Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Prana y Peru: Una Introducción

Hello my lovely readers and friends!  Oh how I have missed tapping noisily on my keyboard, writing to you all about my aspirations, my blunders, my hopes, my asanas, my everything.  I am officially back from Peru, and let me tell you- it was one of the most beautiful, emotional and spiritual experiences of this little lady's life.  Words cannot describe what was rushing through my body while I was there.  I was completely and utterly floored by the wonderful ambience that seemed to find its way through every inch of me.  I went to bed smiling, and woke up with the same goofy grin.  I was so sad to leave (although, I must admit, I was very excited to see my kitty Roxanne).

So this is what leads me to introduce you all to yet another section of my blog.  I would love to continually write about my Peruvian adventure, but this would mean paragraphs upon paragraphs of babbling and I would be afraid to lose you half way through it.  Therefore, say hello to Prana y Peru- a selection of postings dedicated to my love affair with Peru.  Anything and everything on how this trip inspired me and molded me into a person that is even more in touch with myself wil be spread over this screen.  The entire 10 days felt like one giant yoga class.  It was truly awe-inspiring, and I cannot wait to share all my stories with you.  So keep reading, there will be lots to say!

Lady Lotus

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