Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Time After Time

I didn't wear my watch today.  I didn't forget to put it on- I deliberately left it on my nightstand this morning.  I have a confession to make- I am a compulsive time checker.  I never take off my watch, except when I'm sleeping, in the shower, or going for a swim.  I even keep it on when I'm out in the sun so that I can prove to people that my pasty white skin does, in fact, get some color.  Sometimes I feel like I give my left arm a workout everyday by compulsively and endlessly looking at the time.  But this morning I asked myself "What's the hurry?  Why do you always need to know what time it is?" 

Of all the wonderful things Yoga has brought to me, feeling more present is near the top of my list.  I am slowly starting to learn how to live in the present.  I no longer want to constantly contemplate on the past- a habit I do much too often, like a redundant broken record.  I no longer want to look too far ahead, guessing and creating a vision that I cannot control- and quite frankly why should I try to control so much?  I am practicing living in the moment.  My goal is to introduce that feeling of stillness and moment to moment existence which I receive when in meditation and asanas into my everyday life.  So what is the first test?  Not wearing my time constraint on my wrist.  I admit, I keep checking to see what time it is- and I really have no clue why.  I put a bracelet on in lieu of my time trap to feel slightly less naked, but thus far it is just teasing me into looking.  But you know what?  I already feel less trapped and present.  It is as though a weight has been lifted off my shoudlers (or should I say wrist?) and I am slowly being able to appreciate my day, minute by minute, hour by hour- without counting them! 

I hope you are all able to have a timeless experience today.

Lady Lotus

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