Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dante vs Yoga : The Official Showdown

Oh my goodness- life is testing me yet again!  For those of you who have followed my blog quite closely, or for those of you who know me all too well, you know that I am a huge fan of General Hospital.  Yes, it's true, I am completely and utterly hooked on that 3:00pm soap opera that ties together love, hate, revenge, the mob, doctors, nurses, patients, weddings, divorces, and all those other tasty, guilty pleasures that far too many women (and even some men) drool all over.  Let me paint a clearer picture for you: I have been watching GH for about 20 years.  I kid you not.  When I would stay at home with my mom after pre-school, I would sit with her in the den and watch GH at the age of 5.  I didn't always pay close attention, nor did I understand what was happening, but I loved the poofy curly locks of one of the characters, Luke.  From that point on, I kept watching as I grew, and followed the storylines more closely as I entered teenagehood.  Here I am now, at 25 years old, still remaining loyal to my favourite daytime families and friends.  Now my love for this show has grown significantly in the last year, as the stories have become more seductive, intense, suspenseful and hilarious.

The GH love of my life is Dante.  Okay, the actor's name is Dominic Zamprogna (proud Canadian, woot woot!), but to me he is just Dante.  I know I'm sounding like a bag of nuts but I am crazy for this guy.  Coco bananas, really.  Awkward, I know, but I can't deny it.  So you can only imagine my sheer and utter thrill when I discovered that he is coming to Toronto to host a fundraising event for The Ontario Children's Wish Foundation (Not only is he yummy and talented but he has a big heart!  Awww.)  I nearly jumped out of my chair and started mapping my roap trip to Toronto in my head.  I feel like at this point I need to clear something up- I have never felt this awe-struck by a performer before (not since I've been a teenager at least) but I can proudly admit that yes, I am a hopeless Dante groupie.  Okay, now that I got that out of the way...he is coming to Toronto, and I want to go see him!

Fast forward to a few minuets after hearing this exciting news...I check the date of the event.  It's a weekend- fabulous, I'm not working.  But what is this reserved block on my calendar?  On September 11th, the day of the fundraiser, I will be starting my very first Yoga Teacher Training Class.  For a moment, my heart sank to the ground.  Noooo, my chance to meet Dante (and undeniably have him fall in love with me but have to tell him my heart happily belongs to Vinny but I am flattered nonetheless...ahem...) is but a mere dream because I start school.  But you know what?  Once this dissapointment had a chance to wiggle around in my brain a bit more, I immediately started thinking more of my YTT, and how excited I am to start it!  Yes, if I was slightly less devoted I could skip class that day and be back in time for the Sunday class, but there is no question that I could ever let anything get in the way of my very first Saturday YTT.  Dante or no Dante, my heart and fidelity holds a tighter spot for my passion of reaching my ultimate Yogic goal.  The chance I have been given to dedicate myself more to Yoga is an oppurtunity that I am incredibly fortunate to venture in.  Dante, well, he will come back to Canada sometime.  And I will be there, with a heart full of Yoga bliss.  By then I'll likely be certified, so you know what that means-a private Yoga class with Dante, free of charge.  Yeah, it will be worth the wait.

Lady Lotus

Hey dreamboat- your first class is on me.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Downward Facing Blog Gets All Dolled Up...Again!

I've done it again!  I gave my precious Bloga a much deserved make-over.  I hope you like it.  It isn't too flashy-showy is it?  I have stayed with the same color schemes- serene blues.  And you know why?  Drum roll please *drrrrr drrrrr drrrrrrrrrr* Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the color of my new yoga room.  No no, it isn't painted or set-up just yet, but I have chosen a similar blueish tone to dawn the walls of my mini sanctuary.  It's not exactly the same color, but it leaves you open to imagination.  Why did I lean towards blue more than green, yellow and purple?  Well, my super AuntMimi wrote me a short message, explaining what her Feng Shui book said about color schemes.

Blue: a calming and peaceful color, often linked to spirituality, contemplation, patience and mystery.  An ideal color for meditation.
Green: a color often linked to fertility and calm.  Very relaxing.
Purple: a color that encourages vitality.  Linked to faith and religion.
Yellow: a color linked to clarity and intelligence.  It stimulates the brain and digestion.  To avoid for meditation.

So naturally, blue seemed like the perfect fit for my walls.  And just a little hint of green to add an extra dose of calm (please keep in mind that depending on your computer screen the page may look greener or darker than it actually is...)  I do hope you enjoy the make-over.  I'll try not to make an annoying habit out of it.  But right now, at this present moment (Ah ha!  See, I'm practicing being more present, just like I promised in my last post) I am loving this style.

Lady Lotus

Monday, July 26, 2010

Time After Time

I didn't wear my watch today.  I didn't forget to put it on- I deliberately left it on my nightstand this morning.  I have a confession to make- I am a compulsive time checker.  I never take off my watch, except when I'm sleeping, in the shower, or going for a swim.  I even keep it on when I'm out in the sun so that I can prove to people that my pasty white skin does, in fact, get some color.  Sometimes I feel like I give my left arm a workout everyday by compulsively and endlessly looking at the time.  But this morning I asked myself "What's the hurry?  Why do you always need to know what time it is?" 

Of all the wonderful things Yoga has brought to me, feeling more present is near the top of my list.  I am slowly starting to learn how to live in the present.  I no longer want to constantly contemplate on the past- a habit I do much too often, like a redundant broken record.  I no longer want to look too far ahead, guessing and creating a vision that I cannot control- and quite frankly why should I try to control so much?  I am practicing living in the moment.  My goal is to introduce that feeling of stillness and moment to moment existence which I receive when in meditation and asanas into my everyday life.  So what is the first test?  Not wearing my time constraint on my wrist.  I admit, I keep checking to see what time it is- and I really have no clue why.  I put a bracelet on in lieu of my time trap to feel slightly less naked, but thus far it is just teasing me into looking.  But you know what?  I already feel less trapped and present.  It is as though a weight has been lifted off my shoudlers (or should I say wrist?) and I am slowly being able to appreciate my day, minute by minute, hour by hour- without counting them! 

I hope you are all able to have a timeless experience today.

Lady Lotus

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Polishing My Pranayama

Last Friday I went to my regular studio and practiced with my FabTeach.  Having been so busy I had unfortunately not found the time to go to the studio as often as my body and mind would have needed.  As a result, this class was a real treat.  I am always so amazed that no matter how long I may regrettably out of no control of my own stray from the studio, the strength I bring into my asanas never slackens.  I sometimes find myself wondering how my Plank Pose might look, or whether my Headstand will be straight.  I at times go weeks without being able to practice as regularly as I'd like to, but once I get right back into it, the vitality inside of me never lets me down.  I suppose it's kind of like riding a bike- they say you never forget.  Going back into various asanas, my body is my bicycle and is able to ride me into every pose without feeling out of shape.  I used to play volleyball and after having stopped for a while, my volleys and bumps are not as graceful as they used to be.  I am so thankful that yoga has proved to officially mold me and has, yet again, never let me down.

What really tickles me, however, is my breathing.  Everyone can breathe, but not everyone really knows how to breathe.  Since I have been practicing yoga I have completely changed the way I breathe, both on and off the mat.  My lungs thank me everyday for the calm, full breaths I give them.  So after Friday's class it became apparent to me that it is not the asanas I should be worried about being rickety- it's my breath.  As I sat in Easy Pose at the beginning of class, my respiration was all over the place.  It was quick and choppy, and as a result made it difficult for me to focus on the inside.  It was as though I had forgotten how to really breathe- has this ever happened to any of you?  The mind and the breath are so incredibly connected that without one being unruffled the other will follow closely in the same pattern.  Even when in some of the poses I found myself holding my breath.  I was endlessly reminding myself to breathe through each pose, in order to have my entire being build from it.  Finally, I centered my thoughts around my breath, and moved into Ujjayi Pranayama (Ocean Sounding Breath).  Feeling the contraction in my throat and listening to the sounds of waves I was able to create aided me in regaining my composure.  From that point on, once class was done and I lied in Supported Child's Pose, I had finally felt as though a window inside of me was wide open, letting the soothing air seep in.

The pranayama is so essential to engaging in a strong and positive yoga experience.  Though I may not be able to practice yoga asanas everyday, I am taking it upon myself to never forget how to breathe again.  Wherever I am, and in whichever situation I may be put in, I know that I can always count on my breath to carry me through anything.  I hope you all learn to do the same.

Lady Lotus

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

New Studio Take 2!

As it turns out I did not in fact go check out the new yoga studio next to my house as I said I would a couple posts ago.  No no, I wasn't lazing around in bed or on my super couch- that would be inexcusable, right?  Instead, I drove right by the studio and made a left turn a few streets visit my friend who just had a baby!  She is only a week old and one of the most adorable little cuties I have ever seen.  And you know what?  The feeling I got after leaving and having held her in my arms was equivalent to a whole afternoon's worth of asanas and pranayama.  I could not wipe the smile off my face, and no one could have even smacked it off if they tried.  Something about holding a just barely 8-pound bundle of pure joy uplifts even the most tired and drained of spirits.  So while I did not cleanse myself with yoga, my mind and my body were cleansed in a different fashion.

Next step for my friend- mommy and baby yoga!  Oh, and I do still intend on visiting the studio near my house- to be continued!

Lady Lotus

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Atti Prayaa Rati

Alright, so I may be a little late in picking up the book, but I have finally started reading Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.  Prehaps I was exhausted by people telling me "What??  You haven't read it yet!?" with a similar tone of voice as though they were saying "What?  You've never tasted chocolate before!?"  The fact that I hadn't once perused the pages of this book seemed beyond belief to so many.  They would all say "Oh you are going to love it, you have to read it.  It's right up your alley."  I played around with the idea of getting myself a copy, but never got around to it.  Truth be told, I have only recently become an avid bookworm.  But now the movie is coming out, and I want to go see it.  If there is one thing I try to do as little as possible it's going to see a film that is based on a book, before having read the book itself.  I love going to the theatre and sitting in front of that giant screen, already feeling a connection to the characters who I feel I have met before.  Chances are I will be seeing Eat Pray Love opening weekend.  Besides, I can't deprive myself too long of seeing James Franco on the big screen- he's so yummy.  But let me get back on track here- as much as I would love to write about how much I love James Franco (he is also guest starring on GH lately- double whammy!) my pionnering inspiration for this post goes beyond him and how excited I am to see him in this adaptation.

So yes, I have started reading Eat Pray Love and though I'm only about 60 pages into it, I am loving it.  Her writing is so easy to get engulfed in.  I speak for myself but am confident enough to assume that others may agree, but in her words I see a little piece of myself present.  Maybe it's because I am slowly becoming more in touch with the little voice inside me everyday, but so far this book has inspired me to want to connect with myself even more- to devote myself bountifully to embracing life.  It's funny but since this book has become so popular and full of hype, I asked myself am I possibly just too easily giving in to the words on the pages and becoming enveloped in what may be just a load of mumbo jumbo turned into a Julia Roberts Hollywood flick?  Well, nope.  I think that whatever I take from this book, whether it be inspiration or no, I have found a closeness, and it feels great.  There is one passage in particular that I would like to share with you here.  She writes about how she met a guru who, in essence, is the underlying awakening responsible for her remarkable journey.  After handing her a drawing of a person with four legs, a tree growing from their head and a face on their heart, he told her-
"To find the balance you want, you must keep your feet grounded so firmly on the earth that it's like you have four legs, instead of two.  That way, you can stay in the world.  But you must stop looking at the world with your head.  You must look through your heart instead."
Reading this part only 15 pages into the book, I was hooked.  I pictured myself in Tree Pose, visualizing the roots coming from down by my feet, making their way to the top of my head, with a smile on my lips, resonating all the way down to my heart.  Yeap, this is going to be a good read.

Lady Lotus

Ok, just one more James Franco moment...ahhh.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Walls and Beams, Love and Dreams

I have always loved logging into my bloga and sharing my thoughts with you, but now I can enjoy it even more as I find myself nestled and typing on my brand new couch.  Vinny and I have finally found that perfect pile of cushiony bliss to find its way into our hearts, home and living room.  If there was an award for Best Couch, ours would be displayed in bright lights on that red carpet and win, hands down, no questions asked.  It's huge, it's comfortable, it's lovely, and it was extremely affordable!  I know, this isn't a blog about furniture, but I just wanted to help you all in creating a visual to have you understand how absolutely happy I am as I type this.  My level of comfort is as pleased as punch.

The house is treating us extremely well, and we are doing the same in return.  We have organized and re-organized.  We have bought new furniture and kept the old that has followed us through every move.  We have swept, dusted and mopped.  We have painted...okay, that's a lie.  My wonderful folks came in and painted the bedroom while we were both at work.  But the painting is not done, and Vinny and I shall attack the other walls once our colors have been picked.  I told you all I would show you pictures of my yoga room once it is complete, but the truth is I have not gotten to it just yet.  I am still in the midst of cleaning it out and as of now, the room is being used as a storage space for our remainding boxes.  I anticipate, however, to have it fully beautified and yogafied within the next two weeks.  The perfect yoga room takes a lot of time to make it just that- perfect.  But I have already started visualizing myself in various asanas, feeling the sun dip down through the window, embracing my face with its warmth.

If I have not yet make it abundantly clear- the new house = me very happy.  I was even pulling out weeds from our front garden this afternoon and was overcome with joy.  Even vaccuming has become fun.  Have I become a total suburban dork?  Perhaps.  But I am smiling all the way through!  Now, something else exciting and new to share with you all.  Having moved back to the burbs means that the yoga studio I practice at seems to be at the other end of the rainbow.  It is quite sad- I cannot practice there as much as I used to.  Only when I have a day off from work can I make it to bask in the glory and wonder of my fabulous teacher's teaching.  I went to see her the other day to announce that she may not see me as often, but the good news is that I have officially signed back on to do my Yoga Teacher Training with her come this September!  Knowing that I will at the very least be going back for one weekend a month is enough to ease me.  This is when something popped into my mind: do I find another studio?  Yes, I will have my own home practice (my fabulous teacher has even reccomended me some great books for doing yoga at home) but there is something so special about going to a studio, meeting students and teachers, and treating yourself to a new ambiance and atmosphere.  This is when my super duper MatanteMimi told me about a yoga studio she practices at located about 10 minutes away from my new home.  She had nothing but great things to say about it.  At first, a wicked feeling dawned upon me.  Going to another studio and practicing with another teacher made me feel guilty, as though I was cheating on my initial studio.  I have fallen so in love with the studio and my fabulous teacher that the thought of straying away to another left a bad taste in my mouth.  Though after careful thought I realized that this move has opened up so many different options for me.  I have been given the chance to explore my yoga training on an even deeper level.  I may learn different styles and techniques.  I may meet other wonderful teachers.  This does not mean that my utter love and devotion to my fabulous teacher anbd studio is being tested.  It is simply opening up the gates of discovery.  I can share everything else I learn with my fabulous teacher, and I know that she will be happy to know that I have continued exploring my love for yoga at another studio, and have not given up due to the fact that distance and travel is at play.  If I were still living on the Island I would, without a doubt, continue to practice at the studio very often but now, I must spread my little blonde wings and taste the waters of the studio next door.  I am just so thankful to be able to continue to practice regularly, and especially to still be able to do my Teacher Training with my fabulous teacher who I owe so much gratitude towards for helping me recognize such a wonderful art, tradition, therapy and gift.  So I guess when I really start thinking about it, it's a win win situation.  Yoga has taught me to open up my heart and my mind.  What better way to continue to do so by challenging my inner restraints and dipping my toes into something new.  My first class at this new studio will be on Monday.  You know you will be hearing all the details.  Lets hope that I love it!

Lady Lotus

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Return of Lady Lotus!

Oh please, before any of you start hating me, let me explain the reasons for my lack of posting.  Since my return from Heaven, errr, I mean Peru, I have been one busy little blonde!  Vinny and I slowly started moving into our new home in June and now, we are officially moved in.  The move took a lot of time, effort, lifting, packing, re-packing, taping, exacto knifing, but we made it.  As though the big demenagement wasn't time consuming enough, I was right smack in the middle of a huge event at work, and spent all my days stuffing envelopes, answering phone calls, organizing papers, counting inventory, doing presentations, uploading equipment, downloading equipment, getting caught in what appeared to be a hurricane while setting up materials outdoors- but the result, of course, was just fabulous.  Our event raised close to $7 million dollars to fight cancer- what an achievement!  And now, the event is over, and we have finally started settling into our cozy little nest more and more with each passing day.  Ladies and gentleman, Lady Lotus is now back in the blogging business!  Everyday for the last 3 weeks I have been telling myself to get to my laptop and start posting, but my utter exhaustion has left me to hopelessly abandon my precious bloga for the last few weeks.

So let's have a reunion!  So much has happened that I cannot wait to share with you all.  From the move to the yoga training to the Prana y Peru that I promised you (and I assure you I am a girl of her word).  Keep your eyes peeled for some serious blogging action!  I am officially on vacation for the next 5 days where I can forget about events and forget about boxes and concentrate on whatever I want- especially my darling little bloga.  I hope you have not forgotten about me, and that you will continue to read and hopefully remain inspired to give yoga a small place in your hearts.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's post.  There's going to be some exciting news about my new home and the yoga studio practically next door.

Lady Lotus