Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Downward Facing Blog Gets All Dolled Up...Again!

I've done it again!  I gave my precious Bloga a much deserved make-over.  I hope you like it.  It isn't too flashy-showy is it?  I have stayed with the same color schemes- serene blues.  And you know why?  Drum roll please *drrrrr drrrrr drrrrrrrrrr* Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the color of my new yoga room.  No no, it isn't painted or set-up just yet, but I have chosen a similar blueish tone to dawn the walls of my mini sanctuary.  It's not exactly the same color, but it leaves you open to imagination.  Why did I lean towards blue more than green, yellow and purple?  Well, my super AuntMimi wrote me a short message, explaining what her Feng Shui book said about color schemes.

Blue: a calming and peaceful color, often linked to spirituality, contemplation, patience and mystery.  An ideal color for meditation.
Green: a color often linked to fertility and calm.  Very relaxing.
Purple: a color that encourages vitality.  Linked to faith and religion.
Yellow: a color linked to clarity and intelligence.  It stimulates the brain and digestion.  To avoid for meditation.

So naturally, blue seemed like the perfect fit for my walls.  And just a little hint of green to add an extra dose of calm (please keep in mind that depending on your computer screen the page may look greener or darker than it actually is...)  I do hope you enjoy the make-over.  I'll try not to make an annoying habit out of it.  But right now, at this present moment (Ah ha!  See, I'm practicing being more present, just like I promised in my last post) I am loving this style.

Lady Lotus

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