Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Hump Day Happies: Choose a Playful Path

This week's Hump Day Happy is simple: have fun in life.  Sometimes we have those days where we just want to rip our hair out.  But lets keep in mind that life, in essence, is beautiful.  We are fortunate to breathe in life everyday.  We are fortunate to have people surround us with love.  We are fortunate to have the oppurtunity to try new things.  So while life is giving us lemons, lets not forget to smile.  And lets send out smiles to those who are less fortunate than us.  Let our positive vibes radiate to each and every person out there.

Be playful.  I have something framed in my living room that reads "It was the perfect night to dance around the living room to records I forgot I had."  I love doing this.  Listen to music that conjures up great memories, and dance your heart out.  Embrace these moments.  And above all, let yourself be silly.  Sometimes when I get dressed in the morning, I put on two different colored socks.  This reminds me not to take myself too seriously.  Silly, right?  Exactly!  Do any of you do things like this?  I want to hear all about it.

Here is a short story to share: My precious co-worker TamTam has been continually asking me to blog about her.  After about a week of this, I said to her "Ok, but you have to give me a reason to blog about you, darling TamTam.  It's a bloga, after all, so what can you bring to the table that is yoga related."  Quite honestly, I was trying to bust her chops.  I wanted to see what she would say.  She stared at me for a moment, looked at the ground beneath her, and without any hesitation did this: 

Thank you, TamTam, for getting down on the dirty carpet and giving us your best Bridge Pose!  Thank you for not taking yourself too seriously.  Thank you for giving all of us in the office a reason to smile and chuckle.

I hope that you all have a Happy (and especially Silly) Hump Day!

Lady Lotus

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this :) Always good to have a reminder not to take things too serious and to 'have fun in life'!
    My NY resolution was to laugh more with my kids...I'm not really a NY resolution type of person, but it's just useful to remember every now and again.
    Good photo of your co-worker; good to share the less-serious side of life with work friends.
