Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hump Day Happies- A Friendly Exchange of Words

Wednesday is that day of the week that can either leave you feeling happy or sad. Depending on whether you view the glass half empty or half full, Wednesdays mean that your work week is half way done, or that you still have half of your work week left to go. For that reason, I would like to introduce you to Hump Day Happies- a tiny burst of sunshine for your Wednesdays. It doesn’t take much to turn a frown upside down, all we need to do is realize these moments when they happen.  I have been inspired to start this from practicing Kripalu Yoga- the yoga of love and kindness.

Last week, I was at the YMCA and was approached by one of their volunteers. I see this man every time I go. He walks in with such a sincere smile on his face, even when he is coming in from the rain, the snow and the cold. He must be about 60 years old, but he appears much younger. His warm spirit and unmistakable smile lines come across strong. I have always loved smile lines- those small creases shaped around your mouth and cheeks. They act as proof that you smiled a lot in your life. A good thing, of course! I have spoken to this man a few times, mainly casual conversation. Before leaving that day, he came up to me with his trademark smile and friendly blue eyes and said: “May your skies be blue and your lights be green, all day long.”

It’s wonderful how such a short and honest expression can lift your spirits. It made my day that much better. So today, friends, I would like to wish you the very same thing. May your skies be blue and your lights be green, all day long.

Lady Lotus


  1. It's so refreshing to have people actually talk to each other. It's so rare now that everyone seems to be plugged in to something 24/7. By the way, I Have really tight shoulders too. Eagle pose is another challenging pose for me.

  2. Thank you so much Downdog, I couldn't agree with you more- life's sweet little instances can make a day feel so much more rewarding.
