If you have not yet read my Why All This Yoga post, I suggest you do before reading any further...they are interconnected.
A year ago today, someone I loved very much passed away. I have found myself thinking about her a lot lately, especially for the last week. It seems that whenever a kind of anniversary comes up, even one as saddening as this, we tend to concentrate on these people or incidences more deeply. Not a day goes by that I don't think about her, even if it is just for a second, but oddly enough when the one year mark comes up, it seems to be even more sad. I guess we attach a lot of meaning to anniversaries. Personally, I find these times more difficult because I start to recall where I was, exactly a year ago. For the last week I kept thinking "Well, this time last year I was at the hospital with her", or, "This time last year, at this very minute, I got that troubling phone call notifying me that she had passed...". So it is in the reminiscing of these moments that make this time hard. When this was all happening, I didn't go to work for days, so I could be near her and the family. When I had to go back to work, I would go straight to the hospital afterwards but not without making a quick pit stop to pick up coffees for everyone, who sat by her side for days, waiting for what we were told was the inevitable. During this unfortunate time, I learned a lot about myself and my loved ones. I learned that we are strong, and that we care for each other more than words can ever describe, and that I could ever fathom. I desperately tried to be a pillar of strength for everyone, but at times forgot that I am human and had to let myself feel all the emotions that were trying so desperately to escape me. My mom put it best- she said "You're just like me: you freeze your brain when things get tough." So perhaps my brain has still been slightly frozen for the last year, but slowly and slowly, I start to let the feelings out, whenever I feel they need to be liberated.
So I find myself today, sitting behind my computer, feeling like I need to do something more than hold back tears. I unfortunately cannot make it to my yoga class this afternoon, but I will be doing something in lieu of that. When I go home today, I want to do something for her. What better way to honor someone but by dedicating a yoga practice to them? I will do many Sun Salutations, and dedicate them to her. My chest will be up towards the sky, and my heart will be open to her. When my arms and hands are up, I will feel her fingertips lightly touching mine. I will direct all my positive energy, my strength and my love up near her. In exchange, I know I will feel her love come down towards me. I have become a more dedicated yoga student through her life, and through her death. Today, this posting along with my several rounds of Sun Salutations are for you, Deb. Love you. Miss you.
Lady Lotus
Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Hump Day Happies: Brown Paper Packages Tied Up With Strings...
I make lists. Pretty much all the time. I make lists before I pack for a trip, because if not I am convinced that I will forget something integral like deoderant or a toothbrush. I make lists of things I need to get done daily at work to avoid the paranoid feeling that accompanies the notion that something hasn't been done. But now, I have decided to make another list. This time, however, it isn't a list of things to do or items to pack. It's a list of things that make me happy. Yes, Julie Andrews sang about these things, and look at how happy she and the Von Trapp children were! So here is, in no particular order, a collection of 20 people and things that make me smile.
1. My family
2. My friends
3. Vinny
4. Roxanne
5. Yoga (Duh!)
6. Drinking tea
7. Listening to Johnny Cash on a rainy day
8. Listening to The Beach Boys on a sunny day
9. Walking through Lafontaine Park
10. Singing in the Rain (the activity and the movie!)
11. Tasting new food and loving it
12. Baking
13. Singing in the shower when Vinny isn't home and praying that my neighbours don't hear me
14. Being the first to dip a knife in a fresh jar of peanut butter
15. Lemurs
16. Watching General Hospital and drooling over Dante
17. Going through old books my parents used to read to me when I was little
18. Doudou, my blanky
19. Spooning
20. Going to Ikea, anytime.
There are so many more, but this is just a preview. Now, I have just re-read through my list and an even brighter smile appeared on my face. So on this Hump Day, take the time to make a quick list of the people and things you love- you'll feel as though your smile, and your heart, just grew 10 times bigger.
Lady Lotus
1. My family
2. My friends
3. Vinny
4. Roxanne
5. Yoga (Duh!)
6. Drinking tea
7. Listening to Johnny Cash on a rainy day
8. Listening to The Beach Boys on a sunny day
9. Walking through Lafontaine Park
10. Singing in the Rain (the activity and the movie!)
11. Tasting new food and loving it
12. Baking
13. Singing in the shower when Vinny isn't home and praying that my neighbours don't hear me
14. Being the first to dip a knife in a fresh jar of peanut butter
15. Lemurs
16. Watching General Hospital and drooling over Dante
17. Going through old books my parents used to read to me when I was little
18. Doudou, my blanky
19. Spooning
20. Going to Ikea, anytime.
There are so many more, but this is just a preview. Now, I have just re-read through my list and an even brighter smile appeared on my face. So on this Hump Day, take the time to make a quick list of the people and things you love- you'll feel as though your smile, and your heart, just grew 10 times bigger.
Lady Lotus
Monday, April 26, 2010
Position of the Week: Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)
Benefits: A wonderful pose to go into if you are feeling sad, stressed, or simply need to calm your brain. It stretches your shoulders and neck, stimulates the abdominal organs and will tone your legs and buttocks. It will improve your digestion, relieve symptoms of menopause, reduce fatigue and is great therapy for asthma, sinusitus and infertility.
Is there anything thise pose doesn't do? Honestly, it might seem kind of difficult, but once you are comfortable enough to go into it, it feels absolutely life changing- and I'm not even overdramatizing it. If there one thing I love about a strong yoga practice is the sequencing of the asanas. I have yet to master my own perfect routine, but once I start my teacher training, I will finally learn in depth the benefits of having certain asanas follow each other. With regards to Shoulder Stand, it feels just wonderful after going into a Hheadstand. As my fabulous teacher put it, a Headstand is a warming position. You feel every little rush of fire flow through your veins as you support yourself upside down. A Shoulder Stand is a cooling position. By going into it after being upside down, the balance of hot and cold finds its place in the middle, creating a harmony of energy in your body that leaves you feeling revitalized. After this simple sequences is done and you find your way down, it is as though your entire being just melts into the mat beneath you. It is a pose that lets you feel so strong, but at the same time so calm. Kind of as though you are a delicate feather, but sturdy in the wind- does that make sense? All this to say- give it a try. I personally like to place a folded mat underneath my shoulders, to alleviate any extra stress on the back of my neck. And then, just breathe in and let the pose carry you away.
Lady Lotus
Is there anything thise pose doesn't do? Honestly, it might seem kind of difficult, but once you are comfortable enough to go into it, it feels absolutely life changing- and I'm not even overdramatizing it. If there one thing I love about a strong yoga practice is the sequencing of the asanas. I have yet to master my own perfect routine, but once I start my teacher training, I will finally learn in depth the benefits of having certain asanas follow each other. With regards to Shoulder Stand, it feels just wonderful after going into a Hheadstand. As my fabulous teacher put it, a Headstand is a warming position. You feel every little rush of fire flow through your veins as you support yourself upside down. A Shoulder Stand is a cooling position. By going into it after being upside down, the balance of hot and cold finds its place in the middle, creating a harmony of energy in your body that leaves you feeling revitalized. After this simple sequences is done and you find your way down, it is as though your entire being just melts into the mat beneath you. It is a pose that lets you feel so strong, but at the same time so calm. Kind of as though you are a delicate feather, but sturdy in the wind- does that make sense? All this to say- give it a try. I personally like to place a folded mat underneath my shoulders, to alleviate any extra stress on the back of my neck. And then, just breathe in and let the pose carry you away.
Lady Lotus
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Om Sweet Om
If you have been reading my bloga consistently, most of you are probably aware by now that I am quite fond of Mont-Royal Avenue. It is a 5 mintue walk from my place, which makes all my errands and tasks so much more enjoyable. I can do my groceries, go to the drug store, grab a bite to eat or even a quick drink, all by foot. However, another thing I love is being able to enjoy some peace and quiet- this is not always the scenario when living on The Plateau. True, it is far more peaceful than other areas on the Island, but having grown up in the suburbs has left me with this lingering feeling that the lifestyle in the small town I grew up in still has a delicate spot in my heart.
Vinny and I made a decision, and here I am, ready to share it with you. I, Lady Lotus, am leaving the fresh and hip lifestyle of the Plateau, and will be moving back to the burbs- to the town we both grew up in. And you know what? I am so excited! We are going to have a house, not an appartment, with a backyard, not a fire escape, and a garden, not a potted plant. And now, for the creme de la creme...I am going to have my very own yoga room. It’s a struggle for me to even practice by myself in my tiny appartment now, without having to move a whole bunch of furniture around to find a place for my mat. Now, I will have an entire room dedicated to practicing yoga. I can even have friends over to practice with me. Once my teacher training begins, part of my homework is going to be to teach classes to friends so that I can practice- now we will be able to do it in the comfort of my own home. I snooped around a few shops last week, scrounging for deco inspiration and came across some nice pieces. Not only am I smitten at the thought of having a space to do yoga, but also to simply have my space. It will be my own little private escape. I promise to post pictures of my yoga sanctuary once it’s complete, but you will have to be patient since we are only moving July 1st.
I will also be able to do yoga privately outdoors, in the backyard. That is something I love- clearing the state of my mind with the fresh air whistling around me, birds chirping and wind chimes chiming. Sigh, Is it July yet??
Lady Lotus
Vinny and I made a decision, and here I am, ready to share it with you. I, Lady Lotus, am leaving the fresh and hip lifestyle of the Plateau, and will be moving back to the burbs- to the town we both grew up in. And you know what? I am so excited! We are going to have a house, not an appartment, with a backyard, not a fire escape, and a garden, not a potted plant. And now, for the creme de la creme...I am going to have my very own yoga room. It’s a struggle for me to even practice by myself in my tiny appartment now, without having to move a whole bunch of furniture around to find a place for my mat. Now, I will have an entire room dedicated to practicing yoga. I can even have friends over to practice with me. Once my teacher training begins, part of my homework is going to be to teach classes to friends so that I can practice- now we will be able to do it in the comfort of my own home. I snooped around a few shops last week, scrounging for deco inspiration and came across some nice pieces. Not only am I smitten at the thought of having a space to do yoga, but also to simply have my space. It will be my own little private escape. I promise to post pictures of my yoga sanctuary once it’s complete, but you will have to be patient since we are only moving July 1st.
I will also be able to do yoga privately outdoors, in the backyard. That is something I love- clearing the state of my mind with the fresh air whistling around me, birds chirping and wind chimes chiming. Sigh, Is it July yet??
Lady Lotus
Okay, so the yoga room won't look quite like this...but a girl can dream, right?
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Water Your Yoga Tree of Life
Although I believe that every day should be Earth Day, I am going to take advantage of this designated day and wish you all a Happy Earth Day!
When you step outside today make sure to take in a deep breath, and remind yourself how lucky we are to be surrounded by such beauty. Touch the grass and thank it for keeping the ground cushioned. Blink into the sun and thank it for keeping you warm. Hug a tree and thank it for giving you shade, oxygen and a home for our birds. Smell a flower and thank it for surrounding us with such a lovely aroma. Show appreciation for all that Mother Nature has offered to us, and help keep all that she has created strong. If you practice yoga today, dedicate your practice to her- I know I will!
Lady Lotus
When you step outside today make sure to take in a deep breath, and remind yourself how lucky we are to be surrounded by such beauty. Touch the grass and thank it for keeping the ground cushioned. Blink into the sun and thank it for keeping you warm. Hug a tree and thank it for giving you shade, oxygen and a home for our birds. Smell a flower and thank it for surrounding us with such a lovely aroma. Show appreciation for all that Mother Nature has offered to us, and help keep all that she has created strong. If you practice yoga today, dedicate your practice to her- I know I will!
Lady Lotus
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Hump Day Happies: A Tale in the Telling
I recognized something inside of me this past weekend: I just love hearing people tell stories about their past. Now, I don't mean having someone give me an account of something that happened to them last week- though there are chances that those stories will be interesting. But I'm talking about someone who is older, lets say your parents' age or your grandparents' age, recaling a moment that happened in their lives decades ago. Growing up I always wanted to have an old man or lady as a neighbour. I had seen so many movies of people sitting on their neighbour's decks, listening to stories of war, first loves, lost loves...
I met an older man this weekend who started his own story with "I had such a great bike back when I was 17 or 18..." Right away, all I could do was try my best to listen while envisioning this older man as a teenager, growing up in the 60s, riding his motorcycle. I tried to picture what he looked like, what color his hair was and what kind of clothing he was wearing. What impressed me the most was the excitement he had present in his voice when talking about his old motorcycle. It made me realize that beneath the wrinkles, the grey hairs, the sweater vests and the psychology degrees, this man still carried his youthful passion on his sleeve. That is when I found myself thinking how truly amazing it must feel to recount the happy moments we tend to label as our past. Yes, they may have happened years ago, but recalling them can still leave you with a warm sensation inside. I also sat down with my mom on Sunday, and she told me from beginning to end stories I had never heard in such great detail before: her wedding, the days my brothers were born, the day I was born...The connection I already shared with my mom seemed to become even stronger because we took the time to sit down together and talk about the past. I envisioned myself, 20 years from now, maybe even 40 years from now, talking to my family and saying "Let me tell you about this yoga teacher I once had..." or "Did I ever tell you about the first time I did yoga?" It's these kinds of stories that allow us to seep into someone's soul, and pull away an account of something we maybe hadn't known was there. What we know of someone on the surface might seem obvious, but having them open their mouths and start sharing stories with us is such a great way to really know someone, and to get excited about recalling your own past, in the future.
So on this Hump Day (and what a sunny one at that!), lets look forward to sharing our own life's stories. Growing old doesn't all have to be sagging skin and hearing aids. Lets start locking our most precious memories inside this vault we call our brain, and make sure we share them with people for the years to come. It will make you smile, and make others around you smile, too.
Lady Lotus
I met an older man this weekend who started his own story with "I had such a great bike back when I was 17 or 18..." Right away, all I could do was try my best to listen while envisioning this older man as a teenager, growing up in the 60s, riding his motorcycle. I tried to picture what he looked like, what color his hair was and what kind of clothing he was wearing. What impressed me the most was the excitement he had present in his voice when talking about his old motorcycle. It made me realize that beneath the wrinkles, the grey hairs, the sweater vests and the psychology degrees, this man still carried his youthful passion on his sleeve. That is when I found myself thinking how truly amazing it must feel to recount the happy moments we tend to label as our past. Yes, they may have happened years ago, but recalling them can still leave you with a warm sensation inside. I also sat down with my mom on Sunday, and she told me from beginning to end stories I had never heard in such great detail before: her wedding, the days my brothers were born, the day I was born...The connection I already shared with my mom seemed to become even stronger because we took the time to sit down together and talk about the past. I envisioned myself, 20 years from now, maybe even 40 years from now, talking to my family and saying "Let me tell you about this yoga teacher I once had..." or "Did I ever tell you about the first time I did yoga?" It's these kinds of stories that allow us to seep into someone's soul, and pull away an account of something we maybe hadn't known was there. What we know of someone on the surface might seem obvious, but having them open their mouths and start sharing stories with us is such a great way to really know someone, and to get excited about recalling your own past, in the future.
So on this Hump Day (and what a sunny one at that!), lets look forward to sharing our own life's stories. Growing old doesn't all have to be sagging skin and hearing aids. Lets start locking our most precious memories inside this vault we call our brain, and make sure we share them with people for the years to come. It will make you smile, and make others around you smile, too.
Lady Lotus
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
One of my co-workers/friend/fellow blogger asked me to collaborate with her on a piece she wanted to include in her blog. Ari (who also inspired me to start my Yoga Board of Inspiration) is the talented mind behind She Dreams at Night, a blog about everything related to fashion, and more. So if mine is a bloga, does that make hers a flog? Haha, I had to say it. Ok, back on topic...she wanted to include a post about yoga and fashion, and I was extremely honoured when she approached me to write it. So my friends, below is what I came up with...enjoy!
If there is one thing I have learned in the last two years while practicing yoga regularly, it’s that yoga is the practice of non-judgment. I find it integral to leave your ego at the door in order to prosper from a rejuvenating and terrific yogic experience. This can mean many things, such as not worrying about how flexible you are, not comparing yourself to the person beside you and not pushing yourself over and above your own personal limit. But let’s get straight to another fundamental point- after all, this is a fashion blog, right? To me, the practice of non-judgment also means not worrying about what you’re wearing while doing yoga. It is so important to be comfortable- the last thing you want is your pants riding while in Warrior II, or your tank top straps slipping down your arms when trying to perform Reverse Half-Moon. However, in order to find comfort, you need to find yoga clothes that are of a good quality. This is where the most taxing of questions comes along…
Where do I find first-rate yoga attire? Okay, ask yourself this question a second time- what is the first place that comes to mind? Chances are you answered Lululemon. Yes, they have such nice clothes, and a lot of choice. They are one of the biggest mainstream yoga retailers. Unfortunately, they also have a price tag accompanied with each piece of clothing that may not please your bank account! You need to collect all your pennies in order to afford most of the clothing in their store. I know, I know, their pants make your butt look fabulous. But people, let us not forget the golden rule: yoga = non-judgment. No one will be checking out your buns when in Downward Facing Dog, because they’ll all be staring at the back wall, just like you. But of course, I didn’t want to be judgmental- I need to practice what I preach! So I even went straight to the source. I asked a good friend of mine, who worked there for a long time, what are so special about their clothes that their tank tops have to marked up to $70? Her answer? “Meh, it’s over-priced…” So with regards to this specific topic, a jacked-up price tag does not necessarily mean better quality. I myself am a Costco girl. They carry Danskin, a great clothing line for yoga enthusiasts. I have bought 5 pairs of yoga pants there, all below 15$. Some are just cotton, while others have spandex in them. And you know what? I have been wearing them and practicing in them for years. They don’t give my wedgies, and they don’t split down the middle. I think my butt looks pretty darn good in them too, if I do say so myself. I also bought yoga tops at Costco for about $10, and I am never worried about an out of control boob popping out or having the shirt ride up my torso. I have washed the clothes numerous times, let them air-dry, put them in the dryer, folded them, stepped on them…they are all flawless. So while some of you may want to show off the little logo on the back of your pants or your top, remember: no one is paying attention to that minor detail. If you have the means to spend a bit more dough on the clothing you want, by all means, spend away, but won't it feel great to save some money? For the most serious and determined yoga practitioner, it isn’t the clothes that will make you feel good about yourself- only you can do that.
Lady Lotus
If there is one thing I have learned in the last two years while practicing yoga regularly, it’s that yoga is the practice of non-judgment. I find it integral to leave your ego at the door in order to prosper from a rejuvenating and terrific yogic experience. This can mean many things, such as not worrying about how flexible you are, not comparing yourself to the person beside you and not pushing yourself over and above your own personal limit. But let’s get straight to another fundamental point- after all, this is a fashion blog, right? To me, the practice of non-judgment also means not worrying about what you’re wearing while doing yoga. It is so important to be comfortable- the last thing you want is your pants riding while in Warrior II, or your tank top straps slipping down your arms when trying to perform Reverse Half-Moon. However, in order to find comfort, you need to find yoga clothes that are of a good quality. This is where the most taxing of questions comes along…
Where do I find first-rate yoga attire? Okay, ask yourself this question a second time- what is the first place that comes to mind? Chances are you answered Lululemon. Yes, they have such nice clothes, and a lot of choice. They are one of the biggest mainstream yoga retailers. Unfortunately, they also have a price tag accompanied with each piece of clothing that may not please your bank account! You need to collect all your pennies in order to afford most of the clothing in their store. I know, I know, their pants make your butt look fabulous. But people, let us not forget the golden rule: yoga = non-judgment. No one will be checking out your buns when in Downward Facing Dog, because they’ll all be staring at the back wall, just like you. But of course, I didn’t want to be judgmental- I need to practice what I preach! So I even went straight to the source. I asked a good friend of mine, who worked there for a long time, what are so special about their clothes that their tank tops have to marked up to $70? Her answer? “Meh, it’s over-priced…” So with regards to this specific topic, a jacked-up price tag does not necessarily mean better quality. I myself am a Costco girl. They carry Danskin, a great clothing line for yoga enthusiasts. I have bought 5 pairs of yoga pants there, all below 15$. Some are just cotton, while others have spandex in them. And you know what? I have been wearing them and practicing in them for years. They don’t give my wedgies, and they don’t split down the middle. I think my butt looks pretty darn good in them too, if I do say so myself. I also bought yoga tops at Costco for about $10, and I am never worried about an out of control boob popping out or having the shirt ride up my torso. I have washed the clothes numerous times, let them air-dry, put them in the dryer, folded them, stepped on them…they are all flawless. So while some of you may want to show off the little logo on the back of your pants or your top, remember: no one is paying attention to that minor detail. If you have the means to spend a bit more dough on the clothing you want, by all means, spend away, but won't it feel great to save some money? For the most serious and determined yoga practitioner, it isn’t the clothes that will make you feel good about yourself- only you can do that.
Lady Lotus
Monday, April 19, 2010
Position of the Week: Salamba Matsyasana (Supported Fish Pose)
Benefits: This psoe will stretch and stimulate the muscles in your neck and belly. It will improv your posture, and strengthen your back. Oh, and you will feel so relaxed in it!
There is nothing I love more than going into a pose and feeling the warmth of it flow through my body. The rush I feel when I know my muscles are all working in unison reminds me that I am alive. It is absolutley invigorating. Sometimes I find myself holding a pose that I wouldn't have thought possible to do to begin with- the realization of this feels great. But lets not forget another wonderful feeling we can share with yoga: the feeling that encompasses your body and mind when in a restorative yoga pose. Doing restorative yoga allows you to tap into your head, reminding yourself to check in every once and a while. You feel so present, and you feel utterly and unmistakably relaxed. You really savor every moment of restorative poses. It's almost as though time stops, and you can finally have the convenience to take advantage of every second.
I recently treated myself- I bought my very first bolster. It's beautiful, really! I am slowly building my own collection of yoga props, and a bolster was the final piece to my puzzle. I have begun experimenting with it in various positions in my living room. Restorative Fish Pose in one asana in particular that always resonates through my entire body. I feel like I could stay in that pose for hours. Having your heart open up wide towards the sky allows you to feel as though all the positive energy in your surrounding is dipping in through your chest, while the positive energy inside of you is being shared on the outside. It's like a beautiful rotational cycle of prosperous vitality. Every breath you take in feels like you are breathing in a fistful of happy. You can really create a lot of movement in your chest, opening up the airways and feeling like you are learning to breathe all over again. The arch you create in your back feels so wonderful, especially if you are prone to back pain. The comfort of the bolster beneath you lets you feel safe and supported. Sometimes I like to envision myself surrounded by water- like (as the pose may suggest) a fish. It's like floating in the ocean, and if you incorporate the ocean sounding breath (breathe in and out with a subtle muscular contraction at the back of your throat and it creates an ocean-like sound) well then you have just created your own paradise away from paradise. If you don't have a bolster, you could likely try using a similar prop like a sturdy collection of pillows if you do not have access to a bolster. Trust me, if you have the means to try this asana, please do! You will be glad you did. You will open your eyes after several minutes, and even they will be smiling.
Lady Lotus
There is nothing I love more than going into a pose and feeling the warmth of it flow through my body. The rush I feel when I know my muscles are all working in unison reminds me that I am alive. It is absolutley invigorating. Sometimes I find myself holding a pose that I wouldn't have thought possible to do to begin with- the realization of this feels great. But lets not forget another wonderful feeling we can share with yoga: the feeling that encompasses your body and mind when in a restorative yoga pose. Doing restorative yoga allows you to tap into your head, reminding yourself to check in every once and a while. You feel so present, and you feel utterly and unmistakably relaxed. You really savor every moment of restorative poses. It's almost as though time stops, and you can finally have the convenience to take advantage of every second.
I recently treated myself- I bought my very first bolster. It's beautiful, really! I am slowly building my own collection of yoga props, and a bolster was the final piece to my puzzle. I have begun experimenting with it in various positions in my living room. Restorative Fish Pose in one asana in particular that always resonates through my entire body. I feel like I could stay in that pose for hours. Having your heart open up wide towards the sky allows you to feel as though all the positive energy in your surrounding is dipping in through your chest, while the positive energy inside of you is being shared on the outside. It's like a beautiful rotational cycle of prosperous vitality. Every breath you take in feels like you are breathing in a fistful of happy. You can really create a lot of movement in your chest, opening up the airways and feeling like you are learning to breathe all over again. The arch you create in your back feels so wonderful, especially if you are prone to back pain. The comfort of the bolster beneath you lets you feel safe and supported. Sometimes I like to envision myself surrounded by water- like (as the pose may suggest) a fish. It's like floating in the ocean, and if you incorporate the ocean sounding breath (breathe in and out with a subtle muscular contraction at the back of your throat and it creates an ocean-like sound) well then you have just created your own paradise away from paradise. If you don't have a bolster, you could likely try using a similar prop like a sturdy collection of pillows if you do not have access to a bolster. Trust me, if you have the means to try this asana, please do! You will be glad you did. You will open your eyes after several minutes, and even they will be smiling.
Lady Lotus
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Hump Day Happies: Happy-fy Your Surroundings
After the New Year I bought myself a desk calendar- yes, how old school of me when I have a complete interactive Outlook calendar on my computer, right? Well, not only was this desk calendar 80% off but it is full of daily insights from the Dalai Lama. I have this habit of continually trying to surround myself with little pieces of happiness while I'm at work. That way, if I'm having a rough day, I can glance over to something on my desk and it will spontaneously bring a smile to my lips. It began with a tiny stuffed pig given to me by my wonderful co-worker and friend C-Flo, then a picture of The Little Prince with one of my favouite quotes: "On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."

So I suppose I have two topics for today's Hump Day Happy. First, surround yourself today with things that will chipper your spirits. Secondly, always remember that no matter how discouraging something can be, you can overcome it- today, and tomorrow, and the day after that!
Lady Lotus
Monday, April 12, 2010
Position of the Week: Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose)
Benefits: This asana will stretch your shoulders, hips and neck. It will stimulate your kidneys and liver, as well as energize your spine. It is great if you have menstrual discomfort, are tired, and have back pain. It is extremely therapeutic for asthma, as well as infertility. According to traditional texts, it can rid you of deadly diseases...in a nutshell, this pose does it all!
As if the benefits of this asana are not astounding enough, its name is amusing, too! I went to yoga class today after being M.I.A. for a couple of weeks. I couldn't practice for a while due to an extremely sore neck, and this past week I was so busy at work I didn't have any time to stop by the studio. So, needless to say, practicing today felt amazing. My fabulous teacher started off with a short anatomy lesson on the spine. She went on to mention how, similarly to the Spring cleaning most of us tend to do this time of the season, it's important to cleanse our bodies on the inside as well. In the winter, we tend to naturally tighten up as we try to defend ourselves from the frigid cold weather. So today, we did a Spring cleaning of our bodies by going into spinal twists.
This one in particular felt wonderful. When you really take the time to go into this asana, it's amazing how you feel each vertebrae as you twist. It's as though you are stacking them up, one by one, like we used to do with blocks as kids. You start off with a gentle rotation of the hips, and slowly spiral yourself in one direction, listening to the response in your back. I like to visualize the movement happening in my spine- it helps me feel the pose on a deeper level. Especially after having not gone to class for a couple of weeks, the gentle spine twists definitely left me feeling fantastic!
As if the benefits of this asana are not astounding enough, its name is amusing, too! I went to yoga class today after being M.I.A. for a couple of weeks. I couldn't practice for a while due to an extremely sore neck, and this past week I was so busy at work I didn't have any time to stop by the studio. So, needless to say, practicing today felt amazing. My fabulous teacher started off with a short anatomy lesson on the spine. She went on to mention how, similarly to the Spring cleaning most of us tend to do this time of the season, it's important to cleanse our bodies on the inside as well. In the winter, we tend to naturally tighten up as we try to defend ourselves from the frigid cold weather. So today, we did a Spring cleaning of our bodies by going into spinal twists.
This one in particular felt wonderful. When you really take the time to go into this asana, it's amazing how you feel each vertebrae as you twist. It's as though you are stacking them up, one by one, like we used to do with blocks as kids. You start off with a gentle rotation of the hips, and slowly spiral yourself in one direction, listening to the response in your back. I like to visualize the movement happening in my spine- it helps me feel the pose on a deeper level. Especially after having not gone to class for a couple of weeks, the gentle spine twists definitely left me feeling fantastic!
Lady Lotus
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Hump Day Happies: Ré, A Drop of Golden Sun
Wow...I was afraid of the sky this morning! Did any of you see it? It was 9am and it looked like it was night time. The weather the last few days has definitely not compared to the beautiful weekend we just had. So I decided to keep today's Hump Day Happy short and to the point: on this gloomy, spritzy day, I'd like to offer you a little ray of sunshine
Here's to hoping the sun comes out soon. In the meantime, allow this sun to radiate through your screen and into your soul.
Lady Lotus
Monday, April 5, 2010
Imagine and Create, Dream and Become
I'm so touched that many of you fabulous people out there take time out of your busy schedules to come by and read my Bloga. What started out as a mere project to pass the time has become something very special to me, and I thank you so much for tuning in with me and reading on and on about my passion for yoga and everything yoga related. I have realized, however, that some of you may not know too much about me, so I wanted to share something with you that has become my little anecdote of the day.
I have always believed in taking hold of your passions and making something out of them. My passion was not always yoga. When I chose to study Communications in University, I went with my dream of the time: showbiz. I wanted to move to NYC, work at NBC studios, and rub shoulders with all the who's whos in the world. Well, that changed! I started seeing things from a different angle. I stopped fostering the idea of being famous, I stopped concentrating on how I would make six figures, and I stopped caring about living in a big, noisy (although fabulous, nonetheless) city. I now work for an organization that raises money and awareness to fight cancer, which is so much more rewarding (in my opinion) than having some movie star on my speed dial. But my passion, my real passion that has made its way into my being is now, as you all know, yoga. Yes, I have chosen to complete my Yoga Teacher Training. Some roasted my decision with "So you're going to quit your job to be a yoga teacher?! What the..." I have told myself that these are the people who clearly aren't acquainted with how special yoga really is. Most people, however, have been extremely supportive- especially my family. My parents support my decision 100%, and Vinny is constantly telling me how he's excited for my training to start. He has decided to be my own personal agent, haha! So you see, if you really love something, then do it. You can really do anything, if you find the strength inside to give it your all.
One of my co-workers and friends has done something similar. C-Flo is a young woman with so much ambition, a wonderful personality, and a beautiful smile. Last year, she signed up for jewelry-making school. She once confided in me, looking for insight as to whether what she has decided to do is actually tangible and realistic. My response? If you love it, if you're happy, then you're in the right spot. She, under the name of Rita Paul, has been making jewelry now as a side-and-soon-to-be career project and let me tell you- her creations are breathtaking. I look at what she has done and ask myself why she hasn't been doing this all her life. Making jewelry is where she's at. Below are a few examples of what she has created. If you want to see more, or place an order with her, you can do so by writing to her at cristina.l.flores@gmail.com
So you see, though your passion may not seem "conventional" to other people, if it makes you smile, then why not do it? And for fun, try collaborating your dreams- who knows, maybe I'll be selling Rita Paul jewelry at my very own yoga studio one day? And above all, always remember: life is a cup to be filled, not drained.
Lady Lotus
I have always believed in taking hold of your passions and making something out of them. My passion was not always yoga. When I chose to study Communications in University, I went with my dream of the time: showbiz. I wanted to move to NYC, work at NBC studios, and rub shoulders with all the who's whos in the world. Well, that changed! I started seeing things from a different angle. I stopped fostering the idea of being famous, I stopped concentrating on how I would make six figures, and I stopped caring about living in a big, noisy (although fabulous, nonetheless) city. I now work for an organization that raises money and awareness to fight cancer, which is so much more rewarding (in my opinion) than having some movie star on my speed dial. But my passion, my real passion that has made its way into my being is now, as you all know, yoga. Yes, I have chosen to complete my Yoga Teacher Training. Some roasted my decision with "So you're going to quit your job to be a yoga teacher?! What the..." I have told myself that these are the people who clearly aren't acquainted with how special yoga really is. Most people, however, have been extremely supportive- especially my family. My parents support my decision 100%, and Vinny is constantly telling me how he's excited for my training to start. He has decided to be my own personal agent, haha! So you see, if you really love something, then do it. You can really do anything, if you find the strength inside to give it your all.
One of my co-workers and friends has done something similar. C-Flo is a young woman with so much ambition, a wonderful personality, and a beautiful smile. Last year, she signed up for jewelry-making school. She once confided in me, looking for insight as to whether what she has decided to do is actually tangible and realistic. My response? If you love it, if you're happy, then you're in the right spot. She, under the name of Rita Paul, has been making jewelry now as a side-and-soon-to-be career project and let me tell you- her creations are breathtaking. I look at what she has done and ask myself why she hasn't been doing this all her life. Making jewelry is where she's at. Below are a few examples of what she has created. If you want to see more, or place an order with her, you can do so by writing to her at cristina.l.flores@gmail.com
Rose Buds
Knot-so-Raw, a collaborative effort with Rita Paul and She Dreams at Night- another inspiring lady so stay tuned for her own posting as well!
So you see, though your passion may not seem "conventional" to other people, if it makes you smile, then why not do it? And for fun, try collaborating your dreams- who knows, maybe I'll be selling Rita Paul jewelry at my very own yoga studio one day? And above all, always remember: life is a cup to be filled, not drained.
Lady Lotus
Position of the Week: Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
Benefits: This pose strecthes the entire front of your body, along with your groin, thighs, ankles, throat and hip flexors. It strengthens your back muscles, improves your posture, and stimulates your abdomen and organs.
There is a very specific reason why this asana seemed à propos for today. This weekend, I ate like a pig. Really, I couldn't fathom how I kept putting food in my mouth. The worst part of it is that Easter wasn't the culprit (though I did indulge in a tasty veggie kabob on the BBQ). I went to an engagement party on Saturday- an engagement party for an Italian wedding. They sure do know how to feed you! I had never seen so much food in my life. Tomoatoes with bocconcini, bread, garlic bread, garlic bread with cheese, garlic bread with cheese and spinach, salads, three different kinds of pastas (which I thought was the main course)...and then they brought out the pizza, the most delicious thin crust pizza I have ever tasted. Thankfully I'm vegetarian so I didn't indulge in the sausages and veal with prosciutto. Oh, and they had about 12 platters of desserts, I'm not even joking. Cupcakes with custard filling, date squares, brownies, six differents kinds of cookies, chocolate, sesame sticks, cannolis stuffed with custard, cannolis stuffed with ricotta filling...I was literally in a food coma by the end of it. There was also a whole lot of wine, too. Needless to say, my belly got quite the beating. I'm glad I wore a dress that was loose-fitting around the belt area. After such a glutenous feast, I wouldn't have been able to do yoga even if I tried.
So this week, it's detox time, and what better way to detox than with healthy food and yoga poses that will buck up your digestion. This is why Bow Pose is the winner of the week. It will kick your organs into gear and get the digestion ball rolling. It will make you feel fantastic and rejuvenated. I tend to get a little sweaty in it. I'm sure I will have food leaking out from my pores, just waiting to be liberated from my body! So for those of you who had a savory din-din this weekend, whether Italian or not, incorporate this asana in your practice- your tummy will thank you.
Lady Lotus
There is a very specific reason why this asana seemed à propos for today. This weekend, I ate like a pig. Really, I couldn't fathom how I kept putting food in my mouth. The worst part of it is that Easter wasn't the culprit (though I did indulge in a tasty veggie kabob on the BBQ). I went to an engagement party on Saturday- an engagement party for an Italian wedding. They sure do know how to feed you! I had never seen so much food in my life. Tomoatoes with bocconcini, bread, garlic bread, garlic bread with cheese, garlic bread with cheese and spinach, salads, three different kinds of pastas (which I thought was the main course)...and then they brought out the pizza, the most delicious thin crust pizza I have ever tasted. Thankfully I'm vegetarian so I didn't indulge in the sausages and veal with prosciutto. Oh, and they had about 12 platters of desserts, I'm not even joking. Cupcakes with custard filling, date squares, brownies, six differents kinds of cookies, chocolate, sesame sticks, cannolis stuffed with custard, cannolis stuffed with ricotta filling...I was literally in a food coma by the end of it. There was also a whole lot of wine, too. Needless to say, my belly got quite the beating. I'm glad I wore a dress that was loose-fitting around the belt area. After such a glutenous feast, I wouldn't have been able to do yoga even if I tried.
So this week, it's detox time, and what better way to detox than with healthy food and yoga poses that will buck up your digestion. This is why Bow Pose is the winner of the week. It will kick your organs into gear and get the digestion ball rolling. It will make you feel fantastic and rejuvenated. I tend to get a little sweaty in it. I'm sure I will have food leaking out from my pores, just waiting to be liberated from my body! So for those of you who had a savory din-din this weekend, whether Italian or not, incorporate this asana in your practice- your tummy will thank you.
Lady Lotus
Friday, April 2, 2010
Direct Your Feet to the Sunny Side of the Street
If you live where I live, I do hope that you took advantage of such a warm, beautiful day! Vinny and I spent the afternoon in the sun, hand in hand (awww, I know). We began our stunning day with a bewtiching picnic in Lafontaine Park. Our delectible meal consisted of apricot danishes, camembert cheese, lentil and cranberry salad, and a medley of fruit juice. It was the perfect dish for the perfect day. Of course, whenever we spend the day outside, our trusted camera tags along. I have mentioned it in a previous post, but there is something so therapeutic about being outdoors and capturing images. You become engulfed in your own world and the feeling, to me, is similar to yoga. To make it even better, I was accompanied by my beau. What more could a girl ask for? Well, I have the answer to that question: ice cream! We made our way to Mont-Royal avenue and went to Patio, our favourite ice cream parlor that opened its doors today. The line-up was bewildering, bu definitely worth it once we tasted those soft-churn chocolate and vanilla ice cream cones.
I have had an extremely stiff neck all week so practicing yoga has been slightly tricky. I know that yoga is what will help, but I can't quite go into certain poses without feeling a sharp pain rush through my neck and upper spine. My fabulous teacher gave me some helpful poses that I can do at home, but in the meantime, I will get my yogic fix by basking in the warmth of the sun that has promised to shine for the rest of the weekend.
I have had an extremely stiff neck all week so practicing yoga has been slightly tricky. I know that yoga is what will help, but I can't quite go into certain poses without feeling a sharp pain rush through my neck and upper spine. My fabulous teacher gave me some helpful poses that I can do at home, but in the meantime, I will get my yogic fix by basking in the warmth of the sun that has promised to shine for the rest of the weekend.
Extreme Vinny close-up with me in his glasses
Yeehaw, the beauty of the day brings out my inner cowgirl.
Lady Lotus
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