Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Under the Weather

For the last 2 days I have been bed ridden with a plague-like flu.  I haven't been this sick in a long time.  My brother, father, boss and a few friends have been hit by this bug as well, so I suppose it was only a matter of time before my immune system decided to succumb to the pressure and take a much needed vacation.  Thanks, immune system, no really, I appreciate it.

Well, rather than complain about being sick, I decided to do all that I can to help my immune system gain back its forces!

Step 1: Cuddle with Roxanne.  She has been a superb nurse throughout all of this.

Step 2: Try a new home remedy to easy my aching throat.  Boil a cup of water and stir in a teaspoon of cinnamon, a teaspoon of honey and a bit of lemon.  Though it didn't quite cure anything, it definitely soothed my throat for a bit.  It was actually quite tasty, too.

Step 3: Rest.  I have not moved from my bed since Monday night, other than to use the washroom and make toast.  I have been fortunate enough not to fall behind on my work since Vinny picked up my work laptop for me at the office.  I know, I know, I shouldn't be working, but simply relaxing.  Well, I've been able to accomplish a few small things while in bed.  It has been nothing too strenuous or stressful at all, so I am happy to do it.

Step 4: Succumb to over the counter drugs.  I always try to cure any ailment naturally, but this time, it was unfortunately beyond me.  I have befriended Advil and Contac C, and they have left me feeling a little bit better.  For 6 hours at a time anyways...

Step 5: Mommy.  Yeap, my mom showed up at my door with homemade soup and a tasty looking pasta dish.  Made me wonder, maybe I should have the flu more often? ;)

And the final step, which I just couldn't wait to share with you, and actually to try myself as I have not yet, is this:

Yoga Journal had a great article on poses to practice if you have a cold or the flu.  I am hoping that these asanas will be my guiding light back to health.  If you feel flu or cold symptoms creeping up on you, please take a gander at this article.

This upcoming weekend is my 6th Yoga Teacher Training, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will be flu-free!  You are all welcomed to send me positive and healing vibes (and tip!)

Lady Lotus


  1. Have you studied the kriyas (shatkarmas) yet? You could try 'Jala Neti', if you don't have neti-pot apparently can use little teapot. It is supposed to be excellent for clearing out sinuses.

  2. Oh and sirsasana /headstand also great for clearing sinuses, once you have a little energy. Uttansana if not energetic enough for sirsasana. Hope you feel better soon,
