Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hump Day Happies: Sicky Blanky

Ugh...I'm sick today.  Since practicing yoga, I have always been able to detect when I'm getting under the weather.  Last night I felt off.  I was sitting in the library reading Kripalu Yoga: A Guide to Practice On and Off the Mat by Richard Faulds (a great read, by the way).  I closed the book, closed my eyes, tilted my head back, and when I opened them up again, I could feel something wasn't right.  Like as if I'd had a drink and shouldn't be driving.  So I went home, snuggled up in bed with my trusted laptop, watched a fantastic episode of General Hospital (you all know I'm obsessed with that show, right?) and tried to sleep.  I tossed and turned all night.  I felt bad for poor Vinny Slick, I must have kept him up until I fell asleep- which was 2am.

Today is another day, and I am feeling slightly worse.  My appetite has completely disappeared, but I am forcing myself to eat something so I can have some energy.  So far, I have kept down my lunch.  Lets see what supper brings!  Now, you are probably wondering: how is being sick a Hump Day Happy??  Well, I want to know- what do you all do when you're sick, to make you feel better?

Today's Hump Day Happy winner is...drum roll blanky.  Yes, at 25 years old, I still have my blanky that I received as a newborn.  His (yes, it is a he...not a she, not an it...he) name is Doudou (pronounced doodoo- I know, it means poop, but I only spoke French when I was little so I didn't know its English meaning).  Doudou has been with me through thick and thin.  I dragged him everywhere when I was little.  I slept with him every night.  Actually, come to think of it, he is still always in my bed.  Though I may not always snuggle him, he is always there, somewhere, within the sheets.  Vinny Slick is such a good guy for letting me share the space.  Seriously, if my home caught on fire, one of the first things I would think of grabbing after Roxanne is Doudou.  He is the thing I have owned for the longest.  He is pretty scrappy now, but I still love him.  My mom always says that if I get married, I should sew him into my wedding dress.  Do any of you have an object like this?  Something that conjures up strong emotions, that brings you back to your childhood?  Maybe it's a Teddy Bear, a photo, something that has a certain scent...whatever it is, it is absoltuely one of the most comforting things you can keep.

So now I'm at home, in my PJs, on the couch, and snuggling with Doudou.  If ever I'm sad or sick, Doudou is the first thing I grab.  He creates a sense of comfort and security for me (I guess that's where the term security blanket comes from).  I invite you all, on this hump day, to snuggle up to something you love and makes you happy- an object, a pet, a loved one, and let the warm feeling encompass your entire body.  Even if you aren't sick, do it anyways.  My recipe for comfort today: GH and Doudou.

Lady Lotus


  1. I boil ginger, garlic and lemon in water then drink a lot of it right before I feel a cold approaching. I like to think it helps.

  2. Oh my god!!! I also have a doudou that I still sleep with as well. It's yellow. Was sewn by my grandma before I was even born. I've always felt like a huge freak for not being to week myself off it.
    Glad to know I'm not the only one. :)
    Get better soon!

  3. Lindsay, that sounds tasty, I'm going to try that :) I love tea remedies.

    Sarah, I'm also happy to see I'm not the only one!! Doudou lovers unite! And thank you for your kind words.
