Friday, February 26, 2010

Kitty Guru

Remember back in January when I blogged about Cat Yoga?  I had just bought a funny book with pictures of cats and kittens photoshopped into various asanas.  Well, believe it or not, it may not be so far fetched.

Roxanne always balances up on her backlegs whenever she hears someone come into the apartment building.  Usually she props herself up against the couch.  This time, she took it to the next level.

Ladies and gentlemen, check out my own personal Yoga Kitty- Roxanne in Tadasana (Mountain Pose).  I'm so proud of her.

Lady Lotus

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hump Day Happies: Today, not Tomorrow

A few months ago, I borrowed a book from a friend.  Actually, it wasn't really his book- he didn't quite know who it belonged to but there it was, collecting dust on a bookshelf.  Of course I took this as a sign and thought that this booked was put there for me to find it!  It's entitled "Simple Abundances: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy" by Sarah Ban Breathnach.  Now, this book sort of wears a self-help title disguise, but it is more than that.  It is a book to help inspire and to help motivate, without being too preachy or guru-like.  It is comprised of 365 anecdotes- one for every day of the year.  Though I must admit that I don't pick it up daily to read (though I wish I would) it's nice to skim through it every now and then when you need a little bit of perspective put into things.

So today, on this February 24th Hump Day Happy, I would like to share a passage from today's Simple Abundance. 

"Each day from now on we're going to use the daily grist of our real lives as a cause for celebration.  I have learned many lessons from the Simple Abundance path.  Chief among them is that the details of our days do make a difference in our lives, that no experience is ever just for drill, and that everything can be a springboard for inspiration if we are willing to be open to the goodness of life."

Do you ever find yourself questioning why something happens, at that particular time of your life?  That particular moment, week, month...what we can all try to do is take any kind of occurence or happening and make something out of it.  I have always been a fond believer that everything happens for a reason.  So lets take those things and try to see the bright side of them, even if they seem dark.  My personal goal is to try and grasp life by the hand daily, and not put things off until tomorrow.  Because tomorrow can become a long time if you keep using it as an excuse.

So on this Hump Day, I would implore you to take action.  Look at everything that has happened today and use that as a way to find oppurtunity, meaning, happiness, excitement...take it as a discovery.  And don't forget to, of course, smile.

Wishing you a Hump Day full of enlightment!

Lady Lotus

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Position of the Week: Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-Legged Forward Bend)

Benefits: This pose strengthens the inner legs, back legs, and spine. It will tone the abdominal organs, as well as ease your brain. It is especially great to practice if you have mild pain in your back, and if you are feeling tired or depressed.

There is something so wonderful about being in this particular position. I personally am prone to back pain. I'm not quite sure why, but for the last few years I have found myself often complaining (in the least princessy of ways of course!) that my back is sore. This might be one of the underlying factors responsible for my love of the Wide-Legged Forward Bend.

It can be especially gratifying to go into it once you've done a sequence of Warrior Poses followed by Triangle Pose and Side-Angle Stretch. When in these particular poses, I find most of my body's concentration is fluctuating from one side to another. Each of these poses is practiced to the right, and then to the left. By going into a forward bend, it feels as though my body can finally feel a little bit more centered in gravity- of course this is my own personal feeling. Maybe some of you feel something different?

It is such a nice pose to go into.  Your legs are spread and your feet are pointing forward with your toes at a 30 degree angle.  With your hands on your hips and your chest open, you offer your heart up right before you begin your bend from the hips.  It feels great to stop halfway and readjust slightly- maybe rolling back the shoulders or straightening the spine so it isn't rounding.  You continue to breathe, and you experiment going deeper.  This is another aspect of the pose that I love.  Breath plays such an integral role in yoga practice.  I find myself always going back to it to make sure I am fully connected with my mind and my body.  In this Wide-Legged Forward Bend, every time you inhale and exhale, you can control your actions even more.  With every exhalation, I like to go deeper, and pause while I inhale.  Sometimes I will stay at a certain level for a few breaths, but once I feel ready and able to, that one exhale that brings me deeper feels fantastic.  Once you are down you can place your hands on some blocks or the ground beneath you, underneath your shoulders.  Then, you simply hang out in the position.  It is incredible how liberating and relaxing the pose feels.  You feel alone with your breath and your mind.  You feel peaceful.  You feel strong.  Your legs are pushed so firmly into the ground, it feels like nothing can knock you down.  It's also as though any of the sad or unpleasant thoughts you had before going into it are seeping out from your head onto the ground and evaporating.  Aww, so fabulous!  I personally like to go into it twice.  Once I roll back up and go for a second shot, it's nice to change it up a bit with my hands behind my back, clasped in prayer position.  Again, another thing I love about this pose- there are different ways to go into it, and different ways to practice it.  The versatility behind it is so wonderful, and can be adjusted in so many ways to accomodate each and every individual.  FYI- be careful when you come back up, sometimes the dizzies can catch up to you!  I learned this the hard way.

Roxanne loves doing yoga with me.

Lady Lotus

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Cancer is a word, not a sentence

I just re-read the title of this post, and I know that it may conjure up quite a few feelings.  When we hear the word "cancer", we aren't exactly filled with happy thoughts.  But you know, the truth is that this disease is so present in so many people's lives.  But the other truth is that we can find ways to help cope.

One thing I am a fond believer of is how you react when put in a position as devastating sounding as cancer. I have seen how using mind over body can give you an amazing outcome. They don't call it "fighting cancer" for nothing. If you dive inside yourself, you can dig down and discover the strength you need to be brave. Cancer doesn't mean the end.

As mentioned in my "Why all this Yoga" post in January, yoga has helped me incredibly when someone close to me passed away from cancer.  I went straight to class to try and make sense of it all.  On a certain level, being there helped.  Yoga continues to help me whenever I feel in need of some healing.  However, yoga has been there not only to aid people who have lost loved ones from cancer, but to help those affected directly by this disease.  There are yoga classes offered to those who are courageously battling caner.  Once I am a certified teacher, I cannot wait to learn about the therapeutics benefits of yoga on cancer patients.  I want to do as much as I can to try and stop this awful 6-letter word.

In the meantime, I am doing something else to help.  I am going to be participating in the Canadian Cancer Society's Relay for Life.  Now, I hope none of you feel like I am exploiting my cherished bloga to directly and blatantly advertise this next project of mine.  Some people are uncomfortable when being asked to donate.  If I have done that, then I am very sorry.  But my goal remains to try my best and make a difference.  I am adding this to my bloga because it is a cause that I believe in fully.  If by raising funds and walking 12 hours overnight is the least I can do, then I can do it.  This bloga remains as a place to share stories and thoughts all related to yoga.  For me, yoga has been something that has helped me stare in the face of cancer.  I owe so much of my strength to yoga, as it has aided me (and a lot of other people, maybe even someone reading this?) cope with cancer.

So I am simply asking that if you can find the time, and if you can afford to make a small charitable donation, that would be wonderful.  For those who cannot, then I ask you to kindly send your strength and positive energy out to those who need it.  To those who are going through treatment, to those who have lost their battle, and to all their families and friends that are caught up and tangled within this unfortunate 6-letter word.  Let us take what yoga has taught us, and send out all the radiant vibes we can.

For a donation, please visit my personal page, where you can also read more on why I am participating.  Any donation amount counts, and every amount of kind encouragement is welcome.
Not only did cancer take away two people I love dearly, but it also took away my best friend of 14 years, Dixie. xox

Lady Lotus

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Hump Day Happies: Choose a Playful Path

This week's Hump Day Happy is simple: have fun in life.  Sometimes we have those days where we just want to rip our hair out.  But lets keep in mind that life, in essence, is beautiful.  We are fortunate to breathe in life everyday.  We are fortunate to have people surround us with love.  We are fortunate to have the oppurtunity to try new things.  So while life is giving us lemons, lets not forget to smile.  And lets send out smiles to those who are less fortunate than us.  Let our positive vibes radiate to each and every person out there.

Be playful.  I have something framed in my living room that reads "It was the perfect night to dance around the living room to records I forgot I had."  I love doing this.  Listen to music that conjures up great memories, and dance your heart out.  Embrace these moments.  And above all, let yourself be silly.  Sometimes when I get dressed in the morning, I put on two different colored socks.  This reminds me not to take myself too seriously.  Silly, right?  Exactly!  Do any of you do things like this?  I want to hear all about it.

Here is a short story to share: My precious co-worker TamTam has been continually asking me to blog about her.  After about a week of this, I said to her "Ok, but you have to give me a reason to blog about you, darling TamTam.  It's a bloga, after all, so what can you bring to the table that is yoga related."  Quite honestly, I was trying to bust her chops.  I wanted to see what she would say.  She stared at me for a moment, looked at the ground beneath her, and without any hesitation did this: 

Thank you, TamTam, for getting down on the dirty carpet and giving us your best Bridge Pose!  Thank you for not taking yourself too seriously.  Thank you for giving all of us in the office a reason to smile and chuckle.

I hope that you all have a Happy (and especially Silly) Hump Day!

Lady Lotus

Monday, February 15, 2010

Position of the Week: A Sukhasana Valentine

I figured that since love is in the air with Valentine's Day just behind us, I'd write to you about a wonderful experience Vinny and I had today.  For the spirit of this holiday, we signed up for a Partner Yoga Workshop.  I have always wanted Vinny to try yoga, and I especially wanted to try it with him.  My fabulous teacher was conducting this special workshop yesterday afternoon, and I immediately signed up as soon as she told me about it.  I thought I was going to be forced to master my persuasion techniques to convince Vinny to sign up with me.  To my surprise, he was very curious, and very willing. 

We walked into the studio and were surrounded by many different kinds of people.  Some had practiced yoga for years, some had never practiced at all.  Some were young, some were old.  Some were couples comprised of a man and a woman, some were comprised of two men.  Some were lovers, some were friends.  But we all shared one thing in common: yoga and love for our partner.  You could feel the eagerness and anticipation in the room.  Everyone was so excited to begin.  I would implore you all to try it at least once- it is absolutely wonderful.

Though many of the poses were very familiar to me, they felt brand new.  I was taking what I have been practicing for a long while, and turning it around to incoporate my partner Vinny.  The one pose, however, that I would like to really touch upon is Sukhasana, Easy Pose.  This is, quite simply, sitting upright, legs crossed, in a comfortable position.  Your spine is in line, the crown of your head is pressing to the sky, and your sit bones are grounded on the earth.  It's a seated pose that makes you feel extremely grounded with what is above you, as well as under you.  It leaves you feeling calm.  But adjusting this pose to do it with your partner, as simple as it may be, conjures up so many feelings and emotions.  Some that I personally had never felt while sitting with myself.

Vinny and I began in Sukhasana.  Rather than facing the teacher, we were facing each other.  The tip of our knees were touching.  Already, the pose felt different.  When sitting individually, you feel nothing but yourself and the space around you.  To feel someone else, especially someone you love, lightly grazing your knee adds a heightened connection to the pose.  We didn't sit with our hands on our legs or clasped in prayer position, as you generally would.  I took my right hand and placed it on Vinny's heart.  He did the same.  I took my left hand and placed it on top of Vinny's hand, which was on my heart.  He did the same.  We sat there, together, in silence.  But we were linked by so much more than simply our hands.  We connected together in breath.  We felt the breath inside of us, and began breathing together.  This action was not forced- it eventually came naturally.  In an instant, I could feel his energy surging through my body.  It was as though our bodies and breath had combined to allow us to feel everything from the inside.  It was like a light, tingly fire.  In my regular practice, my teacher has us begin in Sukhasana, and then cultivate our own personal intention.  This can be anything from "may I relax", "may I be happy", "may I be patient" can really be anything you feel your heart needs, at that moment.  Yesterday, our personal intention was cultivated for our partner.  To Vinny, I sent out "may you be happy."  And you know what?  We must have really been connecting and feeling each other, because his intention for me was exactly the same.  We both wanted happiness for one another.  Once our intention was felt, we opened our eyes.  We looked at each other, and were then instructed to give each other a hug.  Our hug felt like it lasted forever.  It was one of the warmest, most sincere hugs we had shared in a while.  It was the perfect way to start our practice.

We did many asanas supported together.  Downward Facing Dog, Warrior Poses, Tree Pose, Triangle Pose- just to name a few. Once we experimented with all the other wonderful positions, we ended the practice with Sukhasana again.  This time, our bodies echoed with everything we had just done together, as one, in the last two hours.  We sent out happiness to each other again.  We hugged again.  This time, the hug lasted longer than forever.  And for a moment, I held back tears.  Something boiled inside of me.  I felt so connected to him, to his love.  It was as though all the love we have shared for the last two and a half years was bottled and poured inside of us for that one instant.  It was almost difficult to peel out of his embrace.  But as we parted, that feeling stayed, and I know that it will continue to stay with us for a long, long time.  It is not only something we create on the mat, but continue to create off the mat as well.

Lady Lotus

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hump Day Happies: Sicky Blanky

Ugh...I'm sick today.  Since practicing yoga, I have always been able to detect when I'm getting under the weather.  Last night I felt off.  I was sitting in the library reading Kripalu Yoga: A Guide to Practice On and Off the Mat by Richard Faulds (a great read, by the way).  I closed the book, closed my eyes, tilted my head back, and when I opened them up again, I could feel something wasn't right.  Like as if I'd had a drink and shouldn't be driving.  So I went home, snuggled up in bed with my trusted laptop, watched a fantastic episode of General Hospital (you all know I'm obsessed with that show, right?) and tried to sleep.  I tossed and turned all night.  I felt bad for poor Vinny Slick, I must have kept him up until I fell asleep- which was 2am.

Today is another day, and I am feeling slightly worse.  My appetite has completely disappeared, but I am forcing myself to eat something so I can have some energy.  So far, I have kept down my lunch.  Lets see what supper brings!  Now, you are probably wondering: how is being sick a Hump Day Happy??  Well, I want to know- what do you all do when you're sick, to make you feel better?

Today's Hump Day Happy winner is...drum roll blanky.  Yes, at 25 years old, I still have my blanky that I received as a newborn.  His (yes, it is a he...not a she, not an it...he) name is Doudou (pronounced doodoo- I know, it means poop, but I only spoke French when I was little so I didn't know its English meaning).  Doudou has been with me through thick and thin.  I dragged him everywhere when I was little.  I slept with him every night.  Actually, come to think of it, he is still always in my bed.  Though I may not always snuggle him, he is always there, somewhere, within the sheets.  Vinny Slick is such a good guy for letting me share the space.  Seriously, if my home caught on fire, one of the first things I would think of grabbing after Roxanne is Doudou.  He is the thing I have owned for the longest.  He is pretty scrappy now, but I still love him.  My mom always says that if I get married, I should sew him into my wedding dress.  Do any of you have an object like this?  Something that conjures up strong emotions, that brings you back to your childhood?  Maybe it's a Teddy Bear, a photo, something that has a certain scent...whatever it is, it is absoltuely one of the most comforting things you can keep.

So now I'm at home, in my PJs, on the couch, and snuggling with Doudou.  If ever I'm sad or sick, Doudou is the first thing I grab.  He creates a sense of comfort and security for me (I guess that's where the term security blanket comes from).  I invite you all, on this hump day, to snuggle up to something you love and makes you happy- an object, a pet, a loved one, and let the warm feeling encompass your entire body.  Even if you aren't sick, do it anyways.  My recipe for comfort today: GH and Doudou.

Lady Lotus

Monday, February 8, 2010

Position of the Week: Vasisthasana (Side Plank Pose)

Benefits: This pose will strengthen your arms, belly, wrists and legs.  It will also stretch your wrists and back of your legs.  You will also find that this pose will help your sense of balance.

Ok, where do I begin...the first time I went into Side Plank Pose, I hated it!  It was probably my 3rd yoga class, and I thought the teacher was crazy.  I can hardly do a push-up, how was I going to go into what appears to basically be a still push-up position, and then bring all the weight to one side?  I went into it slowly.  I remember repeating to myself "Ok, you're doing it...holy cr*p, you're doing it!  You rock!" And then I fell like a ton of bricks.  I realized then what I did wrong.  I wasn't calming my mind when in the pose.  I was so excited to actually be somewhat doing it, that I let my thoughts run wild and rampant.  I lost my concentration, and lost my balance.  I also had spaghetti arms, so that didn't help at all.

The second time around, I knew what to do.  Breathe. Relax your mind.  Strengthen your arms, your core, and your self-esteem.  Own the pose.  I went into plank, and already felt more stable.  As I brought my body to the right side, and placed one foot on top of the other, I tried not to get too excited.  Oh, I was happy that I was getting it right, but I wanted to stay focused.  I wanted to feel the echo of Side Plank Pose inside of me.  And you know what?  I did it!  I let myself feel the pose, rather than jusy try and do it.  And I started loving it!  It's a pose that made me feel so strong., and it continue to do so.  I was even able to go into it on the left side, with the same state of mind.  It was the first pose I did that I felt I really struggled with in the beginning, but then was able to open the door to.  

I now do this pose regularly in my practice, and it seems to get better every time.  One thing I have been trying to work on (and I am sure that a lot of you out there might do the same as me) is to redistribute my weight from my wrists.  I find that in many positions that require you to place a lot of pressure on your hands (such as Plank and Downward Dog) I have a tendency to put a lot of pressure in my wrists.  It makes it easier to have your arms feel like they're on lock-down, and as a result gives you the false impression that you are more rooted.  Well, to all my friends out there who put all their weight on their wrists: don't do it!  Coming from a personal perspective, once you learn to distribute your weight evenly at those extremeties, the poses will feel so much more comfortable and rewarding.  My fabulous teacher is always reminding me to grip the mat from my fingertips.  Really root down from every finger, especially the index one.  Press your fingers and knuckles into the mat when lifting, and take the pressure away from your wrists.  The outcome is wonderful.  You feel just as strong, and I also find that it doesn't make you hyper-extend your arms.  They feel like tree trunks, stable and ready to support you, without the fear of injury.  With regards to Side Plank, when you reach your opposing arm up towards the sky, you feel powerful.  It's as though you are offering yourself up to something amazing.  And coming out of the pose is like an extreme release of endorphins.  It's as though all the stress you build up inside leaks out from your fingertips, your toes, your pores...

Oh, and I believe I have promised you some blunders and blonde moments, didn't I?  Well, last week I fell.  I didn't slip on the ice.  I didn't stumble on some stairs.  I didn't collide into someone.  I simply just fell down, and the reason is because I just tripped over my own feet.  I didn't slip because of socks or get my shoe laces tangled.  I tripped, barefoot, over myself.  I was in my kitchen, and I suppose I can blame momentary loss of footing or flat out clumsiness, but I turned towards the fridge and I went down on the floor.  I landed on my right wrist.  No biggie, just a small bruise.  Had I fallen in an even more awkward position, I probably would have broken my wrist.  Seriously, I collapsed, like really hard and heavy!  Due to this, my wrist has been slightly sore since then.  Because of that, I really need to make sure I don't apply any unecessary pressure on it during my yoga practice- a good thing!  So please, start practicing balancing your weight in your fingers, knuckles and palms.  It is much better than applying it in your wrists.  And don't take my ever so graceful way into giving you no choice but to do so. 

Lady Lotus

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Horse Yoga

Yesterday, I was left astounded.  I spent a beautiful day with my super sissy-in-law (Vinny Slick's sister).  Our morning consisted of a much needed delicious breakfast.  Vegetarian omelette, potatoes and green tea- how I love thee.  I always enjoy just sitting and chatting with sissy.  We never have a moment where there is nothing to say.  Honestly, I'm pretty sure we drive Vinny Slick nuts when we are together.  She is one of those people that makes you feel so incredibly good.  She's really wonderful.

Once our bellies were full, we hopped in her car and drove out to Hemmingford.  She is the proud owner of a beautiful horse, and she asked me earlier this week if I wanted to go meet him.  His name is McCue, and she had told him all about me, and how I was coming to visit.  She said he was very excited to meet me.
Now, I have ridden horses before.  I've never galloped, cantered, or even trotted.  But I've sat on one, and had it walk around very calmy.  Mind you, the last time I did this was when I was about 10 years old.  Fifteen years without mounting a horse, well, it can make you a little nervous at the thought of doing so.  But I told myself that this year, there is no room for fear or anxiety.  I will put any silly doubts or worries behind me, and get on that horse. 

Well, as soon as we arrived to the barn, I was overcome with a warm feeling, despite the cold weather.  There were several horses and ponies.  I was introduced to each one, up close and personal.  As soon as they approached me, any fears I had immediately slipped away.  These huge, thousand pound daunting animals made me feel so safe.  There was something about them that was serene.  I put my hands on them and rubbed them gently.  They really looked into my eyes, as if to say thank you.  They also tried to eat my blonde hair.  I think it reminded them of hay.  I am hands down an animal lover, and automatically felt a positive connection to these animals.  Once I was properly introduced to each one, sissy and I made our way to McCue.  Oh, and I found out on the car ride there that he is the descendant of one of the fastest horses ever known to live. I was told that those genes were definitely passed down to him.  He was absolutely stunning.

Once sissy prepped him with a nice grooming, we brought him into the arena.  She worked on him a bit first.  Did a few rounds in the arena, walking, trotting and cantering.  She wanted to make sure any excess energy he had bottled up would get released before I rode him.  Remember, 15 years...I wanted to start slowly!  It was mesmorizing to watch her handle McCue.  They share such a profound respect for one another.  He listened to everything she wanted, and she made sure to let him know she appreciatd it.  She treats him so wonderfully.  McCue is more than just an animal to her.  After about half an hour, it was my turn.  I put on my helmet (safety first!!) and came face to face with McCue.  I put my hands on him before getting on, and looked at him straigh in the eyes. I let him know that I was going to ride him, and thanked him for trusting me to get on.  With one foot in the stirrup and sissy's hand on my bum for a little support, I hopped on McCue.  The first thing that came to mind was "Wow...I'm really high up!"  Sissy had him on a long strap so that she could have a link to him while we started walking.  She was a fantastic teacher.  She taught me how to make him turn, how to stop, how to back up.  I loved it!

Now, here is where the whole experience ties in to yoga- this is a bloga after all, right?
The way you sit on a horse affects the feeling you will get out of it.  Like in any asana (posture), there is a way to place your body to avoid injury and to get the most out of the pose.  There is no difference when riding a horse.  I was taught to keep my back straight, my elbows in line with my shoulders and my hips, and my arms low, close to the horse.  A change in your body's movement can confuse the horse.  What is especially important is to remain relaxed.  Now, this is not only for your own comfort, but for the horse as well.  If you feel stiff or frightened, the horse will feel it as well.  This is what impressed me the most: the kindred bond you share with the horse is mind-boggling.  It is as though you become one.  As soon as I was loosened up and left mysel sink into the saddle, McCue automatically responded.  He became less rigid and bowed his head down.  Sissy said that by bowing his head, he is showing me that he is comfortable with me- something that some take months to master!  I couldn't believe it.  McCue and I had joined together in what appeared to be a brilliant dance.  I found myself getting lost in my own world with him.  We learned to trust each other.  I lied down flat on my back, on his.  Sissy even released the strap that was linking us together, and I was able to not only walk, but also trot on my own with him.  Every moment of it was exhilerating and liberating.  Once I got off, I thanked McCue for being patient with me, and offered him a friendly and encouraging rub.  I felt like I had just done an hour of yoga.  My soul, my mind, my body and my breath were all in connection with one another.

The whole process from beginning to end was very similar to my yoga practice.  I always start off with meditation, go into the asanas and breathing, and end off in relaxation and chant the sacred sound of Om to close the practice.  With McCue, we started off with a light grooming (mediation), went on to walk, trot, canter and gallop (asanas) and ended off with a light walk side by side (relaxation).  Sissy also has a ritual where she bows down in front of him, his face in line with hers, and she waits for him to chew- chewing, I was told, is a sign of happiness.  This last step was the chant of Om.  The similarities to yoga were fascinating.  Sissy also explained to me that when she rides McCue, she becomes lost in the feeling with him.  Her mind is clear and open.  She feels smooth, tranquil and passionate. 

Since yesterday, I have a new and profound respect and appreciation for what she does.  Yoga can be found in many things and moments. In her case, it is being with and riding McCue.  It is her yoga.  I look forward to meeting McCue again, and deepening my horse yoga practice with him.

Lady Lotus

Sissy-in-law and McCue.

McCue and I.

My new friends.

He liked me.  We had an instant connection- I think it's because we're both blonde.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cry Baby

Have you ever had one of those days where you just need to cry?  Sometimes you can't really explain it, but the second you're alone and your head hits the pillow, you feel that quick shortness of breath and your eyes begin to glaze over.  Personally, it usually doesn't take much to make me cry- I'm a big softy.  Just ask my beau Vinny Slick- I cry at movies, TV shows, commercials, songs, books, plays...But I don't even necessarily cry at those moments where you would expect a person to cry- I cried during an episode of The Simpsons, seriously.  I guess I'm just a really emotional person.  I know I'm not the only one like this, though.  There are others of you out there, right? 

Well, last night, I had a good cry.  I was lying in bed, and all of a sudden felt overwhelmed.  I just cried, cried, cried.  And you know what?  It felt great.  I've mastered the ability to completely freeze my brain if something is making me sad.  Sometimes, I don't even know what that something is because I have blocked it so far behind my mind.  But then, once the faucets get turned, out comes the water.  I'm glad it comes out every now and then, if not I would be extremely emotionally frozen!

So on that note, I would like to share a quote with you that I recently discovered from Swami Kripalu.  It might make you feel a bit better when you find yourself with the blues.
"Crying is one of the highest devotional songs. One who knows crying, knows spiritual practice. If you can cry with a pure heart, nothing else compares to such a prayer. Crying includes all the principles of Yoga."

Lady Lotus

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hump Day Happies: Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

Ok ok, I know I'm a day early, but I am going to be swamped tomorrow and am not sure if I will get around to using a computer.  So here is this week's Pre-Hump Day Happy.

I was given quite the test this week.  As most of you are aware, I have been extremely excited to start my Yoga Teacher Training scheduled to begin this upcoming weekend.  It is something that I have been looking forward to for quite some time.  Well, a few days ago I received an e-mail from my wonderful teacher, regretting to inform us that the training must be postponed.  The student enrollment list is slightly lower than usual, so she would like to wait for more people to get registered.  Ideally, she would have liked to reschedule it for the Spring, but due to scheduling conflicts at the studio it will now take place in September 2010.  When I read that, I honestly felt my heart sink a bit.  I have to wait another 8 months?  As much as I hate to admit it, the spoiled, bratty little blonde girl in me wanted to come out and complain on top of her lungs.  But you know, after a few minutes I calmed down, and I was able to let in some room for reflexion. 

So basically the biggest dissapointment in this whole situation is that I have to wait a bit longer, right?  The training isn't cancelled.  I am still accepted into the program.  I am given even more time to better my own personal practice.  By postponing the training, it gives more time to have other yoga enthusiasts such as myself the chance to apply into the program.  Therefore, more energy will be bouced off of everyone.  We will be able to better feed off each other.  We will learn more from each other, and make even more friends. In a nutshell, postponing it means that I and the other students will benefit even more from the Yoga Teacher Training, and it will be an even more incredible experience.  Isn't that worth a mere 8 month wait?  Realizing all of this after my inner hissy fit, I sure do think so.

I feel that in our everyday lifestyle, we are constanly trying to move quickly.  We want things done as soon as possible.  We want our food fast, our transport fast, our downloading speed fast, our paychecks fast, our schooling fast, our special orders fast...we want everything to be done easily and handed to us.  But you know, sometimes being patient and waiting for something will have you enjoy the whole experience so much more.  That old expression "stop and smell the roses" hasn't gone out of style for me.  Just because time passes us by quicker than we expect it to doesn't mean we can't take pleasure in waiting for good things to happen.  After all, good things come to those who wait, right?

So on this hump day, I will remember that my training will be even bigger and better once it starts in September!  The anticipation and excitement for it will give me something to look forward to.  And I hope that all of you are able to stop and smell the roses at least one time this week.  Trust me, they smell even prettier when you learn to accept time as it is.  It will make you happy.

Lady Lotus

I wish this was a scracth and sniff, but it is the best I can do for now :)


This is what happens when I stretch out onto the couch and try to post a blog.  Every single time.  I think she just really wants to be a part of this whole bloga experience.  Everyone, meet my best friend kitty, Roxanne.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Position of the Week: Parivrrta Ardha Chandrasana (Revolving Half-Moon Pose)

Benefits: This is a great pose to better your balance.  It strengthens your thighs, abdomen, ankles, spine and buttocks.  It will stretch out your hamstrings, calves, shoulders, chest, spine and groin.  It will help you feel stress free and also improve your disgestion.

I had such a wonderful yoga practice today.  I accompanied my best brunette friend to her yoga studio for a Hatha session.  She has been practicing for a few weeks and absolutely loves it (yay!).  The class was taught by one of my former teachers, who I always adored.  I was dissapointed when I discovered that she wouldn't be teaching at my current studio anymore, so it was so nice to see her and practice with her again.  It was equally nice do yoga beside my friend!

So today I was introduced to Revolving Half-Moon Pose. 
Wow...what a position!  I especially love balancing poses.  I felt extremely rooted.  My toes were spread to the max, and I felt the ground so strong beneath me.  The opposite twist motion from my rooted leg to my lifted arm seemed overwhelming at first.  Thankfully, conscious breathing made it possible for me to go into it more comfortably.  It's fantastic to have every single one of your limbs sticking out.  It's as though they are all trying to get away from each other, but staying deeply connected at the same time.  Seriously, for a quick and easy idea just stand up and spread out into a star, like a frozen jumping jack.  Stretch out all your extremeties.  Feels great, no?  So now imagine that feeling heightened a billion times!  I felt so powerful and strong, and could practically feel every ounce of energy travel though me in a fluid motion.  I have fallen in love with side twists and bends.  What's even better is that while in meditation at the beginning of practice, my back felt extremely stiff.  I have had lower back pain for the last few days.  Like magic, this pose did wonders!  It's especially gratifying to feel such quick therapeutic benefits of a position.  When coming out of it, a smile is definitely in the picture.  My body was tingling.  Revolving Half-Moon, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Lady Lotus