Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hump Day Happies: Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

Ok ok, I know I'm a day early, but I am going to be swamped tomorrow and am not sure if I will get around to using a computer.  So here is this week's Pre-Hump Day Happy.

I was given quite the test this week.  As most of you are aware, I have been extremely excited to start my Yoga Teacher Training scheduled to begin this upcoming weekend.  It is something that I have been looking forward to for quite some time.  Well, a few days ago I received an e-mail from my wonderful teacher, regretting to inform us that the training must be postponed.  The student enrollment list is slightly lower than usual, so she would like to wait for more people to get registered.  Ideally, she would have liked to reschedule it for the Spring, but due to scheduling conflicts at the studio it will now take place in September 2010.  When I read that, I honestly felt my heart sink a bit.  I have to wait another 8 months?  As much as I hate to admit it, the spoiled, bratty little blonde girl in me wanted to come out and complain on top of her lungs.  But you know, after a few minutes I calmed down, and I was able to let in some room for reflexion. 

So basically the biggest dissapointment in this whole situation is that I have to wait a bit longer, right?  The training isn't cancelled.  I am still accepted into the program.  I am given even more time to better my own personal practice.  By postponing the training, it gives more time to have other yoga enthusiasts such as myself the chance to apply into the program.  Therefore, more energy will be bouced off of everyone.  We will be able to better feed off each other.  We will learn more from each other, and make even more friends. In a nutshell, postponing it means that I and the other students will benefit even more from the Yoga Teacher Training, and it will be an even more incredible experience.  Isn't that worth a mere 8 month wait?  Realizing all of this after my inner hissy fit, I sure do think so.

I feel that in our everyday lifestyle, we are constanly trying to move quickly.  We want things done as soon as possible.  We want our food fast, our transport fast, our downloading speed fast, our paychecks fast, our schooling fast, our special orders fast...we want everything to be done easily and handed to us.  But you know, sometimes being patient and waiting for something will have you enjoy the whole experience so much more.  That old expression "stop and smell the roses" hasn't gone out of style for me.  Just because time passes us by quicker than we expect it to doesn't mean we can't take pleasure in waiting for good things to happen.  After all, good things come to those who wait, right?

So on this hump day, I will remember that my training will be even bigger and better once it starts in September!  The anticipation and excitement for it will give me something to look forward to.  And I hope that all of you are able to stop and smell the roses at least one time this week.  Trust me, they smell even prettier when you learn to accept time as it is.  It will make you happy.

Lady Lotus

I wish this was a scracth and sniff, but it is the best I can do for now :)


  1. Thanks for this wonderful blog and the lovely rose, Lady Lotus! As I was about to start the same yoga training, I got very disappointed myself...
    It's true, in our fast paced world we want things quick and mostly get them quick. When there's something that doesn't come easy, we might often throw a tantrum (this is so unfair, I wanted this sooo badly, and now it got canceled, why me, etc...:)
    Now I hope this realization also helps me when I'm waiting for my food, my pay check, the bus
    Then I went online and frantically looked for another option, but there was no training like this training, and I really wanted this specific teacher! So I tried to convert my restlessness and negative thoughts into something more "yogalike" and felt this about my situation: This is unfair and I'm unlucky? Wait..I'm sitting here unharmed on the sofa in my warm and cozy apartment while it's freezing outside, I'm loved and love, blessed with amazing people and support in my life, I experience many meaningful moments all the time, of which the most simple are always the best. Instead of looking for a backup-plan, I'll just accept that this opportunity has passed, and I trust that another will come, but naturally and not planned.

    I hope I will also come to this realization the next time I wait for my food, my pay check, my bus, my water to boil, my family to come visit ...


  2. There is a great quote that you might like:

    "Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck" - Dalai Lama

    There is something really comforting about being able to have acceptance, and leaving it to the universe to work things out.

  3. Anna: Thank you so much for that wonderful comment! I couldn't agree with you more- we can't take what we have for granted. We are so fortunate to have wonderful people, moments and oppurtunities in our lives.

    KB: LOVE the quote, that one is a keeper!!
