Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Your Hip Bone's Connected to Your...Gluteus Medius and Iliotibial Tract?
Good news: I won't be the youngest person I know to get hip replacement- yippee!
My wonderful physiotherapist J (who has known me since I was a teenager and also works on every member of my family- group rate, anyone?) worked her magic last week and told me what's going on with my naughty hips. So boys and girls, time for an anatomy lesson!
The reason my hips are sore is far more complex than just doing too many balancing poses in yoga. Since I am of a somewhat slender physique and have been doing so much yoga, my body is starting to let me in on a little secret: I still need to work on all those nasty little muscles that I've been ignoring! So here is the breakdown:
1. My gluteus medius is weak. Not the maximus, not the minimus. The cozy one that rests right in between like the cream filling of an oreo (or a Fudgeeo, which ever one you prefer to imagine tasting right now). Like the center of a butterscotch candy, tee hee. As a result...
2. My fascia lata is weakened as well. That's the deep tissue fiber surrounding the muscles found in the upper part of my thighs, near my hips. And because of that...
3. My iliotibial tract is strained and tight. That's the long fibrous reinforcement that's connected to my fascia lata. It basically lunges from my hip down to my knee.
Oh, and another thing just for kicks. J asked me to walk in front of her in a straight line. After about 3 steps she said "Ok ok come back here...". When I walk, my hips sway. Not like sexy super-moel swaying, but like they naturally sway left and right in an unsual way, which also adds to the pain I've been feeling- and the awkward crunchy rubbing I've been feeling when I press my hands against my hips when walking.
So all these players here are a tag-teaming trio out to hurt my hips- boo hoo! But it's not their fault. They didn't know that they were weak. It still amazes me how so may little things can play such an integral role in the human body. I've said it once and I'll say it again- the human body is a wonder. So J gave me some gentle exercises to do at home to strengthen them. Pretty easy stuff- it takes about 15 minutes and I can already feel the muscles being worked in the right way. In the meantime, I've had to be gentle with my yoga practice. Nothing that will strain this area even more.
I go back for a second session this Wednesday- lets see if I made these bad boys stronger.
Lady Lotus
My wonderful physiotherapist J (who has known me since I was a teenager and also works on every member of my family- group rate, anyone?) worked her magic last week and told me what's going on with my naughty hips. So boys and girls, time for an anatomy lesson!
The reason my hips are sore is far more complex than just doing too many balancing poses in yoga. Since I am of a somewhat slender physique and have been doing so much yoga, my body is starting to let me in on a little secret: I still need to work on all those nasty little muscles that I've been ignoring! So here is the breakdown:
1. My gluteus medius is weak. Not the maximus, not the minimus. The cozy one that rests right in between like the cream filling of an oreo (or a Fudgeeo, which ever one you prefer to imagine tasting right now). Like the center of a butterscotch candy, tee hee. As a result...
2. My fascia lata is weakened as well. That's the deep tissue fiber surrounding the muscles found in the upper part of my thighs, near my hips. And because of that...
3. My iliotibial tract is strained and tight. That's the long fibrous reinforcement that's connected to my fascia lata. It basically lunges from my hip down to my knee.
Oh, and another thing just for kicks. J asked me to walk in front of her in a straight line. After about 3 steps she said "Ok ok come back here...". When I walk, my hips sway. Not like sexy super-moel swaying, but like they naturally sway left and right in an unsual way, which also adds to the pain I've been feeling- and the awkward crunchy rubbing I've been feeling when I press my hands against my hips when walking.
So all these players here are a tag-teaming trio out to hurt my hips- boo hoo! But it's not their fault. They didn't know that they were weak. It still amazes me how so may little things can play such an integral role in the human body. I've said it once and I'll say it again- the human body is a wonder. So J gave me some gentle exercises to do at home to strengthen them. Pretty easy stuff- it takes about 15 minutes and I can already feel the muscles being worked in the right way. In the meantime, I've had to be gentle with my yoga practice. Nothing that will strain this area even more.
I go back for a second session this Wednesday- lets see if I made these bad boys stronger.
Lady Lotus
Monday, October 18, 2010
It's Hip to be a Square
I love the title of this post for two reasons.
1. Huey Lewis and the News...need I say more?
2. When practicing certain asanas, it's very important that your hips be squared.
I just love plays on words, don't you?
But let's get to the dealy-o of this post. It's all about my hips. And my hips are a-killin' me. For the last few days I have been feeling a great deal of tenderness in both my hips. It's quite the uncomfortable sensation. But my hips have been unruly for quite some time- for as long as I can remember, my hips have "clicked". When I get out of bed, when I get up from a chair, when I move my legs from crossed to straight to extended to bent...my hips "click", "crack", "snapple", "pop"...they're noisy little (and I use the term little quite loosely as I do find my hips quite curvy and hey, I'm not complaining) buggers. But today, oh my, today my hips were on my mind. I couldn't sit in any way that felt right. My hips were just so sore no matter what. I guess Sunday's YTT class of balancing poses didn't quite help either. I was having so much trouble balancing on one leg without having pressure shoot down into my hips. I grounded my legs, engaged my femurs, lifted my patellae...bu the pressure just wouldn't free itself. I noticed today that when I walk I feel bones rubbing up against each other in my hips- ouch. And now the pain has also started teasing my lower back- my poor sacroiliac joints perhaps.
I'm off to see my physiotherapist on Wednesday to see what she thinks. And of course I will ask my FabTeach what she thinks I could do to help my poor tender hips. I will keep you all posted! In the meantime, enjoy this video:
Lady Lotus
1. Huey Lewis and the News...need I say more?
2. When practicing certain asanas, it's very important that your hips be squared.
I just love plays on words, don't you?
But let's get to the dealy-o of this post. It's all about my hips. And my hips are a-killin' me. For the last few days I have been feeling a great deal of tenderness in both my hips. It's quite the uncomfortable sensation. But my hips have been unruly for quite some time- for as long as I can remember, my hips have "clicked". When I get out of bed, when I get up from a chair, when I move my legs from crossed to straight to extended to bent...my hips "click", "crack", "snapple", "pop"...they're noisy little (and I use the term little quite loosely as I do find my hips quite curvy and hey, I'm not complaining) buggers. But today, oh my, today my hips were on my mind. I couldn't sit in any way that felt right. My hips were just so sore no matter what. I guess Sunday's YTT class of balancing poses didn't quite help either. I was having so much trouble balancing on one leg without having pressure shoot down into my hips. I grounded my legs, engaged my femurs, lifted my patellae...bu the pressure just wouldn't free itself. I noticed today that when I walk I feel bones rubbing up against each other in my hips- ouch. And now the pain has also started teasing my lower back- my poor sacroiliac joints perhaps.
I'm off to see my physiotherapist on Wednesday to see what she thinks. And of course I will ask my FabTeach what she thinks I could do to help my poor tender hips. I will keep you all posted! In the meantime, enjoy this video:
Lady Lotus
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
I'm Here and Ready to Share!!
I wish I could tell you that I was off traveling the world and had limited to zero access to a computer because I was living on top of a mountain surrounded by an overwhelming amount of beauty...but I can't lie to my favorite friends and readers!
My month-long hiatus was due to an incredibly over-whelming month. I've started a new job position at work to which I devoted much of my time to- being somewhat of a perfectionist (or perhaps just incredibly hard on myself) I wanted to assure that I proved worthy to fill the shoes of this exciting new position. I would tell myself every night when I got home to update my precious bloga, but the fatigue overpowered me and I couldn't quite find the right words to type and share. But now, here I am baaaaby, come and take meeee (my apologies, I'm listening to Al Green). I feel like I have so much to say now! Let's break it all down.
My Yoga Room
It's beautiful. I mean, really beautiful. You all know the walls have been painted, but I also started decorating. I have a book shelf that adorns what appears to be a neverending array of books, both yoga and non-yoga related. There are 3 cute little white ceramic brids perched on one of the shelves, as well as a silver elephant. Elephants hold a strong symbolism as representing warriors filled with inner strength and nobility- what a perfect animal for my room! And apart from being incredibly adorable, my little birds have a nice meaning as well. Birds used to be thought as the supernatural link between Heaven and Earth. How nice to think of this as I'm grounding my feet to the earth and lifting the crown of my head to the sky. I have a lovely lamp in the corner illuminating my room, as well as a scroll on the wall which displays the following quote from Yagananda : "Those who live passionately teach us how to love, Those who love passionately teach us how to live". Yeap, the yoga room is definitely a shield of serenity. Oh, and of course the neurotic neat freak in me played a roll in its creation: my yoga props are all neatly tucked away in a basket. How organized! I know I promised photos, but I still want to wait for all the finishing touches- namely the curtains and the new molding that Vinny will so kindly install for me soon *ahem nudge nudge wink wink*
My Very First YTT Weekend
It seems funny writing to you about this only now, since my next YTT weekend is the one coming up! But the vigorous emotions that went through my being are just as present today as they were those few weeks ago. Let me tell you: the YTT experience is intense. It is also, however, unbelievably remarkable. I hand't done so much yoga in one weekend- I could hardly walk the following Monday. Let me break down the weekend for you:
We all sat around in a circle, cushions and blocks comforting our buns, and introduced each other. Now when I say we, I mean the group of about 20 of us. To think that the YTT had been postponed a few months because there was about 7 people who applied last year. Now, we are close to 20. It was well worth the wait! We all spoke a little about each other, about why we were here, how we discovered yoga, what we do for a living- basically anything and everything we wanted to share. To my surprise, I was actually one of, if not the, youngest person there. It is such a diverse group- older ladies, mothers old and new, yoga teachers who want to deepend their study or learn a new tradition, some who have traveled far to be there...it was so nice to see a grouping of strong women opening their hearts. We then took a quick break and came back to end the class with a yoga practice.
More yoga practice! Yahoo! It was the perfect way to start an early 8am morning. We then moved into what are called Posture Clinics. This part was extremely absorbing. We learned how to properly align our bodies in Tadasana (Mountain Pose), Ardha Chandrasana (Half-Moon Pose) and Virabhadrasana Eka (Warrior 1). But it was more than being taught proper alignment. We discovered common misalignments and how to adjust other students. It's boggling when you realize how important the human touch is when adjusting someone. Our hands were shown how to touch people in order to help them attain the most from each pose. To see how every detail in the body is at play within individual poses really blew my mind. The human body is such a wonder, seriously.
We also discussed theoretical aspects of teaching, such as how to set a certain mood in your class, appropriate teacher behavior, and how a yoga teacher can be viewed in a student's mind. You really get an up-close account at how powerful a yoga teacher really is. They are teachers and healers. They are people we at times confide in because we feel safe with them. A yoga teacher can play a very integral role in the lives of their students. I found a lot of myself throughout this discussion. I think I tend to put my teacher on a pedastal, which is not necessarily a bad thing at all times, but its's important to remember that we are both human, and I am just as capable of fiding answers to my questions if I simply let myself dive deep inside. A yoga teacher can guide you to those answers, but inevitably we as students are the ones who find them. We then ended the day with another yoga practice- a perfect ending to a perfect Saturday.
Of course, more yoga, yay! Aftewards, our next posture clinic was Virabhadrasana Dwi (Warrior 2), Utthita Parsvakonasana (Side Angle Stretch) and finally Trikonasana (Triangle Pose). Again, similarly to the previous clinic, we broke down the poses and practiced explaining them to other students and aligning their bodies appropriately. I realy loved all the hands-on work. It made me realize how diffitul it actually is. It appears so easy when I see my own teacher adjusting me as well as others, but to actually muster up the courage inside to place your hands on someone and guide their bodies into the poses can be very intidimating. But once you've done it and done it right, it's accomplishing. We then learned how to center the beginning of a class. How we can create a serene environment to ready it for an actual practice. We learned and also discovered our own language for setting the right mood to allow students to feel present. I felt like a real teacher, it was phenomenal. We then furthered our discussion about yoga teacher ethics before breaking up into groups. Now, the groups are wonderful. Four to five people from completely different backgrounds, sitting together and sharing their weekend experience. We then taught an actual yoga class amongst ourselves. One person would start with centering, a couple others would go into teaching asanas, and the final person would end the class with relaxation- I did that part and it was completely stunning. I got to watch as I guided my small group into a state of relaxation, calm and bliss. It felt good, really good.
The entire weekend seemed to fly by. The weekend was jam packed with information, but not the kind that necessarily leaves you feeling overrun. It leaves you excited to keep learning and further the training. Leaving the studio almost felt sad. I wouldn't see these girls for another month, with the exception of my group because we meet once a month in beteween trainings to chat, practice and go through our homework assignments- yes, there is written homework, and it really makes you use your brain to its fullest capacity! But now, as though it was just yesterday, I'll be spending more time at the studio this weekend and filling my body and mind with all the knowledge my teacher has to share. And I can't wait!
Lady Lotus
My month-long hiatus was due to an incredibly over-whelming month. I've started a new job position at work to which I devoted much of my time to- being somewhat of a perfectionist (or perhaps just incredibly hard on myself) I wanted to assure that I proved worthy to fill the shoes of this exciting new position. I would tell myself every night when I got home to update my precious bloga, but the fatigue overpowered me and I couldn't quite find the right words to type and share. But now, here I am baaaaby, come and take meeee (my apologies, I'm listening to Al Green). I feel like I have so much to say now! Let's break it all down.
My Yoga Room
It's beautiful. I mean, really beautiful. You all know the walls have been painted, but I also started decorating. I have a book shelf that adorns what appears to be a neverending array of books, both yoga and non-yoga related. There are 3 cute little white ceramic brids perched on one of the shelves, as well as a silver elephant. Elephants hold a strong symbolism as representing warriors filled with inner strength and nobility- what a perfect animal for my room! And apart from being incredibly adorable, my little birds have a nice meaning as well. Birds used to be thought as the supernatural link between Heaven and Earth. How nice to think of this as I'm grounding my feet to the earth and lifting the crown of my head to the sky. I have a lovely lamp in the corner illuminating my room, as well as a scroll on the wall which displays the following quote from Yagananda : "Those who live passionately teach us how to love, Those who love passionately teach us how to live". Yeap, the yoga room is definitely a shield of serenity. Oh, and of course the neurotic neat freak in me played a roll in its creation: my yoga props are all neatly tucked away in a basket. How organized! I know I promised photos, but I still want to wait for all the finishing touches- namely the curtains and the new molding that Vinny will so kindly install for me soon *ahem nudge nudge wink wink*
My Very First YTT Weekend
It seems funny writing to you about this only now, since my next YTT weekend is the one coming up! But the vigorous emotions that went through my being are just as present today as they were those few weeks ago. Let me tell you: the YTT experience is intense. It is also, however, unbelievably remarkable. I hand't done so much yoga in one weekend- I could hardly walk the following Monday. Let me break down the weekend for you:
We all sat around in a circle, cushions and blocks comforting our buns, and introduced each other. Now when I say we, I mean the group of about 20 of us. To think that the YTT had been postponed a few months because there was about 7 people who applied last year. Now, we are close to 20. It was well worth the wait! We all spoke a little about each other, about why we were here, how we discovered yoga, what we do for a living- basically anything and everything we wanted to share. To my surprise, I was actually one of, if not the, youngest person there. It is such a diverse group- older ladies, mothers old and new, yoga teachers who want to deepend their study or learn a new tradition, some who have traveled far to be there...it was so nice to see a grouping of strong women opening their hearts. We then took a quick break and came back to end the class with a yoga practice.
More yoga practice! Yahoo! It was the perfect way to start an early 8am morning. We then moved into what are called Posture Clinics. This part was extremely absorbing. We learned how to properly align our bodies in Tadasana (Mountain Pose), Ardha Chandrasana (Half-Moon Pose) and Virabhadrasana Eka (Warrior 1). But it was more than being taught proper alignment. We discovered common misalignments and how to adjust other students. It's boggling when you realize how important the human touch is when adjusting someone. Our hands were shown how to touch people in order to help them attain the most from each pose. To see how every detail in the body is at play within individual poses really blew my mind. The human body is such a wonder, seriously.
We also discussed theoretical aspects of teaching, such as how to set a certain mood in your class, appropriate teacher behavior, and how a yoga teacher can be viewed in a student's mind. You really get an up-close account at how powerful a yoga teacher really is. They are teachers and healers. They are people we at times confide in because we feel safe with them. A yoga teacher can play a very integral role in the lives of their students. I found a lot of myself throughout this discussion. I think I tend to put my teacher on a pedastal, which is not necessarily a bad thing at all times, but its's important to remember that we are both human, and I am just as capable of fiding answers to my questions if I simply let myself dive deep inside. A yoga teacher can guide you to those answers, but inevitably we as students are the ones who find them. We then ended the day with another yoga practice- a perfect ending to a perfect Saturday.
Of course, more yoga, yay! Aftewards, our next posture clinic was Virabhadrasana Dwi (Warrior 2), Utthita Parsvakonasana (Side Angle Stretch) and finally Trikonasana (Triangle Pose). Again, similarly to the previous clinic, we broke down the poses and practiced explaining them to other students and aligning their bodies appropriately. I realy loved all the hands-on work. It made me realize how diffitul it actually is. It appears so easy when I see my own teacher adjusting me as well as others, but to actually muster up the courage inside to place your hands on someone and guide their bodies into the poses can be very intidimating. But once you've done it and done it right, it's accomplishing. We then learned how to center the beginning of a class. How we can create a serene environment to ready it for an actual practice. We learned and also discovered our own language for setting the right mood to allow students to feel present. I felt like a real teacher, it was phenomenal. We then furthered our discussion about yoga teacher ethics before breaking up into groups. Now, the groups are wonderful. Four to five people from completely different backgrounds, sitting together and sharing their weekend experience. We then taught an actual yoga class amongst ourselves. One person would start with centering, a couple others would go into teaching asanas, and the final person would end the class with relaxation- I did that part and it was completely stunning. I got to watch as I guided my small group into a state of relaxation, calm and bliss. It felt good, really good.
The entire weekend seemed to fly by. The weekend was jam packed with information, but not the kind that necessarily leaves you feeling overrun. It leaves you excited to keep learning and further the training. Leaving the studio almost felt sad. I wouldn't see these girls for another month, with the exception of my group because we meet once a month in beteween trainings to chat, practice and go through our homework assignments- yes, there is written homework, and it really makes you use your brain to its fullest capacity! But now, as though it was just yesterday, I'll be spending more time at the studio this weekend and filling my body and mind with all the knowledge my teacher has to share. And I can't wait!
Lady Lotus
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