Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hump Day Happies: Brown Paper Packages Tied Up With Strings...

I make lists.  Pretty much all the time.  I make lists before I pack for a trip, because if not I am convinced that I will forget something integral like deoderant or a toothbrush.  I make lists of things I need to get done daily at work to avoid the paranoid feeling that accompanies the notion that something hasn't been done.  But now, I have decided to make another list.  This time, however, it isn't a list of things to do or items to pack.  It's a list of things that make me happy.  Yes, Julie Andrews sang about these things, and look at how happy she and the Von Trapp children were!  So here is, in no particular order, a collection of 20 people and things that make me smile.

1. My family
2. My friends
3. Vinny
4. Roxanne
5. Yoga (Duh!)
6. Drinking tea
7. Listening to Johnny Cash on a rainy day
8. Listening to The Beach Boys on a sunny day
9. Walking through Lafontaine Park
10. Singing in the Rain (the activity and the movie!)
11. Tasting new food and loving it
12. Baking
13. Singing in the shower when Vinny isn't home and praying that my neighbours don't hear me
14. Being the first to dip a knife in a fresh jar of peanut butter
15. Lemurs
16. Watching General Hospital and drooling over Dante
17. Going through old books my parents used to read to me when I was little
18. Doudou, my blanky
19. Spooning
20. Going to Ikea, anytime.

There are so many more, but this is just a preview.  Now, I have just re-read through my list and an even brighter smile appeared on my face.  So on this Hump Day, take the time to make a quick list of the people and things you love- you'll feel as though your smile, and your heart, just grew 10 times bigger.

Lady Lotus

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