Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Mile High Happenstance

How rude (à la Stephanie Tanner).  Here I am, back from a mini vacation, and I didn't even tell my most favourite bloga readers that I was leaving.  Well, I left...but now I'm back!  I just returned from a lovely getaway to Nova Scotia.  My dad is orignally from there, so I try and visit as often as possible.  It's so nice to see family members who I unfortunately don't get to see as often as I'd like- Aunties, Uncles, Cousins and yes, of course, Nanny (who I blogged about previously).  I also caught up with an old friend, and perused the local gift shops.  It was so nice to spend some time on the beach by the ocean- I had a torried love affair with that salty water, I swear to you. 

Interesting story- you know those little serendipity moments that make you tilt your head to the side and think "Gee, wasn't that such a warm occurence that just happened."  Well, I had one of those.  On the plane back, I sat beside a lovely middle-aged woman.  We exchanged a friendly hello as I scootched by her to get my seat by the window.  I then started reading my new book on Shambhala Meditation entitled The Path of the Warrior (which I also blogged about previously- fact.) As I put the book down to enjoy my complimentary glass fo red wine (yes, it was early in the afternoon, but a small glass of red wine is always acceptable in my books)  this lady turned to me and said "You know, I completed my first session of Shambhala training back home..." Now tell me, what the heck are the odds of sitting beside someone on a plane who just happens to have an interest and devotion to Shambhala Meditation!?  A shy smile plastered across my face and we started bits of conversation about Shambhala.  It was so refreshing to hear what she had to say about her experience, and it inevitably reved up my excitement within to continue deepening my understanding of it.

Oh, and on another unrelated note: I start my Yoga Teacher Training this weekend!  You can bet your buns that I'll be updating you on my first weekend experience!

Lady Lotus