Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Cancer is a word, not a sentence

I just re-read the title of this post, and I know that it may conjure up quite a few feelings.  When we hear the word "cancer", we aren't exactly filled with happy thoughts.  But you know, the truth is that this disease is so present in so many people's lives.  But the other truth is that we can find ways to help cope.

One thing I am a fond believer of is how you react when put in a position as devastating sounding as cancer. I have seen how using mind over body can give you an amazing outcome. They don't call it "fighting cancer" for nothing. If you dive inside yourself, you can dig down and discover the strength you need to be brave. Cancer doesn't mean the end.

As mentioned in my "Why all this Yoga" post in January, yoga has helped me incredibly when someone close to me passed away from cancer.  I went straight to class to try and make sense of it all.  On a certain level, being there helped.  Yoga continues to help me whenever I feel in need of some healing.  However, yoga has been there not only to aid people who have lost loved ones from cancer, but to help those affected directly by this disease.  There are yoga classes offered to those who are courageously battling caner.  Once I am a certified teacher, I cannot wait to learn about the therapeutics benefits of yoga on cancer patients.  I want to do as much as I can to try and stop this awful 6-letter word.

In the meantime, I am doing something else to help.  I am going to be participating in the Canadian Cancer Society's Relay for Life.  Now, I hope none of you feel like I am exploiting my cherished bloga to directly and blatantly advertise this next project of mine.  Some people are uncomfortable when being asked to donate.  If I have done that, then I am very sorry.  But my goal remains to try my best and make a difference.  I am adding this to my bloga because it is a cause that I believe in fully.  If by raising funds and walking 12 hours overnight is the least I can do, then I can do it.  This bloga remains as a place to share stories and thoughts all related to yoga.  For me, yoga has been something that has helped me stare in the face of cancer.  I owe so much of my strength to yoga, as it has aided me (and a lot of other people, maybe even someone reading this?) cope with cancer.

So I am simply asking that if you can find the time, and if you can afford to make a small charitable donation, that would be wonderful.  For those who cannot, then I ask you to kindly send your strength and positive energy out to those who need it.  To those who are going through treatment, to those who have lost their battle, and to all their families and friends that are caught up and tangled within this unfortunate 6-letter word.  Let us take what yoga has taught us, and send out all the radiant vibes we can.

For a donation, please visit my personal page, where you can also read more on why I am participating.  Any donation amount counts, and every amount of kind encouragement is welcome.
Not only did cancer take away two people I love dearly, but it also took away my best friend of 14 years, Dixie. xox

Lady Lotus

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