Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Horse Yoga

Yesterday, I was left astounded.  I spent a beautiful day with my super sissy-in-law (Vinny Slick's sister).  Our morning consisted of a much needed delicious breakfast.  Vegetarian omelette, potatoes and green tea- how I love thee.  I always enjoy just sitting and chatting with sissy.  We never have a moment where there is nothing to say.  Honestly, I'm pretty sure we drive Vinny Slick nuts when we are together.  She is one of those people that makes you feel so incredibly good.  She's really wonderful.

Once our bellies were full, we hopped in her car and drove out to Hemmingford.  She is the proud owner of a beautiful horse, and she asked me earlier this week if I wanted to go meet him.  His name is McCue, and she had told him all about me, and how I was coming to visit.  She said he was very excited to meet me.
Now, I have ridden horses before.  I've never galloped, cantered, or even trotted.  But I've sat on one, and had it walk around very calmy.  Mind you, the last time I did this was when I was about 10 years old.  Fifteen years without mounting a horse, well, it can make you a little nervous at the thought of doing so.  But I told myself that this year, there is no room for fear or anxiety.  I will put any silly doubts or worries behind me, and get on that horse. 

Well, as soon as we arrived to the barn, I was overcome with a warm feeling, despite the cold weather.  There were several horses and ponies.  I was introduced to each one, up close and personal.  As soon as they approached me, any fears I had immediately slipped away.  These huge, thousand pound daunting animals made me feel so safe.  There was something about them that was serene.  I put my hands on them and rubbed them gently.  They really looked into my eyes, as if to say thank you.  They also tried to eat my blonde hair.  I think it reminded them of hay.  I am hands down an animal lover, and automatically felt a positive connection to these animals.  Once I was properly introduced to each one, sissy and I made our way to McCue.  Oh, and I found out on the car ride there that he is the descendant of one of the fastest horses ever known to live. I was told that those genes were definitely passed down to him.  He was absolutely stunning.

Once sissy prepped him with a nice grooming, we brought him into the arena.  She worked on him a bit first.  Did a few rounds in the arena, walking, trotting and cantering.  She wanted to make sure any excess energy he had bottled up would get released before I rode him.  Remember, 15 years...I wanted to start slowly!  It was mesmorizing to watch her handle McCue.  They share such a profound respect for one another.  He listened to everything she wanted, and she made sure to let him know she appreciatd it.  She treats him so wonderfully.  McCue is more than just an animal to her.  After about half an hour, it was my turn.  I put on my helmet (safety first!!) and came face to face with McCue.  I put my hands on him before getting on, and looked at him straigh in the eyes. I let him know that I was going to ride him, and thanked him for trusting me to get on.  With one foot in the stirrup and sissy's hand on my bum for a little support, I hopped on McCue.  The first thing that came to mind was "Wow...I'm really high up!"  Sissy had him on a long strap so that she could have a link to him while we started walking.  She was a fantastic teacher.  She taught me how to make him turn, how to stop, how to back up.  I loved it!

Now, here is where the whole experience ties in to yoga- this is a bloga after all, right?
The way you sit on a horse affects the feeling you will get out of it.  Like in any asana (posture), there is a way to place your body to avoid injury and to get the most out of the pose.  There is no difference when riding a horse.  I was taught to keep my back straight, my elbows in line with my shoulders and my hips, and my arms low, close to the horse.  A change in your body's movement can confuse the horse.  What is especially important is to remain relaxed.  Now, this is not only for your own comfort, but for the horse as well.  If you feel stiff or frightened, the horse will feel it as well.  This is what impressed me the most: the kindred bond you share with the horse is mind-boggling.  It is as though you become one.  As soon as I was loosened up and left mysel sink into the saddle, McCue automatically responded.  He became less rigid and bowed his head down.  Sissy said that by bowing his head, he is showing me that he is comfortable with me- something that some take months to master!  I couldn't believe it.  McCue and I had joined together in what appeared to be a brilliant dance.  I found myself getting lost in my own world with him.  We learned to trust each other.  I lied down flat on my back, on his.  Sissy even released the strap that was linking us together, and I was able to not only walk, but also trot on my own with him.  Every moment of it was exhilerating and liberating.  Once I got off, I thanked McCue for being patient with me, and offered him a friendly and encouraging rub.  I felt like I had just done an hour of yoga.  My soul, my mind, my body and my breath were all in connection with one another.

The whole process from beginning to end was very similar to my yoga practice.  I always start off with meditation, go into the asanas and breathing, and end off in relaxation and chant the sacred sound of Om to close the practice.  With McCue, we started off with a light grooming (mediation), went on to walk, trot, canter and gallop (asanas) and ended off with a light walk side by side (relaxation).  Sissy also has a ritual where she bows down in front of him, his face in line with hers, and she waits for him to chew- chewing, I was told, is a sign of happiness.  This last step was the chant of Om.  The similarities to yoga were fascinating.  Sissy also explained to me that when she rides McCue, she becomes lost in the feeling with him.  Her mind is clear and open.  She feels smooth, tranquil and passionate. 

Since yesterday, I have a new and profound respect and appreciation for what she does.  Yoga can be found in many things and moments. In her case, it is being with and riding McCue.  It is her yoga.  I look forward to meeting McCue again, and deepening my horse yoga practice with him.

Lady Lotus

Sissy-in-law and McCue.

McCue and I.

My new friends.

He liked me.  We had an instant connection- I think it's because we're both blonde.

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