Monday, May 31, 2010

Position of the Week: Parighasana (Gate Pose)

Benefits: This asana stretches the sides of your torso, spine and hamstrings.  It opens up your shoulders, and also stimulates the abdominal organs and lungs.

There are three reasons I have chosen Gate Pose as this week's worthy asana.  The first is because last week during yoga class, my fabulous teacher had us dabble in variations of side bends.  In both seated and standing poses, we explored really opening up the right and left sides of our bodies.  The deepening of the stretches made my ribs feel as though they were expanding to twice their level.  It was such an awakening to tap into these left and right extremeties of my torso.  With every unwind I noticed my breath feeling more connected and my mind feeling more relaxed.  I really felt a type of elastic pressure in my sides, which made me recognize the malleability of my whole body's potential.  I felt springy- sort of like a Slinky!

The second reason I have chosen Gate Pose is because once I stepped outside this morning, the air smelt of camping.  Now, I thought to myself "Ok, you're obviously going through camping withdrawal and wish you were back already!"  But sadly, it wasn't just my beserk imagination playing tricks on me.  There have been 52 forest fires in Quebec this past week, due to the heat we have had and the lack of rain.  As a result, the smoke has been blown through Montreal, Ottawa and even parts of Vermont.  It saddens me to think of all the homes that have been evacuated, and all the animals that have lost their dwellings.  With this smoky air drifting above us, it makes it difficult for asthmatics (such as myself) to breathe comfortably.  So I find myself turning to Gate Pose for support in the stimulation of my lungs.  On a side note, I will dedicate my practice this week to all living creatures who have been affected by this unfortunate natural disaster.

Now, what is the third reason?  Well, that's simple: because the Monkey can do this one, too!
Lady Lotus

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Happy Campers

I promised you all some photos of my camping trip to Grand Isle, Vermont.  First, I would like to list five things I love about camping.

1. Spending time with wonderful friends without any distractions.
2. Being able to look up at the sky and actually seeing the stars.
3. Not showering, and not caring!
4. S'mores.
5. Campfires.

It was so lovely being surrounded by nature for the whole weekend.  I woke up bright and early and would fill my lungs with fresh air- often difficult when you live in the city.  The entire weekend was like one long yoga class, where my mind, body and breath all became one with themselves.

Lady Lotus

Better than a five-star hotel.

The view from our lot.

Walking by Lake Champlain.

The constant presence of green beauty.

Our lot- with Smoky's protection!

Going Green

Well, after a long two weeks of head-to-head deucing it out, my yoga room poll has officially nominated a winner.  It was a fight to the finish for Blue and Green, but I am happy to announce that our nature-inspired Green has made its way to the top of the charts.  But because I am such a good sport and want Blue to be recognized for its amazing efforts, I am thinking of choosing a color that so gracefully marries both my candidates.  Intrigued?  Well, you will have to wait for pictures, once the room is ready in July.  Mouhahaha, to be continued... :)

Lady Lotus

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hump Day Happies: Make Life's Tune An Instrument Of Hope And Love

Before I really begin, I would like to give you all a head's up that today's Hump Day Happy has unfortunately spawn from an unfortunate incident.  But through it, one thing to do is to try and smile to help those touched get through it.

Yesterday I stumbled upon a quote that instantly struck me: "Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music."

Isn't that nice?  It could not have found its way onto my screen at a better time.  Yesterday evening, I was told some saddening news.  Two people passed away.  They were young, slightly older than me.  Their candle burnt out way too early.  Now, one of them I did not know at all, and the other I knew very little.  He was a good friend of two of my own friends.  Yes, I had met him a few times in the past, but I can't say that we really knew each other.  But to know that my two friends have lost someone who was a big chapter in their own book they call their lives, makes my heart break a little for these two, because I do love them.

So of course, this little quote illuminated something inside of me that I continuously remind myself to practice: living your life to its fullest.  Don't be afraid of doing something because you're worried that people will poke fun at you.  Don't stop yourself from doing something because you are lacking the confidence to do so.  Don't stop yourself half-way through something because you don't think you're strong enough to finish.  On this Hump Day, remember how awe-inspiring it is to be here, and to be able to use this gift we call life as gratefully as we can.  And, above all, tell those you love exactly that: that you love them.

Lady Lotus

*To all those who have been affected by this sad loss, my heart sincerely goes out to you. 

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Pampering My Prana At The Studio

For the first time in a month, I went to the yoga studio for class.  I have been so incredibly swamped with work, that I have not been able to peel myself from my corporate duties to enjoy a class of yoga with my fabulous teacher.  Today, for the first time in a long time, I was able to free myself and enjoy an hour of pure bliss.

The walk to the yoga studio was like floating on clouds.  I was so excited to get there- I felt like I was a little girl again, making my way through a crowded toy store for the latest Barbie doll.  Of course I had to slow it down at one point because if you live where I live, you are much aware that it is hot out there today.  But who's complaining?  The sun is shining!  When I walked into the studio the familiar smell immediately twirled my senses into a whirwind of happiness.  I seriously wanted to jump into my teacher's arms and give her a huge hug- but I settled on an extremely warm and honest smile that drew upon my entire face.  The air conditioning was broken but you know what?  I didn't even care- let me sweat!  My teacher and I caught up to date on our lives, I found my stored mat, changed into my clothes, grabbed the necessary props, and lied down in the front of the room.  Finally, I was home.

The entire practice was un-like anything I had experienced in a while.  Sure, I do yoga at home on a regular basis, but there is something different about sharing this wonderful experience with others around you, and having my fabulous teacher there to aid and support when necessary.  Once it was all done, after the Shoudler Stands, Downward Dogs, Triangles, Warriors, Bridges, and all the other amazing bends, seats and twists, my body became a holding bag for pure ecstasy.  I really don't like being so caught up with work that I can't practice at the studio as much as I'd like, but the reward of finding the time to go in the end is absolutely heavenly.  You can bet your buns that I will be back tomorrow.

Lady Lotus

Monday, May 24, 2010

Position of the Week: Agnistambhasana (Fire Log)

Benefits: This pose is extremely helpful to strecth out your hips and groin.  It also simulates your abdominal organs.  If you're feeling stressed, sit in this pose for a few moments.

Vinny and I spent a wonderful day together.  He has recently started a new training program, and was showing me some of the exercises he does to open up his hip flexors.  Sometimes, nothing feels better than stretching out those hips that too often are left feeling forgotten about.  So as I was skimming through my brain's dictionary of asanas to find the perfect one for today, one thing was clear: I was in a hip-opener kind of feeling.   This is when today's POTW dawned on me: Fire Log Pose.  On top of falling into the hip opener category, I just came back from camping.  Camping - Fire's just too perfect.

Though it can be slightly challenging for some if your hips aren't very flexible, it is a seated pose that you can practice anywhere, at anytime, alowing your hips to slowly begin to ease into the asana more easily.  You become so concentrated on your breath, and will feel your torso rising.  When you come out of it, it's as though your body feels longer, and your hips are as limber as linguini!  Relax, have a seat, and let Fire Log ignite your own little fire within.

Lady Lotus

Friday, May 21, 2010

Hanging Out With Yoga Bear

This weekend I will be sleeping on the ground.  Ok, in a tent, with a blow-up mattress benath me.  The point is: I'm going camping!  Vinny and I are going to Grand Isles, Vermont with 4 wonderful friends- a good ol' couples retreat.  I haven't been camping in about two years, and am very excited about sleeping outside, taking long walks, smelling of bug spray, sitting by a fire, and eating s'mores.  Mother Nature is not exactly on our side when promising sun, but I won't let that get me down.  A little bit of clouds and a little sprinkle of rain won't tarnish my wildlife adventure.

I am closing the cell phone, leaving the laptop at home, and letting myself become at one with the outdoors.  Camping just fills my heart and soul with positive energy.  There is something about spending your days with friends, sitting on folding chairs and being surrounded by trees, birds, bugs (ok not a fan of bugs but I can handle it) and a whole lot of fresh air.  We are going to pig out on veggie dogs and burgers, roast some marshmallows, and eat a ton of s'mores- what?  I already mentioned s'mores?  That's right, I love them!  I might even find my own little spot early in the morning to sit in Easy Pose and fill my asthmatic lungs with untainted air that smells of pine.  I want to relax and listen to all the subtle sounds nature has to offer me.  It will be such a therapetuic weekend- I know I will come back with the similar feeling of having just completed an amazing yoga session (just slightly dirtier and smellier).  I will definitely post some pictures when I return.  In the meantime, enjoy your own personal yoga practice outdoors and let yourself feel revitalized.  Ahh I can already feel my heart's own personal campire lighting up.

If I meet a bear, let's hope it's Yogi.  Zingggg!

Lady Lotus

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hump Day Happies: Top of the Morning to Ya!

I don't work 9-5 very often.  Half of the time I am usually working from 12pm - 8pm.  It isn't the kind of shift that lets you take advantage of the day very much!  So I have introduced a new routine to my already redundant one: rather than sleep in, shower, get dressed and go to work, I am doing all of the above, minus the sleeping in part.  I have started getting into the habit of waking up with Vinny, around 7:30am.  Let me break down one of this week's mornings for you:

7:30am: Wake up and make smoothies for Vinny and I- orange juice, vanilla bean and pear yogurt, strawberries, grapes, pineapple, peaches, and one Magic Bullet to whip it all up.
8:00am: Say au revoir to Vinny as he leaves for work.  Pop in AM Yoga for Peak Performance video.
9:00am: Lie in Savasana for a few more moments.  Take in the echoe of a short yet wonderful morning yoga pratice.
9:15am: Prepare a tasty lunch for the day- lettucy salad with italian tomatoes, mushrooms, and homemade mustard seed dressing.
9:30am: Hop in the shower.  Dry body.  Dry hair.  Apply a quick coat of mascara.  Rummage through closet for appropriate outfit.
10:30am: Do a load of laundry.  Chase Roxanne around the appartment building hall, and back into our unit.
10:45am: Work on latest blog entry.  Re-read entry a few times.  Peruse through other local blogs for an interesting read.
11:15am: Hang laundry to dry.  Chase Roxanne around the hall again and lead her back into our unit.
11:30am: Grab lunch from fridge.  Kiss Roxanne on the nose.  Lock the door.  Step outside.  Make my way to work.

Ok, so it wasn't an extremely exciting or whirlwind of a morning, but that isn't the point.  What is great is that I have started finding the time in the morning to simply do that: take time.  I now feel like I can actually make the most of my morning.  And really, doing at least a half hour of yoga right after waking up is such a positive way to jump-start a busy day.  I feel way more energized, and less groggy in the middle of my work day.  Even doing laundry early in the day seems therapeutic- that way I don't have to worry about doing it later.  Waking up earlier has given me the oppurtunity to not have my day seem comprised of only working- it makes the day as an entirety much more enjoyable.  So I would implore you all to take advantage of a beautiful early morning, rather than staying snug in your bed (as comfortable as it may be).  You can do yoga, write, read, watch a show you usually wouldn't because you'd be sleeping, make a tasty breakfast, slowly sip a coffee or tea, anything, as long as it makes you smile knowing that you are taking advantage of your morning.  My plan for tomorrow morning: go for a nice long walk before work- help my mind be clearer and happier.  Happy Hump Day!

Lady Lotus

Monday, May 17, 2010

Position of the Week: Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)

Benefits: This asana will calm your brain, relieve stress and mild depression, reduce fatigue and anxiety, and is great if you have a headache or insomnia.  It will stretch your hamstrings, calves and hips, and will also strengthen your thighs and knees.  It stimulates your liver and kidneys, and will improve your digestion.  It is great to practice if you have asthma, are going through menopause, have high blood pressure, infertility, osteoporosis, sinusitis, and if you have menstrual cramps.

Wow...what a versatile asana!  I love that it is very simple to go into, and has so many underlying advantages.  You don't have to be able to bend all the way into it in order to feel its therapeutic effects resonate through your body, mind and soul.  You simply go into it as comfortably as you can, and just let the wonders of the pose encompass you.  According to this picture, even a monkey can do it!

Since being pinpointed as a stress-ball by my doctor, I have really started incorporating poses into my yoga routine that have a particularly positive effect on stress.  Uttanasana has been such a wonderful asana to my mind and I, that sometimes I just hang out in it in my living room, completely randomly.  Today it has been extra helpful because not only does it easy my busy brain, but it is also great for those unfortunate monthly cramps, which have been scraping away at me all day.  There are various ways to perform this pose, and my personal favourite is by holding my elbows and just letting my head, neck and arms float in the air.  The binded elbows kind of create a swaying feeling, and sometimes I swear I could fall sleep like that.  I have actually done a variation of this pose while strapped up against a wall, allowing my entire upper body to hang in felt wonderful.

So, next time you feel like you need some form of therapy for any of the above benefits, let yourself bend in half and have this asana carry you away.

Lady Lotus

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hump Day Happies: The Revitalizing Refrigerator

I took a good look at my fridge today and realized something: it makes me happy.  Yes, because it is filled with mouth-watering and tantalizing components of every food group (except meat but we supplement that), but also because of its outside shell.  It is adorned with a collection of things that are a big help in lifting my spirits if ever I am feeling down in the dumps.  It is an old, grisly fridge bought second hand, but by golly it sure has served us well.  Ladies and gentlemen, introducing to you my fridge.

The hand-drawn picture is of my kitty, Roxanne, done by my beautiful niece
Miranda Panda.  She is going to be a talented artist, just like her mom.

Miranda's school picture taken a couple of years ago where she very politely told the photographer "I don't feel like smiling."  Well, she may not have wanted to then, but she is all smiles now, and this picture sure does crack a smile on my face.

There is also a picture of Miranda and her brother, my sweet nephew Callum.  They absolutely love swimming, and if Vinny is in the pool with them, they will climb all over him.

A small collection of fortunes from cookies Vinny and I got at one of our favourite Chinese restaurants. There were way more, but Roxanne loves to play with those tiny magnets, and as a result we have lost many of them under the fridge.

The autograph is Guy Carbonneau's, the Habs' former coach.  I met him at a film premiere a few years ago and couldn't help myself- I wanted to brag to my daddy!  Kind of funny to have a Toronto magnet there, but hey, I was all outta magnets.

This little sleeping cutie pie is my youngest nephew, William.  This picture was sent to us after he was born.

The adorable kitty you see is not Roxanne, but one of my oldest and dearest friends, Dixie.  She passed away last September, and it was very difficult as she was my best friend for 14 years.  Every day I kiss my finger and touch the tip of her face on the picture, saying "Good morning, Dixie!" or "Goodnight, Dixie!"

I used to love SpongeBob when I was young.  Okay, when I was like 19 years old.  My wonderful friend Miss Laura bought me this magnet when she went away on vacation- naturally, it reminded her of me.

My cousin, Isa, all dolled up for her high school graduation.  Can you believe that she, along with her mom, made this dress themselves?  She's currently studying fashion design, and I have no doubt that some day soon I'll be wearing an Isa original.

I've always been a John Lennon fan.  These postcards are tiny reminders that the best way to achieve love and kindness is through peace (said the Dalai Lama).

I love cats, and I love yoga.  My friend Ari got me this card, and it has been on my fridge door ever since.  Look at his angry face- it just cracks me up.

Courtesy of our Vinny and I's friend, Jay.  I promised him I'd keep it.

Having all these things on my fridge act as constant reminders to be happy.  It is such a practical way to display these things without having them take up too much room in your house.  Vinny and I are giving our fridge to one of his friends before we move into the house- I hope he uses it as his own canvas.  So on this Hump Day, put something that makes you smile on your fridge, if you haven't already done so.  You will pass by it everyday and be reminded that life is full of simple little pleasures.

Lady Lotus

Monday, May 10, 2010

Position of the Week: Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

Benefits: This pose will strengthen your trunk and lower body.  It will stretch our your shoulders, as well as open up your chest.  It is great for improving your balance and increase your stamina.

When I was a teenager, I was a volleyball player.  Yes, before discovering yoga I dabbled in team sports, and I loved it.  I played all through high school and it still remains one of my fondest memories growing up.  We had such a wonderful coach, Mrs. H- she would work us to the bone.  We did so many drills and practices, and though we may have complained at times, in the end it molded us into better players, and brought us closer together as a team.  Now, you may be wondering why I'm going down memory lane like this, and what does it have to do with Chair Pose?  Well, one of the exercises she made us do will forever be etched in my mind.  We thought it was cruel and unusual punishment at the time, but hey, we were teenagers, what did we know?  We would stand up with our backs against the wall, and be told to bend down as though we were sitting on a chair.  Of course, there was no chair beneath us for support.  Right away we could feel the burn rushing through our legs and buttocks.  Then, the feeling worsened when we were handed our prop: a medecine ball.  For those of you who are unfamiliar with medecine balls, they are approximately 14 inches and seem to weigh a ton (to the arms of young girls, anyways).  We then had to hold the medecine ball with our arms stretched out straight in front of us.  I remember so hard trying to breathe through what I considered to be excrutiating pain, as the sweat literally poured down my face.  Some of the girls would complain about their make-up running, and I would think to myself  "Who wears make-up at a 7:00am volleyball practice?"  Anyways, when we were told to release, it was as though our entire body was going to float up to the ceiling.  We couldn't feel a thing!

When I was first instructed to go into Chair Pose by my fabulous teacher, this memory that had been packaged in the back of my mind immediately surfaced.  I could see Mrs. H and medecine balls flashing through my eyes.  But this time, there's not even a wall.  We just have to pretend that we're sitting on an invisible chair, all the while trying to keep our knees slightly back so we can still see our toes, and not round our backs.  I literally felt fear drown upon me, with my repressed memories not making the situation any better.  But to my surprise, I absolutely loved the pose, and it wasn't half as difficult as our volleyball torture...uhhh I mean training.  The feeling of bodily lightness is still accompanied with your body once you release.  When you straighten your legs after having them bent for a certain amount of time, it is as though you are detached from your legs, but still feeling completely attached to yourself at the same time.  The mere fact that this is at all possible is just so rejuvenating.

So next time you're having a dinner party and are short a chair, just pull up your invisible one and have a seat.

Lady Lotus

Sunday, May 9, 2010

All The Colors Of The Rainbow

Ok everyone, I have started thinking of what I can do to make my soon-to-be new yoga room as fabulous as ever.  I have started looking at art, plants, curtains, the whole works.  But one thing is still leaving me undecided: PAINT!  I have created a poll at the right side hand of this page with four different color options.  I am hesitating between soft shades of blue, green, yellow and purple.  I used to practice in a studio with yellow walls and thought it was wonderful.  However, I'm not so sure how I would feel about having a yellow room in the house- it isn't my favourite every day color.  So for me, yellow is kind of my last choice.  I am liking the idea of going with a light shade of blu-ish/aqua-ish/minty-ish paint.  My old bedroom had a similar color and I found it very calming...but I would love to know what you all think- share your suggestions! 

Lady Lotus

Friday, May 7, 2010

So Happy I Could Burst

It's official: my Yoga Teacher Training is scheduled to start in September!  Ten weekends and two-hundred hours overflowing with Downward Dogs, Planks, Warriors, Bridges, Eagles, Headstands...and that's just a selection of asanas!  My mind will blossom with lessons on history, philosophy, sanskrit terms and anatomy.  I will meet new people who, like me, are excited about devoting more of their life to the wonderful practice and tradition of Yoga.  I cannot ask for a more wonderful experience.

I remember being so disheartened in February when I heard the YTT was postponed.  But through this dissapointment I learned to take myself and my practice more seriously.  Now, I feel even more prepared to tackle these two-hundred hours with a smile on my lips accompanied by strength in my body and mind.  I am ready and willing to devote all my being in doing the best I can to receive the most form this training.  I am so thrilled to have my fabulous teacher be my mentor, and guide me through the steps to embark on what I consider being one of the best decisions I have ever made.  I will be sharing my experience with you in much detail once september rolls be continued!

It's hard to wipe this silly grin off my face.  I love it.

Lady Lotus

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hump Day Happies: Don't Be Perfect, Be Yourself

So in light of the tiny misadventure I had this week as blogged about in yesterday's posting, I have come up with today's Hump Day Happy.  Everyone always says that nobody is perfect, and this is definitely true.  We all have our own little flaws, whatever they may be, but they are ours, and in essence, become a part of who we are.  I took the time today to really sit down and contemplate what I heard from the Doc yesterday: slow it down.  I was never usually a stressed person, nor do I want to become one.  So perhaps this diagnosis can act as a friendly reminder and knudge that I am not perfect, though I am already well aware of this.  Maybe I'm finding fault in my imperfections, and these are in trial causing unecessary stressors in my life.  I'd like to be quicker, more timely, more organized...but if I can't have 100% of all these things, it doesn't give me liable reason to stress about it.  I know that as long as I put as much effort as I safely can into a given project, that I will be happy.  Salvador Dali once said "Have no fear of perfection; you'll never reach it."  You know, this can even go with your yoga practice.  I have mentioned previously that yoga also means practicing non-judgement- to those around you, but most importantly to yourself.  So what if you had an off day in class?  So what if you can't go deeper into a pose?  So what if the person next to you is more flexible?  No one is perfect, but your efforts can be.

So on this Hump Day, lets not have life's little imperfections take us over.  Be happy with who you are and what you can achieve.  Let's smile as we remember that nobody is perfect- that's why pencils have erasers. 

Lady Lotus

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Yoga to the Rescue!

I spent 7 hours in the emergency room at a local hospital yesterday evening and night.  I had been having some chest pain for a few days, and yesterday morning I had what you could consider heart palpitations on steroids- it literally felt like my heart was going to pound through my chest and run away from me.  Both Vinny and my boss V told me the same thing: go to the clinic, that isn't normal.  So, being the good little listener that I am mixed with the paranoid little hypochondriac girl inside of me, I made my way to the clinic, only to be told by the doctor that she had no idea why my heart and chest would be reacting in such a way- so go to the emergency room.  Thankfully, Vinny was able to slip out of work early and bring me to the hospital- I don't think I would have felt comfortable driving there by myself, and absolutely did not want to be alone while waiting.  Dr. Vinny is the best kind of doctor!

It started with an ECG (Electrocardiogram) followed by a blood test.  Funny blonde blundering moment: I was terrified of the blood test.  I felt like a little child all over again, asking Vinny to hold my hand.  When the nurse came in I told her I was very nervous about the needle.  She smiled kindly, though I'm sure what was going through her head was something like "Ok, you're 25, suck it up, honey...".  Then, she lifts my sleeve only to reveal my 1/4 sleeve tattoo.  Her reaction?  "You're afraid of a blood test when you had a needle piercing through your skin for this big tattoo?"  Funny how sometimes you just need a little outside perspective to realize how silly you're being.  Once the blood test was done (and painfree!) we waited...again...and then, the moment of truth: we are called in for the results of the testing.  Tell it to me straight, Doctor!  Heart disease?  Angina?  Pericarditis?  Coronary artery disease?  Pneumonia?  Drum roll blood work was clear, my ECG showed no serious abnormalities.  The culprit for my chest pains and palpitations is that nasty little bugger we too often try to ignore and disregard, but once we do so too often, he nips us in the butt (or in my case my heart) and tells us to slow down- STRESS.  The symptoms I have been having are contractions in the muscles surrounding my heart.  The cure?  RELAX.  No pills, no liquids, no more testing...just regular old R&R.

Since I am an obedient young woman, I have taken the doctor's orders to heart.  I am at home, trying my best to relax.  First, I started off by cleaning.  I know, some of you might think I'm weird to choose cleaning as a form of relaxation, but I find it much easier to relax in a clean and tidy home.  Second, I caught up on my episodes of General Hospital- what better way to ease your mind than with a gripping storyline and a handsome hunk?  Third, and definitely most important- I did some yoga.  Now, I didn't actually go to class.  I bought a new yoga DVD this weekend, and tried it out for the first time today.  It is seperated into 5 classes: Yoga AM, Yoga PM, Yoga for Weight Loss, Yoga Peak Performance, and...Stress Relief Yoga.  Not hard to guess which one I decided to do.  As I started off the sequence in Mountain Pose, I could still feel my heart racing- it hadn't quite calmed down yet (maybe the hunky Dante from GH was too hard for my heart to handle after all?) But once I moved into the asanas, and paid close attention to my breathing, my heart began to slow down.  It began to find its natural rhythm, and the beating aligned with my breath.  Once again, it is yoga to the rescue!  So when you're feeling stressed, you don't need to worry too much about what you can do to feel better- that will only heighten the stressful worrisome feelings.  Simply roll out a mat, and let your mind, body and breath nurse you back to health.

Lady Lotus

Monday, May 3, 2010

Position of the Week: Utkata Konasana (Goddess Squat)

Benefits: This pose will energize and warm your body.  It will open up your chest and hips, as well as strengthen your lower body.  It will stimulate your respiratory and cardiovascular systems.  You will feel completely empowered- like you can take on the world!

You know that expression "I am woman- hear me roar!"?  Well, this is what I feel flowing through my body when I go into Goddess Squat.  Maybe it's the strength I feel rushing through my back as I squat in a solid position, or maybe it's the way my hips open up like a sturdy gate.  Regardless, this asana allows every ounce of womanhood within you to flourish on the inside and out.  We are constantly told to keep our legs together, our legs crossed, our ankles crossed...there must be something liberating behind the chance to spread our legs with no judgement involved, and feel empowered and strong.  Having your arms up in the air, palms facing forward, creates an image of mighty womanliness that I can't seem to shake off as reminding me of a variation of the dance to "Stop, in the Name of Love" by The Supremes.  It allows you to feel rooted into the ground, and rooted up towards the sky.  The Goddess Squat allows you to be firm like a brick wall, all the while remaining in touch with your vigorous feminity.  A perfect asana for any woman...or man- don't let the pose intimate you, boys, you can do it too!

Lady Lotus