Happy Valentine's Day, my lovely bloga friends. I'm a fond believer that V-Day is not only meant to be celebrated amongst lovers, but to be celebrated with those we LOVE, and that means family and friends, too. It should be recognized as a day to tell everyone that you hold dear that you love them. But unfortunately, not enough people see it this way. Many people in my surroundings mumble angrily under their breath when this day rolls around. At first sight of this, I stop them mid-mumble and wrap them in my arms to let them know that they are, in fact, loved.
I am guessing it should
say "Be" but you get it! |
So yesterday, Vinny and I enjoyed our third experience with partner yoga. We had tried it twice last year, and jumped on the occasion to lay our mats side by side again as my FabTeach taught a class of nearly 30 people eager to experience Tree Pose and Downward Facing Dog with someone they love. Of course, every pose felt inexplicably special because I was performing them with Vinny, but there was another factor at play that made it feel so unique. Our mats were surround by 6 other mats, and on those 6 mats were friends. There was PetiteK and Dji behind us, who had actually accompanied us at a previous partner yoga session. There was BMan and his lovely fiancée beside us dipping their toes in their first partner yoga experience. And diagonal to us was my YTT partner in crime LovelyLau who had convinced her husband to try it out. If his first-time experience was anything like Vinny's, it's hook line and sinker from here on in and he'll be joining her for every other partner yoga workshop. Being surrounded by friends made the whole experience feel even more playful. We helped each other and we let ourselves giggle in between asanas and sometimes during. Of course, it was equally amazing to see those who had never really dabbled in yoga before enjoy their experience with an ear to ear smile.
The combination of having tmy main squeeze and friends present made this particular partner yoga experience unforgettable. Not only were Vinny and I celebrating our love for each other, but we were sharing this loving experience with friends. And that, in my most humble opnion, is what Valentine's Day is all about.
Lady Lotus
I am sorry I missed it....I was planning on surprising you and LovelyLau but Julian had a game and I had a class at the studio....I am jealous ;(