Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Position of the Week: Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)

Benefits: A wonderful pose to go into if you are feeling sad, stressed, or simply need to calm your brain.  It stretches your shoulders and neck, stimulates the abdominal organs and will tone your legs and buttocks.  It will improve your digestion, relieve symptoms of menopause, reduce fatigue and is great  therapy for asthma, sinusitus and infertility.

Is there anything thise pose doesn't do?  Honestly, it might seem kind of difficult, but once you are comfortable enough to go into it, it feels absolutely life changing- and I'm not even overdramatizing it.  If there one thing I love about a strong yoga practice is the sequencing of the asanas.  I have yet to master my own perfect routine, but once I start my teacher training, I will finally learn in depth the benefits of having certain asanas follow each other.  With regards to Shoulder Stand, it feels just wonderful after going into a Hheadstand.  As my fabulous teacher put it, a Headstand is a warming position.  You feel every little rush of fire flow through your veins as you support yourself upside down.  A Shoulder Stand is a cooling position.  By going into it after being upside down, the balance of hot and cold finds its place in the middle, creating a harmony of energy in your body that leaves you feeling revitalized. After this simple sequences is done and you find your way down, it is as though your entire being just melts into the mat beneath you.  It is a pose that lets you feel so strong, but at the same time so calm.  Kind of as though you are a delicate feather, but sturdy in the wind- does that make sense?  All this to say- give it a try.  I personally like to place a folded mat underneath my shoulders, to alleviate any extra stress on the back of my neck.  And then, just breathe in and let the pose carry you away.

Lady Lotus

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