everything you've seen with regards to the depiction of school plays in movies and television. There's always that dorky kid who gets stuck playing a tree, and stands there with his arms sticking out like branches and a blank stare on his face. This kid's rule is simple: don't move- you're a tree. To be the tree is the epitome of humiliation. Well people, say hello to Tree Pose. The asana that kicks this tree playing stereotype in the assana. Yes, trees are rooted to the ground and seem very still. But lets not forget that they are indeed very much alive, and not so immobile. They sway in the wind. I find it lets you visualize yourself as something else, while continually remaining connected to your mind, breath and body. While other poses allow you to do the same like, for example, feeling like a combatant in one of the Warrior Poses, Tree Pose brings you back to nature. One of the reasons I love it so much.
Going into it for the first time was great. My teacher said to bend our leg and bring it to the side of our other leg. We could leave our bent foot on the ground, bring it under ther knee, or catch it and place it in the cushion of the thigh. I decided to catch it and bring it to the thigh. That's when my teacher looked at all of us and said "It's ok, no variation is better than the other. These are just different options." I made sure to really listen to what she said. Why did I choose to place my foot there? I didn't want to place my foot that way because it made me look better and more advanced. If that was the case then I would have forced myself to place it lower just to show the blowhard in me who's boss. I put it there because it felt right. Sure, it made the pose feel slightly more challenging because my balance was being put to the test, but perhaps because of that extra stimulation it still felt right. You could also choose where you would like to place your arms and hands. You can place them in prayer position, to the sides, up over your head and reaching up to the sky, or over your head with your arms stretched out and hands clasped in temple (your index fingers pointing up). Again, you are able to choose what feels right. Personally, I think they all feel wonderful.
Now lets go back to what I said before: trees are alive. Another wonderful thing my teacher pointed out: it's ok if you don't feel 100% stable and move back and forth a little bit while trying to stay grounded. Trees blow in the wind, too. Amazing- Tree Pose lets you embrace the fact that there may be things you consider to be imperfections but in reality are not. Swaying doesn't mean you are not doing the pose correctly. You are simply being what a tree is: alive. You are embodying the pose to it's fullest. Then tomorrow, when you feel slightly more stable and have better balance than the day before, well, you aren't necessarily stronger in the pose. That day, you are a tree on a windless morning.
Thank you, Tree Pose, for allowing us to sway, be still, and be happy.
Lady Lotus
So forget everything you've seen with regards to the depiction of school plays in movies and television. There's always that dorky kid who gets stuck playing a tree, and stands there with his arms sticking out like branches and a blank stare on his face. This kid's rule is simple: don't move- you're a tree. To be the tree is the epitome of humiliation. Well people, say hello to Tree Pose. The asana that kicks this tree playing stereotype in the assana. Yes, trees are rooted to the ground and seem very still. But lets not forget that they are indeed very much alive, and not so immobile. They sway in the wind. I find it lets you visualize yourself as something else, while continually remaining connected to your mind, breath and body. While other poses allow you to do the same like, for example, feeling like a combatant in one of the Warrior Poses, Tree Pose brings you back to nature. One of the reasons I love it so much.
Going into it for the first time was great. My teacher said to bend our leg and bring it to the side of our other leg. We could leave our bent foot on the ground, bring it under ther knee, or catch it and place it in the cushion of the thigh. I decided to catch it and bring it to the thigh. That's when my teacher looked at all of us and said "It's ok, no variation is better than the other. These are just different options." I made sure to really listen to what she said. Why did I choose to place my foot there? I didn't want to place my foot that way because it made me look better and more advanced. If that was the case then I would have forced myself to place it lower just to show the blowhard in me who's boss. I put it there because it felt right. Sure, it made the pose feel slightly more challenging because my balance was being put to the test, but perhaps because of that extra stimulation it still felt right. You could also choose where you would like to place your arms and hands. You can place them in prayer position, to the sides, up over your head and reaching up to the sky, or over your head with your arms stretched out and hands clasped in temple (your index fingers pointing up). Again, you are able to choose what feels right. Personally, I think they all feel wonderful.
Now lets go back to what I said before: trees are alive. Another wonderful thing my teacher pointed out: it's ok if you don't feel 100% stable and move back and forth a little bit while trying to stay grounded. Trees blow in the wind, too. Amazing- Tree Pose lets you embrace the fact that there may be things you consider to be imperfections but in reality are not. Swaying doesn't mean you are not doing the pose correctly. You are simply being what a tree is: alive. You are embodying the pose to it's fullest. Then tomorrow, when you feel slightly more stable and have better balance than the day before, well, you aren't necessarily stronger in the pose. That day, you are a tree on a windless morning.
Thank you, Tree Pose, for allowing us to sway, be still, and be happy.
Lady Lotus
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Downward Facing Baby
I just have to share a picture with you. A few days ago, Tall Bro sent me an e-mail. I was immediately intrigued by the subject line reading "Position of the Week"- proof that my brother reads my blog! But I know he is an avid follower. Once he even linked my blog on his Facebook page- what a guy! I opened the e-mail and started reading. He began explaining how he thinks my cutsie pie nephew must be sneaking into the office at night, opening the computer, and reading my blog. Tall Bro and Sista in Law have been noticing a change in the way cutsie pie lies down on his stomach- an obvious attraction to last week's POTW. He instructed me to open up the attachment...
Ok, so he may not have the technique down to a tee, but does this not look like an attempt to go into Downward Facing Dog? I am so proud of him- following in Aunty's footsteps! Pretty soon he'll be going into handstands and backbends. They'll have to take household baby proofing to a whole new level.
Lady Lotus
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Yoga Board of Inspiration
Let me introduce you to one of my co-workers. There is no doubt in my mind that the wonderful Ary is going to be one of Montreal's (and the world's) next fashionista gurus. She is so talented in what she does, but most importantly, she is extremely passionate. She has known that she wants to design clothing since she has been a child. Her dream continues to follow her, and is slowly becoming a reality! She recently shared a great idea with me. In order to remain continually inspired, she has created her very own board of inspiration. This is a place where she compiles photos in order to motivate her. It acts as a constant reminder of where she wants to go, and what she longs for. A simple picture of a flower can mean much more to her than what it literally represents. It can help her with the creation of a piece of clothing. With it, she can also find ways to enliven herself. She has made a board for fashion, and even for her new home. She will place pictures of beaches, suns, water, etc, to inspire her to create a similar feeling in her home of what these images represent. In a nutshell, these boards act as a way to inspire her in life. When she told me this, I instantly wanted to do the same. This is how my Yoga Board of Inspiration has come to be.
Now, I don't want to lie- I haven't yet actually purchased a physical board, but I have started collecting pictures and articles that I know will continue to trigger the spark I have burning inside of me. I am constantly perusing through issues of Yoga Journal and other books and magazines for articles and pictures that particularly catch my eye. I have pictures of poses- poses I'd like to perfect, poses I look forward to teaching and poses I want to learn more about. I have cut out powerful articles that have made me smile, laugh and ponder. Sometimes a simple color or a word will stand out, and I will cut that out, too. Anything that conjures up beauty, devotion and stimulates my senses has a spot on my board. I have such a medley of images collected, but each and every one speaks to me on a certain level. At first glance it will probably look like a mish-mash of a collage, but what it represents for me is what is most important. I know that something simple like this board will continue to push me in the right direction.
I think this may become something I undertake on a regular basis. The particular board I have started is with regards to my yoga practice, but there are many more board oppurtunities as well! I would propose to you all to try a similar project. Even just perusing through images feels good- it's kind of therapeutic, really.
Lady Lotus
Now, I don't want to lie- I haven't yet actually purchased a physical board, but I have started collecting pictures and articles that I know will continue to trigger the spark I have burning inside of me. I am constantly perusing through issues of Yoga Journal and other books and magazines for articles and pictures that particularly catch my eye. I have pictures of poses- poses I'd like to perfect, poses I look forward to teaching and poses I want to learn more about. I have cut out powerful articles that have made me smile, laugh and ponder. Sometimes a simple color or a word will stand out, and I will cut that out, too. Anything that conjures up beauty, devotion and stimulates my senses has a spot on my board. I have such a medley of images collected, but each and every one speaks to me on a certain level. At first glance it will probably look like a mish-mash of a collage, but what it represents for me is what is most important. I know that something simple like this board will continue to push me in the right direction.
I think this may become something I undertake on a regular basis. The particular board I have started is with regards to my yoga practice, but there are many more board oppurtunities as well! I would propose to you all to try a similar project. Even just perusing through images feels good- it's kind of therapeutic, really.
Lady Lotus
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Hump Day Happies: A Drole Drawing
If this cartoon doesn't smack a smile across your face, then I don't know what will.
How many of you have thought this at some point in your pratice? Heck, at any point of your day regardless what kind of activity you're doing? This week's Hump Day Happy is short and sweet. Allow yourself to giggle at this cartoon. Don't be reluctant because you feel like it's poking fun at the art of yoga- it's ok, go ahead and laugh!
Lady Lotus
Monday, March 1, 2010
Position of the Week: Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)
Benefits: A great pose to go into if you're stressed, sad and need some energy. It stretches a whole lot: your arms, calves, hamstrings and hands. It will strengthen your arms and legs. Your digestion will improve if practiced regularly. If you have a headache, insomnia or back pain this pose will do wonders.
It's time to honour the pose that this blog is partially named after: Downward Facing Dog, it's your time to shine! It used to be a challenge- always remembering to keep my back straight, spreading my weight evenly in my hands, keeping my legs strong, externally rotating my shoulders...once I learned how to go into it with ease, it became that much needed burst of fabuloussness I needed in my day. Now I could almost fall asleep in this pose- that is how calming and peaceful I find it to be. What's wonderful though is that I find this feeling of serenity resonates into my personal life as well. If I'm having a difficult day, I will randomly go into thise pose. I'm 100% serious. If I'm at home in my living room and feeling bummed, I will get off the couch and hang out in Down Dog for a little while. If I'm stressed at work, I'll go into a seperate room and find my way into this pose. It is such an incredible way of letting your mind zone out and simply be present.
Also, a few months ago I was diagnosed with asthma. I recently found out that this pose has therapeutic effects in aiding asthma sufferers. I'm hoping that one day I can throw out my inhaler and rely on good ol' Downward Facing Dog to keep me healthy!
It's time to honour the pose that this blog is partially named after: Downward Facing Dog, it's your time to shine! It used to be a challenge- always remembering to keep my back straight, spreading my weight evenly in my hands, keeping my legs strong, externally rotating my shoulders...once I learned how to go into it with ease, it became that much needed burst of fabuloussness I needed in my day. Now I could almost fall asleep in this pose- that is how calming and peaceful I find it to be. What's wonderful though is that I find this feeling of serenity resonates into my personal life as well. If I'm having a difficult day, I will randomly go into thise pose. I'm 100% serious. If I'm at home in my living room and feeling bummed, I will get off the couch and hang out in Down Dog for a little while. If I'm stressed at work, I'll go into a seperate room and find my way into this pose. It is such an incredible way of letting your mind zone out and simply be present.
Also, a few months ago I was diagnosed with asthma. I recently found out that this pose has therapeutic effects in aiding asthma sufferers. I'm hoping that one day I can throw out my inhaler and rely on good ol' Downward Facing Dog to keep me healthy!
Lady Lotus
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