Monday, August 23, 2010

Painting my Prana

Ladies and gentlemen...the Yoga Room is painted.  I am in love!  After one coat of primer and two coats of color, Vinny and I dressed the walls with an angelic blue that just screams (or I guess I should say whsipers) peace, quiet, serenity, yoga, happy, smile- all those words that gush out positivity.  The next step: decorating.  Ooh the most exciting part.  I have already picked out a few things to dawn the now bare area.  I hope to have it set-up very shortly, so I can share my pictures and my happiness with you all.

Lady Lotus

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Was Hungry. I Wanted to Pray. I Was in Love.

Last weekend my best blonde buddy K and I went on a date.  How romantic!  We treated ourselves to a tantalizing array of Lebanese delicacies (thank you, stretchy pants) and then spent the next 2 hours with our eyes glued to the ginormous theatre screen in front of us.  After finishing the book only days before, I saw Eat Pray Love.  My initial concern was that I would be dissapointed.  The story was so freshly-squeezed in my mind, I was worried about comparing every fraction of it and be upset if it wasn't an exact duplicate of the phenomenal pages that filled my eyes with glistening hope and my heart with inrrefutable passion.  But despite my fears, the film encompassed my soul with that very feeling of wonder that shot through me after having read the book.  K and I walked out of there with an ooey gooey feeling, like we were drowning in warm syrup.

The Eat made me hungry, despite the gluttonous feast we had indulged in only a few hours prior to the movie.  Though we didn't let our stomachs get the best of us, we did break down our guards and splurge on a delicious bottle of Quebec-disguised-as-Australian red wine.  We bought it at a gas station convenience store- accompanied with a 1 litre bottle of RC Cola for K's beau.  The attendant must have obviously thought we were classy ladies.  It may not have been as rich as the Italian red wine in the film, but it was good for us. 

The Pray made me even more excited to start my YTT and get into meditation.  It was portrayed as spiritually and as beautifully as it was written in the pages of the book.  It also made me want to go to India- I know, I know, one thing at a time!  It was my favourite part of the book, and it remains my favourite part in the film as well.  It also motivated me to get started on my yoga room at the house, so last night Vinny and I primed the walls to get them ready for the blue paint.  I say that by this time next week, it should all be set-up.  And yes, pictures will follow!

The Love...well, I can't very well say that it made me want to fall in love since I already have my love lobster Vinny.  So it made me thankful to have such a presence in my own life.  It also, however, made me daydream about Javier Bardem!  Funny how my initial excitement was about James Franco, and it quickly veered to Javier once he emerged in full handsomeness on the screen.  What an enchanting and brawny man.  Oh, and it also helped me discover a Brazilian guitarist/singer named Joao Gilberto.  I have been told that he is extremely popular, but this is my first encounter with his music.  I've proccured two of his albums already.  His voice and strings carry me away.

I lent my mom the book this week so she could read it and see the movie afterwards.  She read it within a day, and said she wants to re-read it.  And only then, she says, will she be prepared to watch it on the big screen.

Lady Lotus

The handsome Javier.

Joao in his younger days.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Grandpapa Guru

Another fantastic perk of having moved back to the Burbs is that I am now a hop and a skip away from my Grandpa (or as I have always called him, Papa).  Papa literally lives about an 8 minute walk away from my new home.  Having lived here now for officially one month and 8 days, I'm ashamed to admit that I had not yet visited him.  My mom told me he has been asking about me regularly- "How does she like her new home?  Is she all settled in yet?  Is she happy?"  Well, today after having met a friend for brunch and giving mom a quick visit (did I mention that my parents live about an 8 minute walk away as well?) I did what any good granddaughter should do and went to see Papa.  Now in my defense, I have had one heck of a busy Summer thus far- work has been quite hectic, and I am also Maid of Honor to my best blonde buddy K, so an awesome Bachelorette was in the midst of being planned as well.  But now, with work quieting down (for now) and the super duper most amazing fun filled Bachelorette weekend behind us, I found the time to pay Papa a visit.

It was a short stopover as he was going to go watch a tennis match (what a busy body) but in that brief time that we sat on his back porch, I was just so happy to be there with him, in the company of his ever so wise and resounding voice.  What I love so much about Papa (well, one of the many things anyways) is that he is always up to date on what I am up to.  After being welcomed with a big, bold hug, he placed his hand on my shoulder and said "I hear you're embarking in another direction come September?"  Ah yes, my Yoga Teacher Training.  He was so authentically pleased to hear that I have found something that I feel so passionate about with every ounce of my being.  I sat down and told him a little bit about what it is I'll be learning, and what I am most excited to learn.  He sat there quietly as I spoke, with a smile on his face and that old sage regard staring right back at me.  For years, Papa and I have spoken about my future.  Every time we were together, it went back to that.  "How are you liking school?  What do you think you want to do afterwards?  Now that you're done school do you still want to do the same thing?  Now that you have found something, is it what you want to do?"  And every answer to those questions was similar: "I'm not sure."  But now, for the first time in all the 25 years that he has known me, Papa heard me speak with my heart pouring out with excitement, about my YTT.  I could tell by the look on his face that he was thinking "Ah ha, I told you so.  I knew you would find something that made you smile this way."

Papa has always been someone who consistently made it a point to tell me that I am going to accomplish great things.  Now great things didn't necessarily mean making lots of money and becoming famous.  Great things meant doing something that will make me happy, and that I will love with all my heart.  After my grandmother (my Mama to my Papa) passed away almost 6 years ago (miss you, Mama), Papa was passed down a very important torch: the writing of our birthday cards.  I have kept every card I have ever received since my 18th birthday.  As much as I love them all, Papa's cards still remain my most cherished and favorites.  Any time I am feeling down, I go through his cards and read through his words.  He calls me a star, writing that I shine more and more each day.  He writes that Mama is definitely proud, watching over me and witnessing the woman I am becoming.  He writes that I never cease to amaze him, with everything I do.  He writes that I am oozing with the zest of life, and that it is a gift I should never take for granted.  He writes that when I feel the soft, subtle wind blowing through my hair on my birthday, if I listen closely, it's actually Mama whispering Happy Birthday.  Papa is a man of such resounding stature- the type of man that you really listen to when he speaks.  His voice is so deep, it feels like you're listening to an old wise man who has seen it all.  I wish he could cut a record so I could listen to him speak over and over again, sharing stories from the past.  And when he writes in those birthday cards, those inked spots just flow right through your head, all the way down to your heart.  He is such a wonderful man, and I feel so blessed to have him in my life, and now so closeby.  He may move slower, but his heart is as strong as ever.  Sometimes in Yoga class we chant a Guru Mantra.  My FabTeach asks us to envision someone in our lives who has, in one way or another, inspired us.  On one occasion, Papa took the cake.

So with all this being said, I am so happy to finally be able to visit Papa more often.  I look forward to sharing my YTT experiences with him- and I know he will ask me every time I see him, with eager anticipation, how I am enjoying my new passionate experience.  I also look forward to hearing how he is doing, to having him ask me how Vinny is doing, to get my hands on some of those tasty vegetables he grows in his garden (again, busy body!) and simply just sitting there, in his presence, and sharing with him.

Lady Lotus

Papa and Mama.  Love love love.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Enlighten Me With E-mails

I have officially set up an e-mail account for my precious little bloga.  If any of you have thoughts, comments, questions, ideas and stories that you would like to share with me, I would just love to hear about it.  Please feel free to contact me about anything and everything yoga!

You can also find this e-mail address under Contact Me at the right hand side of this page.

Lady Lotus

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Yoga Book Worm

There is something very exciting about purchasing a new book, or borrowing one from a friend.  Holding a bound clump of paper in my hands sends quite the hullabaloo of a feeling through me.  I mentioned it in a previous post but I was not always such an avid reader.  As a child my parents practically had to force me to get through a book.  Now, it's as though I can't get enough.  I have the habit of buying new books when I am not even half way through the current one I am enjoying, just so I don't have to have a day without one.  Now I don't read every single day, but just knowing that a new story is waiting for me is incredibly nourishing.  Yesterday I took a gander at Amazon- the power of my purse has met its match!  My Yoga Teacher Training starts in just over a month (yippe!) and I have already started compiling a small collection of required and suggested readings for the training.  I am happy to report that I was able to find 3 books that are far more affordable when ordered on-line than going into the store. 

The first is a required reading entitled The Anatomy of Movement by Blandine C. Germain.  I can't quite describe intensely enough how enthusiastic I am to dive into those pages.  The human body is such a marvel.  To gain an understanding on each twist, turn and bend of every limb and joint is something my mind is just screaming to eat up.  I may very well never look at a human body the same way- I intend on being flabbergasted!  I remember going to a physiotherapist a few years back for a sore neck.  She asked me to lie down on my back so she could feel around my neck.  My hands were resting on my belly, with my fingers intertwined into each other.  She told me to leave my hands flat because the tangling of my fingers may affect what she feels in my neck.  What!?  I was instantly amazed.

The second is a book that was not required, but suggested.  My FabTeach actually proposed this book to me before I even realized it was on the list.  It's entitled Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior by Chogyam Trungpa.  I have tried dabbling in mediation a little bit, but to be quite honest, I don't really know how to meditate.  Now is there really a way to lean how to meditate, or does it just appear from your heart and your breathing once you are in a state of calm?  There is the Shambhala Meditation Centre across the street from my original studio.  My FabTeach, again, suggested this place to me.  I went to visit during an open house a few months back and really felt comfortable there.  Everything was so pretty and so peaceful.  The people were friendly (everyone there is a volunteer), the rooms were welcoming, and the story behind it all was wonderful.  Once a month they organize Introduction Classes (free of charge, a simple donation is asked) to give interested individuals insight on how to begin their mediation process.  That way, you can meditate at home, at the Centre, or pretty much anywhere you can, and really know how to dive down into yourself to get the most out of the experience.  Unfortunately for myself, I have been unable to attend these classes.  My work schedule was always a factor.  I was offered a private class, but it seems that the schedules would again coincide with each other, and it became difficult to find a time to go.  Thankfully this little pocket book will help me get my feet (or should I say mind, body and soul) onto that path of meditation.

Finally, the 3rd book I splurged on (although it was not a splurge at all- very cheap actually!) is Yoga Body Buddha Mind by Cyndi Lee.  Wouldn't you know, another suggested reading that FabTeach mentioned I should pick up before I noticed it on the list.  Since I cannot go to my original studio as often as I'd like as a result of work and the big move to the Burbs, FabTeach offered a book I should read to help me with my home practice (by the way, the yoga room is slowly coming together- almost ready to paint!)  The book seems great.  There are different sequences you can try, depending what it is you are looking for and feeling on that particular day.  I am slowly learning which positions flow appropriately with others (another thing I am just so giddy about expanding with the YTT) so this book will support me in deepening this understanding.  I will now officially get the most of an at-home experience.

There are other books associated with the training that I am very excited to get my hands on.  It seems like this book worm will definitely have a sufficient amount of reading to get lost in- and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Lady Lotus