Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My Very First Bloga

Here I am with my very first blog, or as I will forever call it : my bloga (thank you Vinny Slick).  The idea of blogging never crossed my mind.  I realize now that it's because I never felt passionate enough about something to blog about it- other than my cat, but Roxanne's extreme awesomeness would not come across accurately through blogging. 
So hello fellow bloggers.  Bloggees?  Bloggermeisters?  Blogonians?  Welcome to my yoga bloga.  I have grown to develop a sincere appreciation and commitment to my yoga practice.  Everyday I am driven by what I have learnt and continue to learn through my daily practice, both on and off the mat.  I hope that my bloga will strengthen not only my own personal dedication, but yours as well.

Lady Lotus


  1. welcome, congrats, or whatever is appropriate to say when someone starts a blog.

  2. Nice to meet you and read your blog.
    I too am developing "appreciation and commitment" to my yoga has really become a part of me, more than just a once weekly class, but a daily connection to my inner-self.
    It's nice to read a brand-new blog right from the start too!
    Best wishes,

  3. Thank you so much, KB. I hope you continue to enjoy a good read here :) May your daily connection continue to grow into something wonderful!
