Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Picture Perfect

Apart from yoga and my kitty, there are many other things I am passionate about.  One of those things is photography.  I'm an amateur, but splurged on a really nice camera a few months ago.  Another passion is Johnny Cash.  Country girl at heart, what can I say.
It was beautiful out today.  The sun was shining so bright I actually had to dig up my sunglasses from last Summer.  After spending a nice morning with best blonde friend and her beau, I came home with the urge to take pictures.  With Johnny plugged in my ears and my camera case strapped around me, I ventured to Lafontaine Parc for some much needed picture taking.  The feeling I get when I spend the afternoon outside taking photos is very similar to the feeling I get with yoga.  I feel completely present in my mind and my body.  Everytime I point and shoot, it's as though I get lost in my own little world and can't help but feel wonderful.  Watching hundreds of people enjoying their Saturday in the parc is also just as wonderful. I guess you can say that on a certain scale photography, to me, is yoga, too.

Lady Lotus


  1. Next winter you should start 'Yoga on Ice'. Or even better, 'Frozen Yog-art'!

  2. I`m going to have to practice my skating skills!
