A very nice gal asked me what inspired me to do my yoga teacher training. I start my training shortly, and am thrilled! Thanks KB for the motivation behind this post.
So lets starts from the very beginning, a very good place to start (said Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music).
When I graduated from University and began working full time, I had some trouble adjusting to the whole 9-5 work day. As much as I enjoyed it, I couldn't shake off the redundancy. Wake up, go to work, come home, go to sleep, and repeat. Thankfully I had my wonderful beau Vinny Slick and kitty Roxanne to come home to.
One day I was sitting at my desk and realized that I wanted to make the most of my lunch hour. It was that one hour out of 8 that was designated for me time. Kind of out of nowhere I thought to myself, "Hmm, I should sign up for a yoga class". Just like that I googled my way through local yoga studios, and found a great place that offered lunch time classes. From the first day I stepped into that studio, I loved it. I went, and continue to go, on a regular basis.
Now here is where my practice took a turn...
At first, going to yoga was about me. It was about my time and about how it made me feel. It was a way to break the redundancy I was attempting to get used to, and it worked. I would walk back to the office feeling refreshed. But then something else happened that drove me to keep practicing, and to practice deeper and deeper.
A really amazing woman whom I loved very much was diagnosed with cancer. It was hard to see her go through it, and just as difficult to see her family and friends suffering at the thought of losing her. But you know, she would smile through it everyday, and shine light on every situation and diagnosis. She carried such a joie de vivre throughout it all. I always admired her for that- words can't describe the wonder. So in addition to going to yoga because my professional life was hard to adjust to, I now had a big twist in my personal life as well. By going to class, I felt as though I was able to cope with the terrible face of cancer. I was able to be more positive for myself, for her, and for everyone surrounding us. I felt like I was able to be more present.
The Wednesday in April she passed away, I did three things as soon as I found out:
1. I called my parents.
2. I called my hairdresser (I have a thing for getting what I call Emotional Haircuts- it seems silly, but it works for me)
3. I went to yoga.
I was still in shock when I got to the studio, and felt slightly numb, but I knew it was where I wanted to be for the next hour. I dedicated my yoga practice to her that day, and every now and then still do.
So when I think to myself "Why yoga?" so many things come to mind. It calms my mind, my body, my soul. It is a way to feel at one with myself and everyone and everything around me. It is a driving force that is continually pushing me in the right direction. It is not only a practice, but also a passion, that enables me to handle barriers in a clearer way. It has helped me cope with stress, anger, sadness, grief, and it has heightened my sense of love, compassion and generosity.
Everything yoga has taught me ties in to why I want to do my teacher training. I am at a point in my life where I still feel like I have a lot of room to grow and to learn. Though I am no longer a student, I still find myself enlightening my mind with new experiences. I do not need to be in an educational institution to continue learning. Now, life is teaching me my lessons. Yoga has been such an important part of my life in the last year or so that I am striving to learn as much as I can about it. I want to go beyond the postures and the breathing techniques. I want to learn about the history, the philosophy, the anatomy, about everything behind this tradition. I want to dedicate more of myself towards yoga. I feel like I am still blooming, and I know that I want to devote myself more to yoga for as long as I possibly can. By doing the teacher training, I feel like I will not only grow personally, but I can help others around me grow as well. I want to take everything I have learned, and will continue to learn, and share that with other individuals. I want to one day learn more about the therapeutic effects yoga has on cancer patients. Yoga has been so wonderful to me. I have found myself smiling a lot more and embracing life in an innovative kind of way.
Lady Lotus
Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Hump Day Happies- My Nanny
I can honestly say that my Nanny is hands down the cutest grandmother in the whole world. She lives in a very small community in Antigonish County, Nova Scotia. Her pastimes include baking, making people happy, and going to church. Seriously, I’m pretty sure she goes to church everyday. She lives right up the street from it. And when I say bake, I mean she bakes up a storm! For those of you who have met her and have tasted her treats, it’s safe to say that her baking is world-famous worthy. I don’t know what I love more: her pies, her cinnamon rolls, hers biscuits, her cookies, her rolls…She bakes for everyone in that small town. When I visited her this past Summer, she went blueberry picking the day before I arrived- an 82 year-old lady, blueberry picking in the hot sun. She baked me 5 blueberry pies, and one apple pie…I was staying with her for 5 days. When she found out I was vegetarian, she stocked her fridge with freshly grown vegetables. It was quite the transition for her, since she is strictly a meat and potatoes kind of gal. Just look at the plate she fed me every night- I was in Heaven! I had such a great time with her, we would spend hours talking, drinking tea, going to church and, of course, playing Bingo!
She is a woman who just loves doing things for others, it is absolutely amazing. She never puts herself first. Everyone knows her. Everyone visits her, since she lives by herself. Any time we call, she is either with company, off to church, at her bridge club, or baking. I could go on forever and write about what an unbelievable lady she is. She herself is Hump Day Happies praiseworthy all around. Oh, did I mention that she also works as a lunch-time monitor at the local Elementary School? She has been doing so for around 40 years. Truly and utterly amazing.
So, the other day I called her and had a nice chat. We always talk about everyone in the family, how they are all doing, etc. We got into a conversation about my wonderful cousin who just went to India for a Yoga retreat- lucky her. Now, here is where the happiest of happies kicks in:
Nanny: “Yes so did you hear about your cousin?”
Me: “Yeah I know, lucky her she is in India!”
Nanny: “I know, she went on one of those umm, whatcha call it, one of them Yogurt retreats.”
She is so sweet she makes sugar taste like salt. I love her to pieces. May you all enjoy a wonderful Yogurt practice at least once in your life, and have a very happy hump day.
Lady Lotus
Monday, January 25, 2010
Position of the Week: Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I)
Benefits: This position will stretch out your chest, lungs, neck, shoulders and belly. It will strengthen the muscles in your arms and shoulders, as well as the muscles in your back. It will also do wonders for your thighs, calves and ankles.
From the very first day I went into Warrior I pose, I knew I was in love. Though we may associate the term warrior with fighting and violence, it is such a serene position. We are taught to live non-violent lives. To me, this pose’s name does not symbolize hostility. Perhaps it is the inner battle we feel inside of us, when we struggle with something in our lives. By going into warrior pose, we are combating the negativity we may be feeling.
By reaching my arms up towards the sky, I feel as though I am reaching out to attain some wonderful goal in life. If ever I am feeling tired, then I envision myself reaching up to grab energy. If I feel sick, then I reach up to grab health by the horns. If I feel uneasy about something, I reach up and hold on to my own life, and try to find total happiness. With my chest wide open, I offer my heart up by slightly bending back, and expand my lungs to breathe in positive energy. My legs are strong beneath me, and my feet are grounded. I feel strongly linked to the ground and to the sky, all at once. It is a pose that makes my entire being feel present, and I love you, Warrior I pose, for that.
Lady Lotus
From the very first day I went into Warrior I pose, I knew I was in love. Though we may associate the term warrior with fighting and violence, it is such a serene position. We are taught to live non-violent lives. To me, this pose’s name does not symbolize hostility. Perhaps it is the inner battle we feel inside of us, when we struggle with something in our lives. By going into warrior pose, we are combating the negativity we may be feeling.
By reaching my arms up towards the sky, I feel as though I am reaching out to attain some wonderful goal in life. If ever I am feeling tired, then I envision myself reaching up to grab energy. If I feel sick, then I reach up to grab health by the horns. If I feel uneasy about something, I reach up and hold on to my own life, and try to find total happiness. With my chest wide open, I offer my heart up by slightly bending back, and expand my lungs to breathe in positive energy. My legs are strong beneath me, and my feet are grounded. I feel strongly linked to the ground and to the sky, all at once. It is a pose that makes my entire being feel present, and I love you, Warrior I pose, for that.
Lady Lotus
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Picture Perfect
Apart from yoga and my kitty, there are many other things I am passionate about. One of those things is photography. I'm an amateur, but splurged on a really nice camera a few months ago. Another passion is Johnny Cash. Country girl at heart, what can I say.
It was beautiful out today. The sun was shining so bright I actually had to dig up my sunglasses from last Summer. After spending a nice morning with best blonde friend and her beau, I came home with the urge to take pictures. With Johnny plugged in my ears and my camera case strapped around me, I ventured to Lafontaine Parc for some much needed picture taking. The feeling I get when I spend the afternoon outside taking photos is very similar to the feeling I get with yoga. I feel completely present in my mind and my body. Everytime I point and shoot, it's as though I get lost in my own little world and can't help but feel wonderful. Watching hundreds of people enjoying their Saturday in the parc is also just as wonderful. I guess you can say that on a certain scale photography, to me, is yoga, too.
Lady Lotus
It was beautiful out today. The sun was shining so bright I actually had to dig up my sunglasses from last Summer. After spending a nice morning with best blonde friend and her beau, I came home with the urge to take pictures. With Johnny plugged in my ears and my camera case strapped around me, I ventured to Lafontaine Parc for some much needed picture taking. The feeling I get when I spend the afternoon outside taking photos is very similar to the feeling I get with yoga. I feel completely present in my mind and my body. Everytime I point and shoot, it's as though I get lost in my own little world and can't help but feel wonderful. Watching hundreds of people enjoying their Saturday in the parc is also just as wonderful. I guess you can say that on a certain scale photography, to me, is yoga, too.
Lady Lotus
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Cat Yoga
I just had to share this with all of you. I was perusing an on-line bookstore in search of a specific book I need for my Yoga Teacher Training (which begins shortly, I am so excited!) when I stumbled across a book entitled “Cat Yoga”.
Of course, being a lover of yoga and fuzzy animals, my curiosity immediately got the best of me. The book is comprised of various yoga positions, completely demonstrated by our furry feline friends. Now, the left side of my brain said “Don’t do it, do you really need a book that has pictures of cats doing yoga?” Then the right side chimed in with an “Oh come on, you know you want to. How cute is that?!” The right side always seems to triumph- I’m such a pushover. Before I knew it I had placed my order. Within 2 days, voila! My book arrived.
Honestly, it is an absolutely adorable read. There are cats and kittens doing hundreds of different poses, with an explanation of each pose as it relates to cats! Silly, I know, but it makes for a good chuckle when you
are in need of one. However, what was initially a ridiculous purchase has now grown into something else. I will eventually want to explore teaching yoga to children. I hope that this book will aid me with my first potential student: my beautiful 5 years old niece. With Red-Head Bro and Sistah in Law's permission, I want to introduce their little girl to yoga, and what better way than to start off by showing her kitties in the poses? It hooked me line and sinker, and I am cruious if it will do the same for her.
Lady Lotus
Of course, being a lover of yoga and fuzzy animals, my curiosity immediately got the best of me. The book is comprised of various yoga positions, completely demonstrated by our furry feline friends. Now, the left side of my brain said “Don’t do it, do you really need a book that has pictures of cats doing yoga?” Then the right side chimed in with an “Oh come on, you know you want to. How cute is that?!” The right side always seems to triumph- I’m such a pushover. Before I knew it I had placed my order. Within 2 days, voila! My book arrived.
Honestly, it is an absolutely adorable read. There are cats and kittens doing hundreds of different poses, with an explanation of each pose as it relates to cats! Silly, I know, but it makes for a good chuckle when you
are in need of one. However, what was initially a ridiculous purchase has now grown into something else. I will eventually want to explore teaching yoga to children. I hope that this book will aid me with my first potential student: my beautiful 5 years old niece. With Red-Head Bro and Sistah in Law's permission, I want to introduce their little girl to yoga, and what better way than to start off by showing her kitties in the poses? It hooked me line and sinker, and I am cruious if it will do the same for her.
Lady Lotus
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Hump Day Happies- A Friendly Exchange of Words
Wednesday is that day of the week that can either leave you feeling happy or sad. Depending on whether you view the glass half empty or half full, Wednesdays mean that your work week is half way done, or that you still have half of your work week left to go. For that reason, I would like to introduce you to Hump Day Happies- a tiny burst of sunshine for your Wednesdays. It doesn’t take much to turn a frown upside down, all we need to do is realize these moments when they happen. I have been inspired to start this from practicing Kripalu Yoga- the yoga of love and kindness.
Last week, I was at the YMCA and was approached by one of their volunteers. I see this man every time I go. He walks in with such a sincere smile on his face, even when he is coming in from the rain, the snow and the cold. He must be about 60 years old, but he appears much younger. His warm spirit and unmistakable smile lines come across strong. I have always loved smile lines- those small creases shaped around your mouth and cheeks. They act as proof that you smiled a lot in your life. A good thing, of course! I have spoken to this man a few times, mainly casual conversation. Before leaving that day, he came up to me with his trademark smile and friendly blue eyes and said: “May your skies be blue and your lights be green, all day long.”
It’s wonderful how such a short and honest expression can lift your spirits. It made my day that much better. So today, friends, I would like to wish you the very same thing. May your skies be blue and your lights be green, all day long.
Lady Lotus
Last week, I was at the YMCA and was approached by one of their volunteers. I see this man every time I go. He walks in with such a sincere smile on his face, even when he is coming in from the rain, the snow and the cold. He must be about 60 years old, but he appears much younger. His warm spirit and unmistakable smile lines come across strong. I have always loved smile lines- those small creases shaped around your mouth and cheeks. They act as proof that you smiled a lot in your life. A good thing, of course! I have spoken to this man a few times, mainly casual conversation. Before leaving that day, he came up to me with his trademark smile and friendly blue eyes and said: “May your skies be blue and your lights be green, all day long.”
It’s wonderful how such a short and honest expression can lift your spirits. It made my day that much better. So today, friends, I would like to wish you the very same thing. May your skies be blue and your lights be green, all day long.
Lady Lotus
Monday, January 18, 2010
Position of the Week: Poorna Salabhasana (Locust Pose)
Benefits: This pose strengthens the muscles of your buttocks, spine, backs of your arms and your legs. It will improve your posture as well as your abdominal organs. It will stretch out your thighs, belly, chest and shoulders, and it does wonders to relieve stress. It is a great pose to practice if you are constipated, have lower back pain and are often fatigued.
The very first time I was instructed to go into the Locust Pose, I thought it looked easy. Lie down on your stomach- check! Lift both your legs- check! Lift your upper body and arms- check! Clasp your hands together and keep everything lifted- ummm check? I have the unfortunate luck of being graced with tight shoulders. Clasping my palms behind my back while keeping my arms straight and lifted feels as though I’m trying to sprout wings in lieu of shoulder blades. Anytime I go into this pose I have my teacher’s voice echoing repeatedly in my head, “externally rotate your inner arms and hug your shoulder blades together.” I love that word- hug. A hug is so warm and soothing. Hugging your shoulder blades together while preparing for or being in Locust Pose is, quite honestly, somewhat agonizing.

Oh Locust Pose, the love/hate relationship we share will forever leave an imprint on my practice. Thank you for allowing me to struggle, because by that struggle I know I can feel, and by that feeling, I know I am live.
Lady Lotus
Friday, January 15, 2010
You Are The Mat Beneath My Wings
Although I tend to dabble in my wallet and slightly indulge on a few things from time to time, by all means I do not consider myself a materialist. But you know that feeling you get when you buy something new, that you really love? A small part of you feels fulfilled inside because, after all, if you decided to buy it, it obviously gives you some sense of pleasure. That was the feeling I had when I bought my new yoga mat.
I owe my new yoga mat to big bro and sis-in-law, who kindly sent me an Indigo gift card from Ottawa. My first thought was that I would buy a fantastic book, which is what most people anticipate when receiving and Indigo gift card. However, when I walked through the doors of the bookstore, I was blinded by a bright, beautiful sign. It read: 20% off selected GAIAM products. For those of you who are unfamiliar with GAIAM, they are a lifestyle company specializing in green living, yoga, fitness and organic products. I began weighing my options. Do I really need a new book? I have three of them at home just dying to be read. My choice was clear. Actually, I think that subconsciously I already had a new yoga mat in mind when driving to Indigo. I knew they sold GAIAM products, and that sale was like a finger pointing me in the right direction.
Choosing the perfect mat was like trying to choose my favorite color of the rainbow. There were so many to choose from, all unique in their own way. Being a colorful person at heart, I was surprised with my choice. A light grey mat with dark grey peonies etched at each opposing end. It’s called The Prosperity Mat. How appropriate since I think of myself as a very prosperous person due to all the wonderful people in my life. I clutched the mat between my hands, and I knew I had made the right choice. Now here is where the indulging person in me shows up. I wanted more. The mat was almost enough, but I wanted the whole iceberg. I knew I would have a few dollars leftover on the gift card, so I allowed my eyes to gaze to the right, where I saw it: my very first yoga strap. In case you’re wondering, a yoga strap is exactly that- a strap, but a glorious one. I walked to the cash with my head held high. Finally, my collection of yoga accessories had begun. I leave my usual yoga mat (that is really not as pretty) at the studio. As I unraveled the new one in my living room, my eyes shimmered and my jaw dropped. The Perfect Prosperity Mat. Now, my home practice is slowly becoming whole. Thank you, big bro and sis-in-law, for the unexpected gift from Indigo Bookstore.
Lady Lotus
I owe my new yoga mat to big bro and sis-in-law, who kindly sent me an Indigo gift card from Ottawa. My first thought was that I would buy a fantastic book, which is what most people anticipate when receiving and Indigo gift card. However, when I walked through the doors of the bookstore, I was blinded by a bright, beautiful sign. It read: 20% off selected GAIAM products. For those of you who are unfamiliar with GAIAM, they are a lifestyle company specializing in green living, yoga, fitness and organic products. I began weighing my options. Do I really need a new book? I have three of them at home just dying to be read. My choice was clear. Actually, I think that subconsciously I already had a new yoga mat in mind when driving to Indigo. I knew they sold GAIAM products, and that sale was like a finger pointing me in the right direction.
Choosing the perfect mat was like trying to choose my favorite color of the rainbow. There were so many to choose from, all unique in their own way. Being a colorful person at heart, I was surprised with my choice. A light grey mat with dark grey peonies etched at each opposing end. It’s called The Prosperity Mat. How appropriate since I think of myself as a very prosperous person due to all the wonderful people in my life. I clutched the mat between my hands, and I knew I had made the right choice. Now here is where the indulging person in me shows up. I wanted more. The mat was almost enough, but I wanted the whole iceberg. I knew I would have a few dollars leftover on the gift card, so I allowed my eyes to gaze to the right, where I saw it: my very first yoga strap. In case you’re wondering, a yoga strap is exactly that- a strap, but a glorious one. I walked to the cash with my head held high. Finally, my collection of yoga accessories had begun. I leave my usual yoga mat (that is really not as pretty) at the studio. As I unraveled the new one in my living room, my eyes shimmered and my jaw dropped. The Perfect Prosperity Mat. Now, my home practice is slowly becoming whole. Thank you, big bro and sis-in-law, for the unexpected gift from Indigo Bookstore.
Lady Lotus
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
My Very First Bloga
Here I am with my very first blog, or as I will forever call it : my bloga (thank you Vinny Slick). The idea of blogging never crossed my mind. I realize now that it's because I never felt passionate enough about something to blog about it- other than my cat, but Roxanne's extreme awesomeness would not come across accurately through blogging.
So hello fellow bloggers. Bloggees? Bloggermeisters? Blogonians? Welcome to my yoga bloga. I have grown to develop a sincere appreciation and commitment to my yoga practice. Everyday I am driven by what I have learnt and continue to learn through my daily practice, both on and off the mat. I hope that my bloga will strengthen not only my own personal dedication, but yours as well.
Lady Lotus
So hello fellow bloggers. Bloggees? Bloggermeisters? Blogonians? Welcome to my yoga bloga. I have grown to develop a sincere appreciation and commitment to my yoga practice. Everyday I am driven by what I have learnt and continue to learn through my daily practice, both on and off the mat. I hope that my bloga will strengthen not only my own personal dedication, but yours as well.
Lady Lotus
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