Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Class Observation

Today I'm scheduled to go in and take part in what is called a class observation.  Once a month, every student from my YTT has to sit in and watch our FabTeach conduct a yoga class. 

This will be my second class observation.  Last month, I couldn't believe how many notes I took.  Five pages if I remember correctly.  There is something so remarkable about really being on the other side, like a fly on the wall.  One of my challenges was reminding myself not to watch the students, but to in fact watch my teacher.  I saw so many things that I hadn't ever noticed before while upside down, twisted, or closed-eyed.  For example, when in realaxation at the end, I naturally figured my teacher would be sitting in Easy Pose, her eyes closed, meditating.  But the fact is, while she is sitting in Easy Pose, her eyes open unti the last couple of minutes, taking the time to watch over us.  I had asked her about this in our discussion afterwards and she said that of course, she watches over us.  It's her way of keeping us safe, keeping us secure.  That way she knows we are okay, and we know that we are in a safe place.

I'm excited to see what I will discover today during the observation.  Last month I was told to play close attention to how she instructs the students to place and move their leg muscles.  Lets see what today has in store!

Lady Lotus

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