Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Imagine and Create, Dream and Become

I'm so touched that many of you fabulous people out there take time out of your busy schedules to come by and read my Bloga.  What started out as a mere project to pass the time has become something very special to me, and I thank you so much for tuning in with me and reading on and on about my passion for yoga and everything yoga related.  I have realized, however, that some of you may not know too much about me, so I wanted to share something with you that has become my little anecdote of the day.

I have always believed in taking hold of your passions and making something out of them.  My passion was not always yoga.  When I chose to study Communications in University, I went with my dream of the time: showbiz.  I wanted to move to NYC, work at NBC studios, and rub shoulders with all the who's whos in the world.  Well, that changed!  I started seeing things from a different angle.  I stopped fostering the idea of being famous, I stopped concentrating on how I would make six figures, and I stopped caring about living in a big, noisy (although fabulous, nonetheless) city.  I now work for an organization that raises money and awareness to fight cancer, which is so much more rewarding (in my opinion) than having some movie star on my speed dial.  But my passion, my real passion that has made its way into my being is now, as you all know, yoga.  Yes, I have chosen to complete my Yoga Teacher Training.  Some roasted my decision with "So you're going to quit your job to be a yoga teacher?!  What the..." I have told myself that these are the people who clearly aren't acquainted with how special yoga really is.  Most people, however, have been extremely supportive- especially my family.  My parents support my decision 100%, and Vinny is constantly telling me how he's excited for my training to start.  He has decided to be my own personal agent, haha!  So you see, if you really love something, then do it.  You can really do anything, if you find the strength inside to give it your all.

One of my co-workers and friends has done something similar.  C-Flo is a young woman with so much ambition, a wonderful personality, and a beautiful smile.  Last year, she signed up for jewelry-making school.  She once confided in me, looking for insight as to whether what she has decided to do is actually tangible and realistic.  My response?  If you love it, if you're happy, then you're in the right spot.  She, under the name of Rita Paul, has been making jewelry now as a side-and-soon-to-be career project and let me tell you- her creations are breathtaking.  I look at what she has done and ask myself why she hasn't been doing this all her life.  Making jewelry is where she's at.  Below are a few examples of what she has created.  If you want to see more, or place an order with her, you can do so by writing to her at

Rose Buds

Knot-so-Raw, a collaborative effort with Rita Paul and She Dreams at Night- another inspiring lady so stay tuned for her own posting as well!


So you see, though your passion may not seem "conventional" to other people, if it makes you smile, then why not do it?  And for fun, try collaborating your dreams- who knows, maybe I'll be selling Rita Paul jewelry at my very own yoga studio one day?  And above all, always remember: life is a cup to be filled, not drained.

Lady Lotus

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